When they arrived on the battlefield, I saw that the one opposite to the Ziyan Saint Ji was indeed a child, with a face like powder, lips like Zhu Zhu, with a child's temples, and eyebrows were young, even more than half a head smaller than Zi Yan.

Seeing the arrival of the emperors, the red boy suddenly panicked. He waved the fire-pointed spear in one hand, squeezed his fist in the other hand, and punched his nose twice.

The emperors didn't know why, but they saw the red boy chanting a spell after two punches, and suddenly a wave of fire burst out, thick smoke burst out from his nose, and the flames of the gate were churning.

In an instant, the sea of ​​fire filled the mountains and the sky was blazing.

"No, go back!"

"The strong three flavors are really hot!"

All the emperors were stunned, and the strength of this sea of ​​flames made them feel as if their origins were burned dry, and they hurriedly retreated.

Zizai Shengji was in the middle of the sea of ​​​​fire and could not escape at all. At the critical moment, a burst of ancient golden dazzling light suddenly erupted on the surface of her body.

In the next instant, the void above Zizai Shengji's head exploded.

It seems that the galaxy is broken, the universe is destroyed, and a huge abyss leading to the wild is broken.

A woman wearing a dark golden armor stood proudly on the other side of Tianyuan, her whole body was covered with flaming golden light, invisible, but her might was like a desolate god of war, slashing in all directions, looking at him with contempt!

"The king cannot be humiliated!!"

The Valkyrie made a majestic voice in her mouth, and she stepped out in one step, and the sky was torn apart.

The Chifeng War Spear swung a ray of destruction that arrived in an instant, directly annihilating the Red Boy and the void around him.

Chapter 899: The Heavenly Immortals and Buddhas Are All Raccoon Dogs!

"don't want!!"

Zi Yan exclaimed loudly, but was drowned in the roar of Shenxia.

When calm was restored, the entire Huoyun Cave had become a ruin, and the red boy was directly smashed to pieces, and his soul was completely destroyed.


Seeing this scene, the emperors could not help but take a deep breath.

Although everyone had their own cards, the terrifying destructive power of the Valkyrie still shocked them from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, even a quasi-immortal emperor is not necessarily good at strength. What everyone relies on to prove the Tao is the power of the law, but this Valkyrie seems to be born for war and for destruction.

Her attack was pure destructive power, a domineering power that could move the quasi-immortal emperor.

Zi Yan turned into a streamer and rushed to the center of the battlefield, looking at the ruins, she couldn't help stamping her feet again and again: "Oh, oh, this is terrible!"

Saint Ji Zizai stopped singing, the divine light on her body disappeared, and she frowned, "What's the matter?"

Zi Yan said: "You killed the red boy, but you caused the next big trouble."

"What? Aren't you this red boy without the support of the Immortal Buddha? What's the harm in killing him?" Zizai Shengji was even more confused.

Zi Yan shook her head and waved her hand: "You don't know, although this red boy has no immortal Buddha backing, but his background is not small, he was born of two big demons. These two big demons are also the calamity of the journey to the west. Originally, I have Grasp the outsmarting of the past, but now it is a mortal enemy that will never die."

Zizai Shengji said boldly: "Since it is a Buddha calamity, it is no big deal to kill it all the way."

The strength of An Lan's Martial God gave her immense confidence.

A sly look flashed in Zi Yan's eyes, she nodded and said, "That's the only way to do it, then the saints will have to be more careful."

Everyone rescued Tang Seng and embarked on the journey again.

That night, the three sisters got together again.

The ruthless man said: "The water and fire judge had a revenge with Manjusri Bodhisattva because of killing the blue-haired lion. The Manjusri Bodhisattva is narrow-minded and will take revenge sooner or later. The two of them are already doomed. Today, the holy princess killed the red boy, guilty of the bull demon king and the iron fan princess. , until the flame mountain level, there will be a catastrophe."

Yu Xin frowned and said: "The Bull Demon King is known as the Great Sage of Pingtian, and his strength is in the forefront of the demons of the Westward Journey. Even if he defeated the Buddha, he was suppressed by the help of the two gods, but I don't think he would be able to win. Kuo Zizai is the supreme figure behind Saint Princess. That Valkyrie is really... terrifying."

She didn't know what adjective to use, but she could only describe it as 'terrible', but with the solemn expression, it was enough to see the shock An Lan brought her.

The ruthless man said: "That Valkyrie should be an alien powerhouse, her combat power is indeed very strong, and I have a feeling that she has not really proved the Taoist quasi-immortal emperor. It's her opponent. That's why I have to get rid of her, or at least make her suffer."

Zi Yan chuckled: "Eldest sister has already made a plan, so why should the second sister worry. The remaining emperors, looking at the eyes, should have a chance to clean up this way."

"Going to the Flame Mountain, there are still more than a dozen tribulations, so let's act according to the circumstances." The ruthless said casually.

At present, the only big threats in her eyes are Judges of Fire and Water and Saint Ji Zizai, and the rest of the fish are nothing to worry about.94haoshu.com www.[-]haoshu.com

"Hey, leave these people to me." Zi Yan said eagerly.

Leaving the Drill Head Mountain, everyone had not walked for two months, and they encountered a rushing river, lying in the middle of the road, blocking the way, and erected a boundary monument with the three characters "Black Water River" written on it.

Zi Yan immediately gave orders and sent several quasi emperors to explore the way upstream and downstream.

Although these quasi emperors are not under the command of Zi Yan, but they have seen Zi Yan's power early along the way, they dare not disobey, they can only obey orders.

As a result, needless to say, under the secret instigation of Duan Qingyun, the demon king at the bottom of the river dragged several people into the water, but only one escaped and returned to inform the details.

As a Taixu ancient dragon emperor, Zi Yan has extremely strong water. After hearing the report, she made a furious appearance, went down to the river in person, fought in the water house, killed the river demon, and everyone went on the road again.

It didn't take long before we arrived at Chechi Country.

The king of this country was bewitched by the three demons, Huli Daxian, Yangli Daxian, and Luli Daxian.

These three demons are the wild monsters who got away by luck. They have no footing. The three sisters of the ruthless people are naturally not polite to them. Under the suggestion of Zi Yan, they pretended to be the ancestors of Sanqing and played the three demons fiercely.

The three demons became angry and killed several Zhun Emperors, who were later killed by the combined efforts of the emperors, breaking the Buddha's kalpa.

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