But even for such a character, when he was deceived by the Emperor Buried to enter the door, he was in a state of turmoil, and it was difficult for him to deal with himself.

This is the power of the first burial emperor of all ages!

Nine mountains and seas, hundreds of millions of years, I don’t know how many supreme beings have been born. They are famous in the world, fighting in the world, and immortalized for eternity;

But neither the former nor the latter dared to face the Heaven Burial Emperor with the slightest disrespect.

Because he is the real, irrefutable first person.

The more powerful the Supreme Being, the more he can feel the oppression brought by Emperor Burial.

At the moment when the Taishang Laojun was stunned, the Bajing Palace also burst apart under the trampling of the Heavenly Emperor's purple feet, and was involved in the rolling spiritual violence, showing a star vision that reversed Yin and Yang and moved the universe.

And in that illusory and disillusioned sky, a man in black stood proudly, with thousands of paths extending under his feet, as if stepping on the heavens and the world, transforming thousands of paths into one.

"Bury... Burial Emperor, why did you destroy my dojo?"

Taishang Laojun pressed his trembling heart and said coldly.

The clay figurine still has a three-point earthiness, let alone the Taiqing Patriarch worshipped by the disciples of the Nine Realms Yizhaoxuanmen. This move is tantamount to slapping him fiercely in front of the world.

Is it bearable, what is unbearable?

Zhang Tian glanced at him indifferently and said nothing.

The Emperor Zizu, who was enough to crush the entire world, trampled down again, directly turning the Taishang Laojun and the entire Zixiao Shrine into nothingness.

The mere wisp of myriad avatars, how could it be worth what he said.

"Haha, good kill! Boundless his grandmother is a goddess. I didn't expect you to have such a bull nose today. This is called wicked people grinding."

In an underground cave, Duan De was sitting on the ground in a very unimaginative manner, looking up at the sky, dancing with excitement, his slightly plump face was full of excitement, obviously he had suffered the loss of Zixiao Shrine in the past.

Duan Qingyun was waiting on the side, and when he saw this, he couldn't help but wonder: "Old Ancestor, you have seen something good, so happy."

Duan De retracted his gaze and was about to speak, when he suddenly remembered Taishang Laojun's ability, and waved his hand: "The secret cannot be leaked, the secret cannot be leaked, but today's good things should be revealed, no, the top ten!"

He really didn't dare to tell Duan Qingyun about this. Although this is a Buddhist illusion, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not be detected by Taishang Laojun.

Such a big man has a lofty status and is most taboo about such shameful things. If he knew that it was passed through Duan Dezhi's mouth, then the cause and effect would be settled.

Before, Duan De was terrified of Feng Zu behind the Undying Heavenly Phoenix. In comparison, Zixiao Shrine was several times more terrifying than Feng Zu, who would dare to offend him.Read novels together www.17kxs.cc

The cruelty of the cultivation world, even if he exists like this, if he is not careful, he is in danger of falling.

"The ancestors don't talk about it, just drink." Duan Qingyun bypassed the topic very cleverly and filled Duan De with another glass.

I don't know which immortal ancestor's tomb spirit enshrined this fine wine. It was extremely mellow and lingering in fairy tales. After five cups in a row, even Duan De was a little drunk.

"You kid is still wise, although I can't tell you about this, but you share happiness with my ancestor and me. Today, an old enemy of your ancestor and mine suffered a lot. Do you think this is the case? Happy event?" Duan De said vaguely.

"Happy events, happy events, being able to be the enemy of the ancestors, I must not be an ordinary person. This time I have been hit hard, and I can no longer trouble the ancestors." Duan Qingyun said in agreement, and gave Duan Deman another cup.

He was also greedy for this fine wine, but because of the rich immortal energy in it, he didn't dare to try it. He was afraid of exploding and dying, so he could only smell it desperately.

Duan De Hongguang said with a full face: "Heavy wounds? That's not a big deal. For him, this loss is just a hair injury, but the consequences are enough to make him unable to sleep peacefully for a thousand years. Ha ha……"

Duan Qingyun is even more curious, what kind of existence can make the enemies of the ancestors sleep uneasy for a thousand years, this deterrent force is too terrifying, could it be...

He remembered the previous incident of his ancestor's escape, and carefully tentatively asked: "Could it be that the leader of the Three Gods Sect, Zhang, took action?"

Duan De's expression condensed, and he glared at Duan Qingyun fiercely, and scolded: "You are the smart kid? Don't you know that disaster is coming out of your mouth! Today, these two, any one of them can deal with you, even if I can't rescue the ancestors, still Dare to lie?"

"The kid doesn't dare, the kid doesn't dare." Duan Qingyun quickly shrugged.

Duan De's face looked a little better now, but he was no longer interested in drinking. He pondered: "I'm leaving, you have to work hard with that Zhang family sister, and you will be the one who will benefit you."

"The kid understands, thank the ancestors for the guidance." Duan Qingyun nodded again and again.

"There are some things that can't be said now, but you'll know it later. The opportunities you have now are something that all the heroes in the nine great mountains and seas can't dream of. Whether they can soar into the sky depends on your good fortune. If you have the right opportunity, you will surpass it in the future. It's not impossible for me, my ancestor."

Duan Deyou warned him, and then he left.

He didn't exaggerate in the slightest. If the identities of the three ruthless sisters were exposed, with their dual identities as the daughter of the Emperor Buried and the Princess of the Ancient Heaven, not to mention the emperor's son Tianjiao of the Immortal Realm Divine Mountain, even the Immortal King and the Quasi Immortal Emperor. A lot of people are willing to be their forerunners.

Duan De left Journey to the West Fantasy Realm, not because of a real emergency, but because his heart was extremely hurt, and he had to watch the Taishang Laojun feel uneasy to be happy.

But he said that in the real Zixiao Shrine, in the depths of Yunmeng, in the Taiji Liangyi Hall, the Sanqing Patriarch was sitting and talking, and there were large areas of golden lotuses around it.

Suddenly, Taishang Laojun opened his eyes with a sad look on his face.

Yuqing Yuanshi and Shangqing Tongtian also opened their eyes and asked, "Why is my brother worried?"

Taishang Laojun said slowly: "My avatar of spiritual sense in the world has been destroyed."

A cold light flashed in Tianzun Yuanshi's eyes, and he said in a condensed voice: "A mere avatar is not worth mentioning, but I don't know who will take the face of my Zixiao Shrine?"

Tongtian sect master also looked at Taishang Laojun curiously, wondering who was so bold.

There are not many people who dare to openly provoke Zixiao Shrine in these nine mountains and seas today, at least he can't think of a few,

The worried look on Taishang Laojun's face increased by three points, his two white eyebrows trembled slightly, and he was silent for a long time before whispering: "I don't know."

Chapter 896 The Three Qing Patriarchs Are All Panic!

"I don't know."

The two words light and fluttering seem to have a thousand powers, making the Taiji Liangyi Hall as silent as ice, not even the sound of breathing.

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