At the end, the ghost king was already in tears.

The emperors couldn't help but chuckle in their hearts. For the past five years, this country lord has watched his sweet wife as a ghost and was crushed under the demon's body, singing every night. No wonder there is such a big resentment.

Zi Yan shook her head and said, "This is a bit tricky, I'll wait..."

Before she could finish her words, the water judge next to her said in a cold voice: "What's so difficult about this, since the demon has forcibly occupied your throne, this emperor will drive away the demon for you!"

Zi Yan was stunned by him, not annoyed, and shrugged indifferently: "Since the water judge has such great ability, I will leave this matter to you."

Chapter 897 Fan Fei The Four Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism!

Hearing the words, the ghost king looked at Judge Shui gratefully, and excitedly said: "Thank you Daxian for calling the shots for me! This golden box white jade is my token, Daxian can hold on to the prince, tell the reason, and the prince will take you into the palace. ."

After speaking, the Ghost King's body twisted and turned into a yin wind and escaped.

Thinking about it, the road is not high, and it cannot be maintained for a long time.

"Haha, someone is going to cause big trouble." Zi Yan smiled happily, twisting her waist back to her room.

Leaving the emperors to look at each other in dismay.

Judge Huo frowned slightly and said softly, "I'm afraid this matter is strange, brother, you are too careless."

"Humph! What can be weird, but a loose cultivator who uses despicable means to forcefully occupy other countries, how much ability he can have." Judge Water said impatiently, and walked back to the room with Bai Yugui.

Judge Huo also felt that it made sense after thinking about it. If this Taoist Quanzhen really had a background and strength like the two demons of Pingdingshan, he couldn't call the wind and call the rain, and he needed to force other people's land.

The next day, according to the guidance of the ghost king, the emperors went all the way west, and they saw a magnificent human city, which was the capital of the Wuji Kingdom.

The judge of water and fire went to the prince's house to worship, and the emperors and Tang Sanzang casually found a tea shop and waited.

While drinking tea, Zizai Shengji couldn't help it, looked at Zi Yan and said, "The Star God Envoy seemed to have something to say last night. Could it be that this demon who pretended to be the lord of the Wuji Kingdom really had some origin?"

Zi Yan, who was also curious when the emperors heard the words.

Zi Yan just likes other people begging her like this, and she became interested and said: "You should know that this illusion is very real, including the three realms and six realms, then since the lord of the black chicken country has been wronged, why not go to the underworld Had the king complained?"

The emperors were stunned for a moment, and one of them said: "This is indeed a bit strange, does this Quanzhen Yaodao really have some background?"

"It's more than a few." Zi Yan said mysteriously: "The background of this demon is very big, the Great Emperor Chenghuang often drinks with him, the Dragon King of the Four Seas is related to him, Dongyue Tianqi is his good friend, the tenth generation Yama It's his half-brother, where can you tell the Lord of Wuji to sue?"

Zizai Shengji said: "It doesn't make sense, if Quanzhen Yaodao really has such a big background, why do you need to do such a lowly act."

"That's because..." Zi Yan was about to answer when she suddenly caught a glimpse of the water and fire judge answering from the corner of her eyes, and immediately kept her mouth shut.

"Hmph, we just met the prince and confirmed that this golden box white jade is indeed the property of the lord of the black chicken country. He has promised to introduce us to the emperor of the dynasty, and he will go to the hall in a while, when the demon is dead." The water judge said in a flat tone.

To this day, everything is still under his control.

The prince's work efficiency was very fast, and it didn't take long for everyone to be invited into the palace hall.

The Fire and Water Judge looked at each other and nodded secretly.

The prince had already set up a Xuanming killing formation in the hall according to their orders, and the battle would start in a while, giving them a three-point chance of winning.

The three Ruthless Sisters also exchanged glances, and Ruthless said through a voice transmission: "I will use the crape myrtle number technique to block the secrets in the main hall, so I should be able to hide it for a while."

Zi Yan immediately showed a cunning look, holding her arms and looking lively.

After a long time, the fake black chicken king walked out from behind the screen, exactly like the real king Guozhen, met Tang Seng kindly, and ordered the left and right attendants to exchange ultimatums.Novel 117

At this moment, the prince led the army into the hall, pointed his sword diagonally at the high platform, and said loudly: "Guardians, destroy this fake with me!"


The fake black chicken king was shocked, and before he could react, the Xuanming killing formation had already started, and the fire and water judges bullied him at the same time, and the mighty emperor swayed the world.

The fake black chicken king really didn't have much Taoism, and he was caught off guard and was directly killed. The prototype appeared, but it was a blue-haired lion.

At this moment, a burst of Buddha's light descended from the sky, and a boy with five buns on his neck fell, holding a diamond sword in his right and a green lotus in his left. When he saw the scene here, he was shocked and said, "How dare you kill my mount."

When the emperors saw this scene of Buddha's light, they only felt an overwhelming oppression, and even their thoughts were frozen.

Saint Ji Zizai exclaimed: "This is Manjushri, one of the four Buddhas of Buddhism."

At this time, Manjusri Bodhisattva's eyes have moved away from the blue-haired lion that has turned into coke, turned to the fire and water judge, and said coldly: "You two evil spirits, you are so brave, why do you want to kill this seat's mount?"

The water and fire judges are also stunned, this Quanzhen Taoist also has a backing?Or Buddha Bodhisattva?This is not bullshit.

The water judge immediately took a step forward and said in a dark voice: "This beast has become a shrew, invaded the emperor's throne, and committed unpardonable crimes. Even if it is a Bodhisattva's mount, can it be exempted from responsibility?"

"That's right, and the Bodhisattva arrives early and late, but he arrived at this time, is it intentional to condone it?" Judge Fire pressed further.

Although Manjusri Bodhisattva looks like a child, his expression is very serious, with a hint of vajra anger, and he reprimanded: "Pride! How dare you speak to this seat like this. My mount is here on the decree of the Buddha, specifically to punish the Lord of Wuji for disrespecting the immortal Buddha. The sin, one drink and one pecking, the cycle of cause and effect, how can you allow you to kill?"

The water judge sneered: "Buddha's decree? The Buddha often tells people to be compassionate, but when it's his turn, he will definitely retaliate. Do you know how many evil deeds this blue-haired lion has committed in the past three years, and how many concubines and concubines have he slept with? "

Manjushri said: "He has been in power for three years, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and he has never hurt anyone. As for the harem concubines, he is a castrated lion. Even if he sleeps on a couch, what does it matter?"

"What's the matter? The Bodhisattva said it so lightly and lightly, and there is always a dreamer sleeping beside the pillow. How scary for a mortal woman, I want to gently reveal it with just one sentence." Judge Fire retorted.

Manjushri's face showed shame and anger, raised the diamond sword, and said sternly: "What a pair of slick tongues, with such a vicious heart, just follow me back to Wutai Mountain to listen to the scriptures and repent!"

After saying that, the diamond sword lifted up and swept its head towards the fire and water judge.

Where are the two opponents of the Bodhisattva, they quickly combined with the immortal phoenix seal, opened a door of chaos, and a tyrannical demon power surged out.

"This is……"

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