The expressions of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master changed drastically in an instant.

Although Taishang Laojun did not track down the murderer, even the Taishang Laojun could block it, which itself has explained the problem.

Among the Nine Realms, there are very few people with such strength!

"Would you like to tell the teacher?" Yuanshi Tianzun, who had a cold face at first, also became cautious at this time.

Tongtian sect master pondered: "Teacher is in retreat, everything is not at heart. I think we should work together to deduce it and see if we can figure it out."

Taishang Laojun waved his hand and sighed softly: "That person just killed my mind and divided my soul, it's not a big deal, let's not act rashly. Just to be cautious, for this thousand years, the disciples are restricted from going out and retreating. Quietly recite "The Yellow Court"."

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian sect master both showed aggrieved expressions on their faces, but they also knew that Taishang Laojun put the overall situation first, so they could only worship: "I respectfully follow the order of my brother."

On the other side, in the fantasy world of Journey to the West.

Under the siege of the great emperors such as the judge of water and fire, the King of the Golden Horn finally could not resist and was defeated.

Because the soul of the Taishang Laojun in this illusion was destroyed, there was no situation where Laojun rescued the scene, and the King of the Golden Horn was directly divided by the emperors on the spot.

In this way, the Golden Horn King, the Silver Horn King, and the Nine-Tailed Fox and the three demons all perished, and Pingdingshan's catastrophe was over.

Zi Yan was still researching how to strip out the true spirit of the Zijin Gourd. Once the disaster of Pingdingshan was over, the Zijin Gourd immediately disappeared as aura.

She lost her temper in anger, her face sullen all the way, and even the judge did not dare to provoke it.

Everyone set off again, with a little more caution.

The shock of Emperor Kuxuan's death to the emperors was too great.

You must know that Emperor Kuxuan was second only to the leader of the three sects in Shengyuan Continent.

After going down Pingdingshan like this, and after walking for hundreds of miles, we encountered a Buddhist temple called Baolin Temple.

Tang Sanzang entered the temple under the escort of the three ruthless sisters and reported his name in line with the oath he made at the beginning of the temple.

The elders of the Buddhist temple were very respectful and invited everyone to live in the temple.

The emperors followed into Baolin Temple, and the water judge immediately frowned.

Zizai Shengji has a keen spiritual sense and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

The water judge looked coldly at the four directions with his eyes, and said in a low voice: "The yin here is extremely heavy, and there should be a lot of ghosts and monsters gathered together. Let's see if I set up a formation later, it will make it difficult for these yin to gather."

"There is a laboring judge." The emperors said in unison, and they all raised a little bit of vigilance.

I don't know if the formation set up by the water judge worked or not, but it was a peaceful night.

Early the next morning, the emperors persuaded Tang Sanzang to leave early.

Tang Sanzang had no choice but to agree to come down and ride on the road again on the body of General Tiger Yin.

The emperors only said that this catastrophe was resolved safely, but they did not expect that after waking up one night, they actually returned to Baolin Temple.Tianhe Novel Network

"Damn, I knew it wouldn't be so easy to survive the Buddha Kalpa!" Judge Water cursed in a low voice, his face very ugly.

The emperors looked at each other, not knowing how to unlock the Zen machine.

At this moment, the three ruthless sisters walked into the room.

Seeing the emperors sitting around, Zi Yan said angrily: "Are you doing things behind my back? How did we come back here again."

All the emperors looked at the water judge subconsciously.

The water judge said coldly, "What do you mean by doing things behind your back? I sensed that this Buddhist temple was very yin and qi, and set up an exorcism formation to protect Tang Sanzang. Do I still need to ask you for instructions?"

"Idiot!" Zi Yan said mercilessly.

"You..." The water judge showed blue veins on his forehead, and stood up at the same time as the fire judge and glared at Zi Yan.

"Okay, okay, the water judge is also kind, is there something wrong?" Zizai Shengji said in the middle.

The Great Emperor Kuxuan is dead, and this peacemaker can only be done by her.

Zi Yan said: "Of course it's wrong, because this ghost is a good ghost and can't be driven out!"

"Good ghost?"

All the emperors were stunned. The demons they saw along the way all wanted to eat Tang Seng's meat. How could there be a good person, why did a good ghost suddenly pop up.

The water judge obviously didn't believe it, and sneered: "Okay, then I will withdraw the magic circle. If there is an accident, you sisters will be responsible for it!"

When the emperors learned that there were ghosts coming at night, no one dared to rest, and they all gathered outside the Buddhist Temple of Baolin Temple to protect Tang Sanzang.

In the middle of the night, a gust of yin wind came in, and it was miserable, the stars were full of darkness, and the dust and sand were scattered all over the place.

The water and fire judges sensed at the same time, and when they were in front of the door, he said sharply: "Where is the ghost, showing his figure!"

They originally specialized in the way of Yin spirits, and when the law was moved, all the Yin winds were dispelled, revealing a person's figure.

The emperors stared at it, all stunned.

I saw this person with a national character face, middle-aged appearance, wearing a sky-high crown on his head, a jasper belt around his waist, wearing a flying dragon and phoenix ochre yellow robe, and holding a column of Douluo star white jade in his hand.

If he hadn't known that he was a ghost king, anyone would have thought that he was the lord of a country.

Zi Yan jumped out, blocked the fire and water judge behind her, and said loudly: "The mystery of this Baolin Temple is your fault. Since you want to force me to wait, what grievances can be said."

The ghost king was stunned for a moment, and then said hurriedly: "The big immortal really has magical powers, the youngest is the lord of the Wuji Kingdom who is forty miles to the west. Five years ago, because of the severe drought, I invited a Quanzhen Taoist priest to come and do it. , and even became a brother with him. But I didn't think that he was a demon who pushed me into a well and became the lord of the country. I will wear the sky together, and I will ask all the great immortals to make decisions for me."

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