Manjushri's complexion changed greatly, even if it was him, he felt a kind of creepy feeling when he felt this demon power.


In the black phoenix gate, a phoenix claw suddenly protrudes, which is several thousand feet long, covering the sky and the sun, and seems to be slamming into Manjushri Bodhisattva with the power of heaven and earth.


The crackling sound exploded, and Manjushri Bodhisattva was directly fanned out, his body was dilapidated, and his blood gushed wildly.

Chapter 898 An Lan, the god of war, kills the red boy!

"You wait, things are not over here!!"

Manjusri Bodhisattva vomited blood and flew upside down, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

After that, things were much simpler. The judge of water and fire used the mysterious magic method to make the Wuji Kingdom's body and soul unite and resurrected smoothly.

The Lord of Wuji was so grateful, he entertained everyone for a few days, and then sent him away from Wuji with the highest standards.

Once again embarking on the road to the west, the expressions on the faces of the emperors were much lighter.

The biggest impact this kalpa had on them was to let them know that even if a Bodhisattva descended into the world, he could still kill him.

As for the level of Zhenyuanzi and Pingdingshan two demons, they are really few and can be ignored.

Tang Sanzang was still a little confused, and couldn't help but ask: "I see that the head of the Wuji Kingdom treats people with kindness, is loved by the people, and is even more affectionate to the Zhai monk. What is the reason for angering the Buddha? Curse?"

The emperors didn't know the answer, so they looked at Zi Yan.

Zi Yan smiled and said: "The Master doesn't know anything, this Wuji country lord is just because he is very good to the monk. After the Tathagata learned about it, he sent Manjushri to take him to the West to be a golden Arhat. Manjushri is obstructed by Buddhist precepts. Unable to meet in real life, he turned into an ordinary monk to test the Buddha's heart of the Lord of Wuji. As a result, because of his disrespectful words, the Lord of Wuji tied him with a rope and immersed him in the Yushui River for three days and three nights. "

"Ha ha……"

When the emperors heard this, they all burst into laughter, laughing at the ignorance of this Manjusri Bodhisattva. You see the monarch as a mortal, and you look like you are pointing at the country, don't beat who you beat?This is pretending to be Sabie.

Zi Yan went on to say: "Manjusri Bodhisattva is not angry, so he reported the Tathagata, asked the next Buddha's decree, and then sent his horse blue-haired lion into a demon to frame the Lord of Wuji, push him down the well, and immerse him for three years. Report the hatred of the three-day flood."

Tang Sanzang frowned and said, "God has the virtue of good life, so how can a Bodhisattva punish others just because of his own suffering? He should be persuaded again and again."

The emperors laughed again, and the water judge sneered: "Master Sanzang, you are too naive, the heavens and the myriad ways, in the final analysis, you are all convincing people with strength, and Buddhism can sit like this, not because of transcending people to be kind, but only because of Buddhism. The profound martial arts are tyrannical."

All the emperors nodded in agreement, which of them is not the existence of calling for wind and rain, and regards mortals as ants.

In exchange for them being imprisoned by a mortal, I am afraid they will attack on the spot and slaughter the city at every turn.

In contrast, Manjushri was humiliated for three days and asked for the Buddha's decree, so he dared to be punished secretly.

"This, this... Buddhism doesn't have this truth."

Tang Monk was trembling with anger, but he couldn't say anything to refute. After all, with the respect of a Bodhisattva, he did such things, leaving him without the slightest confidence.

The emperors followed with another burst of laughter, and went on their way happily.

After that, he experienced two calamities, and both of them passed without any risk.

Just when the emperors thought that it would continue smoothly, a strange wind blew up one day, and everyone was fascinated. When the wind calmed down, Tang Seng had disappeared.

"It's a strange wind again, but it's far worse than the Sanwei Divine Wind of the Yellow Wind Demon Emperor before."

The emperors gathered together, and there was no panic on their faces.

As they traveled westward, they had figured out some rules.

The monsters in this Buddhist calamity are very particular, no matter who they are, they will not eat immediately after catching Tang Seng.

There is plenty of time left for their rescue.

The fire and water judges looked at each other and said to Saint Ji Zizai: "We all have our own contributions to eliminate demons before, this time it's Saint Ji's turn, right?" Battle Novel

Zizai Shengji didn't shirk, and said cheerfully: "It's up to me to come, but I don't know what the origin of this monster is?"

The emperors looked at Zi Yan again, this girl is now an encyclopedia.

Zi Yan pretended to ponder: "If I remember correctly, it should be called Drill Head Mountain, there is a stream in the mountain, called Dry Pine Stream, and there is a hole beside the stream, called Huoyun Cave, and the demon king lives in Huoyun. A hole, called 'Red Boy', self-proclaimed King of the Holy Infant."

"King Holy Infant? Could it be that the monster is a child?" All the emperors were stunned.

Zi Yan said: "It really looks like a child, but it is not easy to deal with the real fire of the three flavors, which is proficient in fire techniques and similar to the three flavors of the gods."

Saint Ji Zizai squinted his eyes and said: "Sanwei Zhenhuo is nothing, you just need to say whether he is the mount of some immortal Buddha, or a boy descended to the world?"

Zi Yan waved her hand and said, "That's not it, Red Boy is a simple monster."

The water and fire judge heard that his face was a little unsightly, such a simple monster, but it was a bargain for Zizi Shengji.

Zizai Shengji had already stood up and said loudly: "You guys are waiting here, I'll kill the red boy."

After finishing speaking, Zizai Shengji's body flashed with a flash of inspiration, and she broke through the air.

The three ruthless sisters looked at each other and said nothing.

After a while, a shocking wave broke out in the distant mountain stream, and a wave of fire turned the sky, causing the emperors hundreds of miles away to feel their bodies too hot.

Yu Xin worried: "These three flavors are really hot, nothing will happen to Zizai Shengji?"

Ruthless said: "Let's go over and take a look, if you need it, you can help."

When the emperors heard the words, they got up and flew towards Huoyun Cave together.

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