Tang Sanzang heard that it wasn't a monster, so he put his heart down and put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, we came from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and we are going to the west to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures." Let's do it www.xiashou8.com

The woodcutter said in surprise, "Could it be that the elder's surname is Tang?"

"Exactly, how did the donor know?" Tang Sanzang asked hurriedly.

The woodcutter said: "Oh, then you can't get through this mountain. There is a lotus flower cave on the top of the mountain, and there are very vicious monsters living in it. A few days ago, it was announced that he wanted to eat the Tang monk from Dongtu. I think you are the elder. what!"

"What? There are such scoundrels. He and I have never been masked, so why are you coming to eat me?" Tang Sanzang said in disbelief.

All the emperors rolled their eyes, thinking that you have suffered less crimes along the way, why haven't you been used to it yet.

But they are also very vigilant about what the woodcutter said, knowing that they have a great reputation for subduing demons and subduing demons along the way.

Under this circumstance, the other party dared to make rhetoric publicly, it can be seen that he has something to rely on, and he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Zi Yan said: "Brother woodcutter, do you know the name of this mountain?"

The woodcutter replied, "This mountain is called Pingding Mountain, and it is the highest mountain within a radius of [-] miles."

"Oh, it's actually this mountain, it's not good! It's not good!" Zi Yan yelled immediately.

"what happened?"

"Is there any monster in this mountain?"

The emperors hurriedly asked.

Zi Yan rolled her eyes and said solemnly: "I'll tell you the truth, the monsters on this mountain, even if my father sees them, I'm afraid they will have a headache."

"how can that be?"

All the emperors couldn't help frowning, but they still remembered the stunning sword on the White Tiger Ridge, which seemed to condense the power of heaven and earth, and even the corpse of the god emperor was instantly destroyed.

"Envoy of the Star God, are you kidding me? Ling Zun's strength can also be ranked among the quasi-immortal emperors. Could it be that some ancient immortal emperor is still here to be the king of the mountain?" Zizai Shengji said softly.

Although it was a question, the tone of voice was affirmative, obviously not believing Zi Yan's words.

The fire and water judge also looked at Zi Yan coldly, expressing contempt for this lie.

Zi Yan glanced at them sideways, and said old-fashioned: "What do you know? How old is this? I thought fighting and killing could solve everything!"

The Great Emperor Kuxuan, Zizai Shengji and others were all speechless. Which of them is not an old drug that has lived for tens of thousands of years, and it is ridiculous that they were taught a lesson by a little kid.

But thinking of Zi Yan's identity, they could only hold down their anger and hold back their anger: "Also ask the Star God Envoy for advice?"

Only then did Zi Yan show satisfaction, and said solemnly: "Now is the ancient times, not the wild era of ancient times and ancient times. All the powerful bloodlines continue to spread, and it is up to the owner to beat the dog. Come to my father. Said, dealing with the golden horn king and silver horn king on the mountain is naturally no problem, but provoke the existence behind them, hum, even if the three old fathers are added together, I am afraid they can't bear it!"

"What? Three Cult Master Zhang can't afford it?"

The emperors were really shocked.

What is the concept of three Zhang Tian, ​​which is equivalent to the alliance of three powerful quasi-immortal emperors.

Such a terrifying force, even a weaker restricted area of ​​life can be directly pushed across.

Can't bear it?

Chapter 888 The terrifying background of the King of the Golden Horn!

"Envoy of the Star God, are you sure you're not joking? This Pingdingshan monster has such a big background?"

Emperor Kuxuan said solemnly.

These old monsters, who have lived in the Middle Ages for tens of thousands of years, are somewhat knowledgeable.

Knowing that some ancient forces have existed from ancient times and ancient times to the present, the background is unfathomable, and the quasi-immortal emperors of the new generation can only choose to bow their heads in front of such behemoths.

Because among those ancient and ancient-level forces, it is impossible to imagine how many terrifying existences are hidden, and the various treasures that can be used are also unpredictable.

Zi Yan shook her head and said: "I know what you are thinking, there are not many forces in this world that can make my father jealous, and most of the few you are familiar with. The King of Golden Horn and Silver Horn on the Pingding Mountain The great king came from one of these mysterious places."

The emperors looked at each other, all showing shock.

Zizai Shengji pondered: "This is the place where Buddhism sharpens the state of mind. It is absolutely impossible to find two Buddhist evildoers to block the way. Since ancient times, Buddhism and Xuanmen have been opposed to each other. Are these two big monsters from Zixiao God? palace?"

Zixiao Shrine, the top five superpowers in the current nine mountains and seas.

Daozu Hongjun is the supreme supreme being that has existed since ancient times. It is rumored that he was once the master of mountains and seas, and has the strength of a true immortal emperor.

The three Qing Patriarchs under his seat are also the most peak powerhouses. They are all powerful and have the power to sweep the world. The ordinary quasi-immortal emperors dare not even provoke one of them.

This is only the strength on the bright side. The Zixiao Shrine has developed for nearly [-] million years, and no one can guess how many means it has.

Zi Yan glanced at the emperors, nodded and said: "You guessed it well, they are indeed from Zixiao Shrine, but the fire boy of Taishang Laojun, the patriarch of Taiqing Dao!"


The emperors couldn't help but take a deep breath. Although they guessed a bit, they were still shocked when they heard Zi Yan say it.

After being silent for a long time, Emperor Kuxuan said slowly: "In the Nine Realms, in terms of alchemy, except for the supreme Emperor Burying the Heaven, the Supreme Laojun of Zixiao Shrine dares to be the second, and no one dares to be the second. One. These two big demons can be his fire-burning boys, so it can be seen that they are very close."

The emperors nodded in agreement.

If the Spiritual Demonstration Method created by Emperor Burial is the foundation of cultivation in the Nine Realms, then Xuanmen is the most prosperous branch that has grown from this foundation, and many of its places have a profound impact on the Nine Realms cultivator.

The Sanqing Patriarchs of Zixiao Shrine are good at their own methods. Among them, Taishang Laojun specializes in the study of alchemy techniques. He is famous for his "Nine Turning Golden Elixir" and is known as the only elixir in the world that can improve the probability of proving the Tao of the Immortal Emperor.

Every rank nine golden pill flowed out, causing a sensation in the Nine Realms, triggering countless immortal kings and even quasi-immortal emperors madly robbing them.

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