Life is so hard.

But there is no way, even the ancestors are afraid to intervene, it is enough to see the horror of this sister's background, if you really offend, the ancestors may be able to sell him directly.


Duan Qingyun recited a sentence in his heart, walked out of the cave, and turned into a white-haired old woman, leaning on crutches, with a good appearance.

This was the idea given to him by the ruthless man, pretending to be a nine-tailed fox, waiting for an opportunity to steal the purple gold gourd.

Regarding the physical characteristics of the nine-tailed fox, it has been pre-existed in the communication flying sword.

After galloping all the way, Duan Qingyun arrived in front of Lotus Cave before long.

The little monster guarding the gate did not dare to neglect the old lady, and hurried in to report.

Not long after, the King of the Golden Horn and the King of the Silver Horn came out at the same time, and said strangely: "Why is the old mother free to come here?"

Duan Qingyun squinted his eyes and said, "I heard that Tang Sanzang, who wanted to study scriptures from the West, has been caught by you, but no one came to invite me to eat meat, so I came over to see it myself."

King Yinjiao smiled and said, "Mother must have heard the rumors. It's true that Tang Sanzang is here, but I only caught one of his subordinates when I swept the formation. Tang Sanzang hasn't caught it yet, but I really want to catch it. I will definitely invite the old mother to eat it together.”

"So that's the case." Duan Qingyun nodded with a pretense, and said slowly: "Since it's already here, I'll wait here. If you have that purple-gold gourd, Tang Sanzang won't be able to run." Bashan Love Novel Network www

"Haha, what my mother said is that as soon as this purple gold gourd comes out, no matter what his origins, he will take it all in. Just like when I swept the formation this morning, the other person recruited a [-]-foot blue willow, which is as powerful as a quasi-immortal. Emperor, wasn't the Zijin Gourd surrendered in the end?" King Yinjiao boasted proudly.

Duan Qingyun followed the two kings into the cave, and said with a surprised look: "The quasi-immortal emperor, that's a remarkable existence! This purple gold gourd can really hold it, isn't it because the other party has tricked it?"

The King of the Golden Horn smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother, what else can you do if you enter the purple gold gourd!"

Duan Qingyun said: "Oh, you are too careless, then Tang Sanzang and his party traveled here, how easy it is. Yinjiao, show me the Zijin gourd, if you really trapped that person."

King Yinjiao did not suspect him, so he took the Zijin gourd and handed it to Duan Qingyun.

Duan Qingyun pretended to look at it, nodded and said: "Yes, I did accept one person. It seems that it will turn into a pool of pus tomorrow morning."

After speaking, he returned the gourd to King Silver Horn.

During this coming and going, the flowers and trees have already been moved, and they will really be replaced.

This is also a skill that only he has. Duan's ancestral technique of abduction and abduction is passed down from male to female.

The next day, the emperors gathered again to discuss a plan.

The ruthless man said: "Now that Elder Kuxuan has been arrested, and the nine-tailed fox has been killed by mistake, we have forged a never-ending feud with King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn, and reconciliation is impossible, we can only attack by force. "

"If you attack by force, what will happen if you offend Taishang Laojun?" Judge Shui said coldly.

The emperors nodded, and after seeing the scene of the Taishang Laojun suppressing the Taikoo Liuxian yesterday, they did not dare to show any disrespect.

"Can you still take care of this now? Are your brains broken? As long as we get through this disaster, even the old gentleman can't make trouble." Zi Yan said unceremoniously.

The faces of all the emperors were flushed with anger, and they were despised by a little kid, but they couldn't say anything to refute.

Zizai Shengji said: "For today's plan, it seems that there is only one way. As long as we don't use our trump cards, I don't think Taishang Laojun will be too protective of his shortcomings."

"The purple gold gourd in the hands of King Silver Horn is too domineering. To confront him is to seek death. I won't do anything to kill you!" Judge Fire said coldly.

Yu Xin said softly: "In this case, we three sisters will deal with the King Silver Horn. After the King Silver Horn is brought out, you can deal with the King Gold Horn."


Speaking of which, the emperors couldn't refuse, they could only nod their heads in agreement, and immediately left to prepare.

The three ruthless sisters drove the escape light to the side of Pingding Mountain.

Duan Qingyun was already waiting there. When he saw the three sisters, he immediately greeted them and said flatteringly: "The three aunts, the youngest has been waiting here for a long time. This is the purple gold gourd of King Silver Horn."

After speaking, Duan Qingyun held it in both hands and respectfully sent the purple gold gourd to the three Ruthless Sisters.

He is a person who is extremely aware of current affairs. The background of these three sisters, even Duan De, who is known as the emperor of hell, is too big to be boundless.

If you don't have a good relationship now, when will you wait?

Chapter 893 The Grand Master and My Dad Are Brothers

"Very well, you did a good job."

The Ruthless Man took the Zijin Gourd and nodded in satisfaction.

Duan Qingyun hurriedly said: "Where, it is a small honor to be able to serve the three divine envoys. If there is nothing else, the small one will retire first."


Zi Yan volleyed into the sky, blocked in front of Duan Qingyun, raised her chin and said, "Don't rush to leave, there is still something for you to do here!"

"Is there anything else?" Duan Qingyun burst into tears and said pitifully: "Little aunt, please forgive me, I have been to the Lotus Cave twice, if the King of the Golden Horn and the others find me, I will die. already."

Yu Xin said: "Don't worry, this time, I'm not asking you to steal things, but I'm just asking you to go back and report a letter, saying that we captured the old fox here and asked the King of Silver Horn to negotiate."

"But this..." Duan Qingyun still tried to shirk.

Ruthless Man's face changed, and he said meaningfully: "Don't worry, there are many benefits in this Westward Journey Fantasy. As long as you work hard, we will never treat you badly."

Duan Qingyun moved in his heart, thinking of the background of the three ruthless sisters, he finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I will go back again!"

After speaking, Duan Qingyun shook his body, turned into a bull-headed demon, and quickly ran to the Lotus Cave.

The three ruthless sisters looked at each other and smiled.

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