Yuxin remembered something at this time, and said anxiously: "Big sister, open the gourd and let Elder Kuxuan out."

The ruthless man nodded and opened the mouth of the gourd.

Her original intention was only to weaken the supreme beings behind the various great sects.

I saw a flash of light at the mouth of the gourd, and Emperor Kuxuan lay on the ground, his breath was weak, and he was dying.

"Elder Kuxuan, are you alright?" Yuxin hurriedly stepped forward for treatment, and transported the spiritual energy of the four directions of vegetation to nourish Emperor Kuxuan's body.

"Thank you for the rescue of the Moon God Envoy, the old man is already weak." Emperor Kuxuan opened his eyes and said the first sentence, which shocked the three sisters.

Only then did they find out the truth.

It turned out that after Emperor Kuxuan was put into the gourd, it was Taikoo Liuxian who sheltered him with the last trace of true spirit, and nothing would happen in a short time.

But he feared that Liuxian's true spirit would be exhausted, so he took Liuxian's true spirit into his body and directly faced the corpse-turning water in the purple gold gourd.

"This old man rushed to the Thousand Buddha Temple this time. He was entrusted by Liushen, and he did not hesitate to entrust me with the few remaining true spirits of the ancient Liuxian, but I let him down. Only death is the only reward. This Liuxian's true spirit and My sword hilt, please send the three divine envoys back to the Heaven Mending Sect, and they will have their own rewards." Emperor Kuxuan said laboriously.

He handed out a mass of mini willow trees wrapped in emerald green aura and a grey sword hilt.

Ruthless was moved, nodded and accepted the two things, and said solemnly: "Elder Kuxuan, rest assured, if I can go out, I will definitely deliver the things."

"Thank you~~" Emperor Kuxuan said in relief, and then the soldier disbanded his body and merged the little remaining source into the gray sword hilt.

Yu Xin sighed softly: "I don't know how many people are going to die in this Shanhai chess game." Read the novel www.kankanxs.com

"Follow the way of being a human being, and become an immortal in the opposite direction. The road to the Immortal Emperor has always been paved with blood. Since you choose to move forward, you must have corresponding consciousness."

The ruthless man said slowly, and quickly recovered from the sad atmosphere.

She was an orphan when she was young, and she suffered from the indifference of the world. She didn't have so much compassion. Except for a few close relatives, everyone else was just a passer-by in her life.

However, he said that the Lotus Cave at this time was already in chaos. King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn searched everywhere, but could not find any trace of the old mother.

At this moment, Duan Qingyun rushed back and said in a panic: "Your Majesty, the second king, the big thing is bad, the old woman has captured the three evil girls!"

"What?" The King of the Golden Horn was furious and shouted, "You said, what happened to the old lady?"

Duan Qingyun knelt at the foot of the steps and talked a little bit more.

The King of the Golden Horn and the King of the Silver Horn were suddenly enraged by the seven orifices.

King Yinjiao said, "Tang Sanzang's subordinates are so arrogant. The old mother never offended them, but they detained their mother. What's the reason? I'll take them into the Zijin Gourd now and teach them how powerful they are!"

"Brother take care all the way, I will wait for your triumph in the cave." The King of the Golden Horn picked up the glass and drank it.

"Little demon, lead the way!"

The King of Silver Horn said arrogantly.

Duan Qingyun saw that he was carrying this fake gourd, and he looked majestic for a while, he couldn't help laughing secretly in his heart, bowed slightly, and led the way.

The two rode the demon wind and brought three hundred other demon schools, and they rushed to the previous hill in a short while.

I saw a pretty little girl standing there, less than a meter tall, with pink cheeks, looking like a delicate porcelain doll, only those eyes, black and agile, were they shining brightly, wondering if she was wondering. something.

King Silver Horn rushed forward and said sternly, "Little girl, hand over my mother quickly, and I'll let you go west!"

Zi Yan stood on the spot with her waist pinched, and said proudly: "If you want to save your mother, go through me first." At the same time, with a glance out of the corner of his eyes, the ruthless man has already sent a signal, and the water and fire judges will cooperate to attack the lotus hole. The Golden Horn King.

King Yinjiao didn't know the depth of Zi Yan, so he pondered: "I see that you are young, so I don't bully you. As long as I call you, do you dare to answer?"

Zi Yan smiled and said loudly: "If you call me a thousand times, I dare to answer! But if I call you, do you dare to answer?"

King Silver Horn was stunned, and said honestly, "I called you because I have a baby gourd that I can pretend to be. Why did you call me?"

Zi Yan took out the Zijin gourd from her pocket, turned it into two feet in size, and said, "It's a coincidence, I also have a gourd."

King Yinjiao was immediately stunned. He took out his gourd and saw that there was no difference. He said in shock, "Where did your gourd come from, and why is it exactly the same as mine?"

Zi Yan said loudly: "This gourd of mine has an extraordinary origin. It is the result of a fairy vine condensed in the yin and yang that was first divided into chaos."

King Yinjiao shouted: "Nonsense, the purple gold gourd on the fairy vine was clearly obtained by the eldest master, that is, the Taishang Laojun, how did it fall into your hands?"

Zi Yan said sternly: "You don't know anything about it. At that time, Taishang Laojun got a pair of gourds, and my dad happened to pass by. The two of them met each other and became brothers with different surnames. Taishang Laojun As a sign of sincerity, I gave one of the gourds to my father, which is in my hand."

Chapter 894 What do you want to do to Ben Emperor's daughter?

"What else is going on?"

King Yinjiao was really frightened by Zi Yan, but he was not an idiot after all, he quickly reacted and shouted: "Nonsense, I have served the first master for tens of thousands of years, except for the second and third masters, how do I know he still has Brothers with different surnames."

Zi Yan said: "Then how did you say my gourd came from?"

King Yinjiao was stunned again, thinking to himself: "Even if it is a gourd knotted on a vine, there are also different sizes and colors. How can they be the same? Is it really a pair?"

Zi Yan looked at his face and said with a smile: "Look, I'm right, this pair of purple gold gourds, one male and one male, the one in your hand is male, and mine is female."

King Silver Horn has already believed it, and said sternly: "Don't care about male or female, as long as you can pretend to be a person, you are a good baby. Let me ask you, what is your name?"

Zi Yan pinched her waist and said, "My name is Little Witch, call it yours."

King Silver Horn sneered: "Little witch!"

He is not afraid of Zi Yan giving him a fake name, this Zijin gourd is a supreme treasure, no matter what it is called, as long as you set a goal, you can accept it immediately.

"The little witch is here!" Zi Yan said with her head raised.

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