

At the moment when the jade talisman shattered, a terrifying and depressing coercion was born out of thin air.


An Lan's face showed a moving expression for the first time, the divine light shrouded her body boiled violently, and her divine eyes swept in the direction of Princess Tie Fan.

"Bullying the small with the big and bullying me, is there no one in the mountains?"

Another powerful thought wave blasted into the layers of space.

Behind Princess Tie Fan rose a golden lotus seat, exuding dazzling golden light, as if the only light in the world, dispelling darkness and embracing light alone!

"Master, this disciple welcomes Master!!"

Tears of excitement flashed in Princess Tie Fan's eyes, and she knelt down in the void.Worry-free Chinese website

"Good disciple, get up."

A flash of light flashed on the golden lotus seat, revealing a kind-hearted old man, wearing a green robe, with white eyebrows over his shoulders, and a very unique breath on his body.

Like a Buddha but not a Buddha, like a Tao but not a Tao, like the unity of heaven and man, he becomes free.

It is the Bodhi ancestor who lived in seclusion in Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, Xieyue Sanxingdong, and also the enlightenment teacher of Sun Wukong.

Although Patriarch Bodhi lived in seclusion, he had a large number of disciples. Almost all the gods and Buddhas had descendants who practiced with him, which shows his strength.

"Master, this is the person who just killed my husband, the Bull Demon King. He is also your apprentice. Please, Master, be the master for us."

Princess Tie Fan Pear Flower said with rain.

"As the teacher knows, Fangcunshan's lineage will neither take the initiative to provoke people, nor allow others to bully."

At the end of the sentence, the aura on Ancestor Bodhi suddenly became countless times stronger, pointing directly at An Lan behind Tian Yuan.

An Lan's eyes flickered, and he competed with Ancestor Bodhi, and said in a low voice: "Today's battle is not a big turbulence so far, if you continue to entangle, it will turn the world upside down!"

"Haha, the person who killed me Fangcunshan still wants to let it go. There is nothing so cheap in the world. Let the old man see how much you have."

The blue robe on Ancestor Bodhi's body was automatically free of wind, and bursts of sturdy energy swayed, pressing down on An Lan.

"You can try it!"

An Lan followed suit, and continued to approach Tianyuan. The right hand holding the Immortal Shield was activated for the first time, blocking it towards the sky.

In an instant, it was as if an ancient mountain spanned the heavens and the earth, unshakable.


The two attacks erupted with earth-shattering explosions, and just the aftermath caused the ruthless man and other bystanders to feel a suffocating oppression.

"Eat me!"

An Lan shouted angrily, and hit the sky with the Chifeng Divine Spear.


The ancestors of Putian are concise and concise, still sitting on the futon, with willow branches as soldiers.




This is a decisive battle at the pinnacle level, the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon collapsed, and the mountains, seas, rivers and mountains collapsed.

"There is no tree in Bodhi, and the mirror is not a stage. Originally there is nothing, where can it cause dust."

The ancestors of Putian sang the words of cessation, and the willow branches suddenly turned into swords of ten thousand feet and slashed out.


The Immortal Shield couldn't support it, causing An Lan to fly thousands of feet upside down.


Zizai Shengji spat out a mouthful of blood, her face was as pale as paper, and she was caught in the two attacks, which made her feel unbearable, and had already started to burn the source of her soul fire.

"Hmph, can't deceive my real body to come?"

An Lan was extremely angry, and the savage power on his body rose to the extreme. The entire Tianyuan seemed to collapse.

However, this blow has not yet broken through the abyss, and the Zizai Shengji, who was supporting below, finally couldn't support it, and her body cracked countless cracks and shattered.

The body was burnt, and only a little true spirit floated to the vortex exit above Jiuxiao.

"Ah! If the real body can come, I will turn over and suppress you!!"

An Lan let out an unwilling roar, but because of the power of faith disappeared, Tian Yuan gradually returned to normal.

Ancestor Bodhi watched this scene quietly, his brows furrowed, and he murmured, "There are still remnants of the Anlan Emperor's clan, and there are such terrifying characters. I don't know what kind of waves will be caused in the future."

Chapter 902 Seeing the Emperor Buried!

"Master really has infinite mana, but it's a pity that the real thief escaped!!"

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