Zizai Shengji stepped back and forth, and said solemnly: "Something is not good, my subordinate's soul fire has just been extinguished, it should be an accident."

"Hey... that's true!" Zi Yan sighed with a long sigh, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Did the Star God Envoy guess it long ago?" a great emperor asked.

Zi Yan nodded and said: "You don't know, this Princess Iron Fan is the mother of Red Boy. I was lucky and thought she hadn't received the news yet. Now it seems that I made a mistake."

The emperors were speechless for a while, since that was the case, you should have said it earlier.

Zizai Shengji even had a feeling of being calculated. Before he could ask any questions, a terrifying coercion suddenly descended from the sky.

"Who is it, who killed my son, get out!!"

A tyrannical and domineering voice echoed in the layers of space.

The emperors were horrified, and hurriedly flew out of the farmhouse.

I saw a bull-headed monster standing across the void, with a height of ten feet, and its imposing manner was soaring to the sky.

"You killed my son? Go die!"

What a tyrannical monster, the Bull Demon King did not give everyone a chance to defend himself. He directly raised his hand and pressed a palm print. The sky was torn apart, exuding a destructive aura that seemed to wipe out everyone and the surrounding space.

This blow has reached the level of the Immortal King, making the world pale, and the sun and the moon are dark.

Feeling the fatal threat, Saint Ji Zizai suddenly showed an extremely solemn expression, silently reciting a string of obscure and jerky Sanskrit sounds.

As each byte was spit out, she was gradually enveloped by a savage force.

In the next moment, a huge abyss emerged from the top of Zizai Shengji's head.

"Those who praise my real name will see eternal life in reincarnation!"

The projection of An Lan's will and the attack of the Bull Demon King collided fiercely.

"An ant! - Even if you carry Tianyuan on your back, you need to hold the original imperial city in one hand, and I will suppress you like An Lan!"

The majestic voice of the Valkyrie reverberated, and she took a step closer to Tianyuan again. She waved the Chifeng spear, and a force of destruction erupted from her, sweeping across the nine days.

It was actually across the world that the Bull Demon King, who was known as the Great Sage of Pingtian, was smashed to pieces.

Chapter 901 Ancestor Bodhi suppresses Anlan!


Everyone felt a suffocating terror.

This powerful bull demon king contains the bloodline of the ancient demon god, and is extremely fierce and powerful. It is by no means inferior to the immortal king.

Including the three ruthless sisters, they looked at each other and saw the horror in their eyes.

Ruthless Man had analyzed before that the existence behind the Zizai Shengji was an alien king, who had such a terrifying power before entering the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

As an alien, it will definitely bring disaster to the nine mountains and seas.

Zizai Shengji's face was a little pale. She used the power of belief to manifest the phantom of the Primitive Empire. The stronger An Lan's strength, the greater her load.

But now is not the time to give up.

Zizai Shengji twisted her head with difficulty and looked at Princess Iron Fan who was watching the battle from a distance.

This person exudes immortal power, and even if he is not good at attacking and killing, he is by no means comparable to a strong emperor.

The difference between emperor and immortal cannot be crossed at all.

We must take this opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop.

Feeling the will of Saint Ji Zizai, Wushen Anlan also aimed his gaze at Princess Tie Fan, and a savage power surged out, overwhelmingly covering Princess Tie Fan.


At the moment of being stared at, a cold sweat rushed out from Princess Tie Fan's back, as if she had fallen into an ice cave.


With the banana fan in hand, Princess Tie Fan urged her hard.

In an instant, the wind blows!

"Humph! It's too much!"

An Lan snorted indifferently and stepped out one step, as if the power of the whole world was lowered together, the mountains, rivers, sun and moon collapsed, and the entire space was under his control.


The banana fan in Princess Tie Fan's hand was swept halfway, and was swept away by that might, but it couldn't fall any longer, instead it split into huge cracks.


An Lan's expression was indifferent, completely ignoring Princess Tie Fan, she casually lifted the Chifeng Spear and drew a line forward.


This blow, shattering the sky and breaking the ground, directly opened the world to break the barrier, and descended into the fantasy world of Journey to the West, intending to directly smash Princess Tie Fan.

At this extremely difficult time, Princess Tie Fan finally made up her mind, took out a jade talisman and squeezed it, and said loudly, "Please, Master, help!!"


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