As far as the eye can see, the entire southern sky has turned into ruins.

This sword is like severing a world.

The most terrifying thing is that it destroys a god emperor corpse.

Fundamentally, the destruction is complete and complete.


Emperor Kuxuan opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say anything.

"Haha, Dad is domineering and mighty!"

Zi Yan's excited voice broke the calm, a vertical leap, and flew to the ruthless man.


The word swirled in the minds of the emperors for a while, and then their expressions changed drastically.

"Could it be that the sword just now was made by Ling... Ling Zun?" Zizai Shengji asked with a stammer.

The emperors all looked at Yuxin. The news was so shocking that they couldn't believe it.

Yu Xin smiled slightly and said softly, "We, of course, have our secrets."

After speaking, she was like a catkin, flying up and down, and flew to the ruthless man.

The emperors looked at each other, and the water judge said: "How? Do you really believe that it was Zhang Tian's sword?"

The emperors were silent for a while, and Emperor Kuxuan said slowly: "The origin of the Three Gods Sect advocates that the sky has always been a mystery, whether it is in the Middle Ages or in the recent past, there is no trace of this person's existence. , it is not impossible, you should know how precious the treasure in Shengyuan world is."

After listening to this, everyone nodded secretly. There were already too many top players in this chess game.

And when the three ruthless sisters escaped from Zhen Yuanzi's pursuit, the emperors believed that there was a supreme existence behind them.

Even if Zhang Tian's real body is a quasi-immortal emperor, it is not surprising.

"Haha, since the birth of Master Zhang, he has been invincible and looked down on all living beings. It turned out to be the existence of the supreme level of mountains and seas. If this matter spreads out, I am afraid that all forces in the Shengyuan world will fall below the eyeballs." Zizai Shengji smiled brightly. said.

Emperor Kuxuan stroked his beard and said: "Yeah, if those surviving holy places in the Shengyuan world know that Zhang Tian, ​​who is dealing with them, is a supreme figure in the nine mountains and seas, I don't know how to feel. These three divine envoys are real immortals. The daughter of the emperor is very different from our situation."

Regardless of whether it was Sage Zizai or the Judge of Water and Fire, they were all alone for a while. Compared with them as chess pieces, these three divine envoys were indeed the flowers of Gao Ling that could not be desecrated.

Chapter 887 The three Zhang Tian are no match!

"Sister, have we passed this stage?"

Zi Yan got close to the ruthless man and said ruthlessly.

The ruthless man stroked the ice spirit necklace, nodded and said, "Thanks to my father for helping me in time, it's over. Originally, I planned to rely on the defense of the Beginning Bell to forcibly withstand a blow."

Zi Yan pouted and said: "Cut, Dad just likes to make a mystery, with such a powerful means, why should we act here, just kill the god emperor corpse directly."

Yu Xin flew over and said softly, "Third sister, you speak ill of your father again. See you next time, but be careful with your head."

"Don't be afraid, the eldest sister and the second sister don't complain, how does Dad know? And I'm not wrong." Zi Yan said proudly.

Yu Xin shook her head and said: "It's not as easy as you think, these great medieval sects seem to be scattered, even hostile to each other, but if there is someone who can threaten them, they will definitely join forces without hesitation. Together, even my father may not be able to live with it."

Ruthless said: "Second sister is right, this time it was the god emperor corpse puppet that devoured its master, so we can kill him smoothly. I'm afraid they have already aroused their vigilance. If you think about it again, it will not be so easy."

Zi Yan's big black eyes turned, suddenly showing a sly look, and waved her hand: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, it will be there after a few passes, I think these people will be stuck, and then I will not worry about finding it. opportunity."

Ruthless and Yuxin both knew what Zi Yan was talking about, and they looked at each other without saying a word.

However, it was said that Tang Sanzang was guarded by Emperor Kuling with an unparalleled defensive imperial soldier, and only passed out in a coma.

After being rescued, Tang Sanzang immediately admitted his superficiality, especially after learning that the Great Emperor Kuling died to protect him, he blamed himself and realized the avenue of Buddhism.

Everyone persuaded each other, and Tang Sanzang cheered up again.

After reciting the Sutra to the Great Emperor Kuling three times, everyone set off again and set foot on the road to the west.

This time, the emperors were more cautious and acted cautiously everywhere. Except for staying in Baoxiang Kingdom for a while, there were no dangers in other places.

After doing this for several months, another towering mountain stood in front of everyone.

I saw this mountain lofty and lofty, with sharpened peaks, deep ravines in the bay ring, and lonely cliffs.

Tang Sanzang and the emperors looked at each other, their scalps were numb, and the tiger demon General Yin who sat down was so frightened that his legs trembled.

The Great Emperor Kuxuan said slowly: "Envoy of the Star God, can you recognize this mountain range? Are there any powerful demons in it?"

All the emperors focused their attention on Zi Yan.

Zi Yan put her hands behind her back and pretended to walk back and forth. After a few times, she shook her head and sighed: "Oh, I was very young when I heard the story, and I can't remember most of it. Let's go up the mountain and talk, maybe What I saw, I remembered all of a sudden."

The emperors waited for a long time, but after waiting for such a speech, they suddenly felt the urge to vomit blood.

But they couldn't help Zi Yan, they could only bite the bullet and go up the mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, a woodcutter came towards him with a firewood on his back.

Tang Sanzang immediately pulled the reins and said in a trembling voice, "Could it be a monster?"

The emperors sneered for a while, and the water judge said coldly: "Don't worry, this is a mortal, and it's nothing to worry about."

While speaking, the woodcutter had already approached and asked, "Where did the elders come from?"

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