Since then, he has experienced the catastrophe of the Inspiration King of Tongtian River, the catastrophe of the King of Jindoushan Unicorn Si, and the scorpion essence of Pipa Cave.

Although they all passed without risk, the number of teams was getting smaller and smaller.

When they reached the foot of the Flaming Mountain, there were only ten people left in the entire reading team.

"It's so hot, it's already the season of autumn frost, and this place is so hot?" A great emperor wiped the sweat on his forehead and said in a puzzled way.

The water judge said solemnly: "It's weird. The heat here is so hot that even me can't stand it. It's definitely not ordinary fire."

Zi Yan leaped forward for hundreds of feet, landed in front of a boundary monument, nodded, and returned.

"As expected, we have reached the Flame Mountain." Zi Yan said solemnly.

Zizai Shengji said: "Flame Mountain, could it be that there is a fire demon living on this mountain?"

"No!" Zi Yan shook her head and said: "The flames on this mountain are not caused by demons, but a little fire accidentally leaked by the Taishang Laojun of Zixiao Shrine when refining the Jiuzhuan Jindan. It's a bit stronger than the three real fires."

"Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life, the fire falls from the sky, and the charcoal burns thousands of miles. I don't know how many dead souls are tormented in the fire, sins, sins..." Tang Sanzang began to recite the Buddhist scriptures again.

A great emperor sneered and said: "In front of the old gentleman and the boy occupying the land, there is Manjusri Bodhisattva riding in the harem at night, and all the gods and Buddhas are like raccoon dogs. "

Yuxin said softly: "Master, don't worry, although this area is ferocious, the people will not die. Look, aren't there a few people there?"

Everyone looked at the situation, and sure enough, they saw a small market thousands of feet away, and hundreds of people gathered together.

If you exercise enough ear, you can even hear the cries of "selling cakes" and "selling cakes".

Judge Huo's expression froze, and he said coldly, "It's weird, it's extremely hot here, why is it cake flour, let's go up and ask."

Chapter 900 An Lan strikes again to suppress the Bull Demon King!

The crowd lined up and went straight to the market, and it didn't take long for them to reach the front.

The folk customs of the mountain villages are simple. When they saw Tang Sanzang riding a tall tiger, everyone was frightened and fled in a hurry.

The water judge was quick-witted, grabbed the back of the neck of the big cake seller, and brought him over.

"Don't be unreasonable, let go of this old donor." Tang Sanzang said quickly.

The water judge snorted coldly and let go of the person.

The old man calmed down for a while, and said again and again: "The villain has seen all the elders."

Tang Sanzang said pleasantly, "Don't panic, old benefactor, we have no ill intentions, we brought you here just to ask where you are?"

The old man said: "It is called the Flame Mountain, there is no spring or autumn, and the four seasons are hot."

Tang Sanzang said, "Where is the Flame Mountain? Can it block the way to the west?"

The old man said: "The west is impossible to go to. That mountain is [-] miles away, and it is the only way to the west. There are [-] miles of flames, and no grass grows around. Even the copper head and the iron body will be turned into a mountain near the flames. juice."

Tang Seng was shocked when he heard this, and did not dare to ask any more questions.

Judge Huo stepped forward and opened the old man's luggage, took out a hot rice cake, and said coldly, "If it is really hot in the four seasons, it should be the grains without knots, where did you get the flour for making rice cakes?"

The old man said: "If you know the cake, flour and rice, please ask the Iron Fan Immortal."

"Iron Fan Fairy? Who is that?" Zizai Shengji asked.

The old man said: "A thousand miles to the southwest, there is a Cuiyun Mountain, and there is a banana hole on the mountain, which is the residence of the iron fan fairy. She has a banana fan with a handle. If you ask for it, one fan quenches fire, two fans generate wind, and three fans are down. When it rains, we will plant the seeds and harvest them in time, so we can keep the five grains healthy. Otherwise, the grass will not grow.”

"Goodness, goodness, this is an act of infinite merit. What an immortal iron fan, one day he can enter the world of bliss." Tang Sanzang said sincerely.

The old man waved his hand and said, "The elder said it too soon. This Iron Fan Immortal is not unconditional help. If she wants to make a move, she must offer four pigs and four sheep, bonuses on the inside and outside, different fragrances and fruits, chicken and goose wine. Only then can she be willing to help. ."

"Those are ordinary things, and they are not worth mentioning." A great emperor said easily.

This time, it was Saint Ji's turn to fight the calamity, she pondered for a while, and said, "Since this Flaming Mountain is vicious and sad, everyone should wait here for a while, and then I will send someone to fetch the banana fan, and then pass through. ."

After speaking, Zizai Shengji gave an order to a quasi emperor of the Huanyin Sect.

The quasi emperor clenched his fists slightly and flew straight into the air, disappearing without a trace.

"Grandpa! It turned out to be a goddess who flew through the clouds!" The old man exclaimed, in awe of Tang San's burial and others, and took the initiative to invite them to rest at his home.

Tang Sanzang's body was weak, and he couldn't hold it all the way, so he answered the old man's invitation and led the crowd to a village house.

But on the other side, the quasi emperor of the Huanyin Sect went to Cuiyun Mountain to inquire about the location of Bajiao Cave, and came to visit with a gift.

A white-haired girl turned and entered the cave, and bowed to Princess Tie Fan: "Madam, there is someone outside the door who wants to get a banana fan to cross the Flaming Mountain, claiming to be the guard who escorted the Holy Monk of the Eastern Tang Dynasty."

"Saint Monk of the Tang Dynasty?" Princess Tie Fan's pretty face was covered with frost in an instant, and she shouted: "These wicked people, kill my child, I haven't settled the bill with them, but they came to the door myself and took my clothes and weapons."

This Princess Tie Fan was also a tough girl in her early years, and she was born in peace after getting married and having children. Now, wearing a silver armor and holding two Qingfeng swords, she rushed out of the cave and fought against the Huanyin Sect Zhundi.

You must know that Princess Tie Fan is an introductory disciple of Ancestor Bodhi. She is one year earlier than Sun Wukong. Although she has no talent, she has barely stepped into the fairyland.Wenxin School

But in an instant, the quasi emperor was lost.

Princess Tishan's anger continued, and she thought to herself, "Since this person has come to borrow a banana fan, it means that they have already arrived at the foot of the Flaming Mountain. I am going to take revenge on my own. It is inevitable that I will be injured, and I need a helper."

This helper is naturally the number one demon in Hezhou of Xiniu, the powerful bull demon king of Jilei Mountain!

Although Princess Tie Fan and Dali Niu Demon King were at odds with each other, Red Boy was also his child and was killed for no reason, so how could he stand by and watch.

At this time, Shengji Zizai, who was waiting in the farmhouse, frowned for a while, and suddenly stood up, looking surprised.

Yu Xin asked with concern: "What happened to Sheng Ji?"

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