Princess Tie Fan said happily.

Suddenly, Princess Tie Fan turned her eyes, stared at Tang Seng and the others, and said coldly, "Master, these people are the murderers of my son, Red Boy. I also ask Master to take them down and avenge my son."


Ancestor Bodhi frowned and followed Princess Tie Fan's fingers to look at Tang Seng and the others.

In an instant, all the emperors took a deep breath, and they were all on their guard!

They were sensitive and clearly sensed the killing intent emanating from this old man in green robe.

Definitely a terrifying figure.

Non-Buddhist and non-Taoist, but can backhand suppress Immortal King Anlan, these characters are almost no weaker than Zhen Yuanzi, making them feel like they are facing a formidable enemy.

Although Patriarch Bodhi has a profound way of doing things, he is not the kind of person in Buddhism who cultivates the six-rooted purification method. To him, the judges of water and fire are more like ants, and they are not worth mentioning.

Just when Patriarch Bodhi was thinking of venting his anger for his precious apprentice, he suddenly seemed to have seen something terrifying, and his face changed drastically.

If it weren't for the fact that his realm was extremely high, then he would definitely see a layer of cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

"Master, hurry up!"

Princess Tie Fan has an unruly character, and seeing that Bodhi Patriarch did not move for a long time, she couldn't help but hurriedly said.


Ancestor Bodhi shouted fiercely, startling Princess Tie Fan, and did not dare to speak again.

Ancestor Bodhi ignored her, looked straight at Tang Seng and others, and said slowly, "The holy monk and his party are going to the west to get scriptures. It is fate that they meet, and Laodao will make a way for you."

After finishing speaking, Ancestor Bodhi waved his sleeves, and a terrifying might came out, blowing a thousand miles of gust of wind, and directly splitting a road of sunshine in the middle of the Flaming Mountain.

Tang Seng was immediately pleasantly surprised when he saw it: "Thank you, my ancestor, for the shot, and thank you for the shot."

"Holy monk walk slowly." Ancestor Bodhi said with a benevolent expression.

All the emperors felt as if they had been granted amnesty, and they did not dare to delay the slightest, and immediately set off on the road.

Ancestor Bodhi stood in the void like this, looking at the background of Tang Seng and others from afar, until it disappeared completely, the expression on his face converged.

Princess Tie Fan said bitterly: "These people killed my son, why should Master let them go!!"


Patriarch Bodhi looked at Princess Tie Fan coldly, until her scalp was numb, and then he said indifferently: "You and I are all separated from each other, after today, you are not allowed to claim that I am your master, nor to say You are from Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, otherwise... I will kill you personally."

"Master, what did I do wrong..."

Princess Tie Fan was completely panicked, and before she finished her defense, she saw that Bodhi Patriarch had disappeared without a trace.

Above the clouds, Patriarch Bodhi sat in meditation and muttered, "You can't be wrong, that look just now was like seeing the Emperor Buried."

Who in the Nine Mountains and Seas can make him have the illusion of 'seeing the Emperor Buried'?

The answer is that there is no one except the Emperor Burial himself!

There is no other person in the Nine Mountains and Seas who can imitate the breath of the Emperor Burial and the coercion of that kind of aloofness.

Not to mention imitating him in front of him, whose strength has reached its peak.

So the only explanation is that he really saw the Emperor Buried.

"It's scary, I have cut off the teacher-disciple relationship with that Iron Fan Girl. I hope I won't be implicated in the future."

Ancestor Bodhi shook his head and tore the void away.

The quasi-immortal emperors of the nine great mountains and seas have their own characteristics. For example, the ancestor of Bodhi is known for being cautious, and to put it bluntly, he is afraid of causing trouble.

It is not uncommon for ordinary people to have such a personality, but Patriarch Bodhi, as an existence standing at the peak of the nine mountains and seas, has such a personality, which is a bit unbelievable, causing many people to laugh behind his back.

In those days, Patriarch Bodhi had a disciple, whose talent was earth-shattering, he was proud of the nine great mountains and seas, and even had the appearance of being the supreme emperor of the quasi-immortal emperor.

One door and two supreme, how glorious?All the great forces in the nine mountains and seas are extremely envious.

However, Patriarch Bodhi thought that this disciple would provoke the ancient heaven in the future, so he was so frightened that he wanted to cut off the teacher-disciple relationship with this disciple on the spot.

That disciple was stubborn, kneeling at the foot of Fangcun Mountain for forty-nine years, but he still didn't make Patriarch Bodhi's heart soften.

Even Patriarch Bodhi, in order to completely eliminate the relationship, even the Bull Demon King, Princess Tie Fan and others who had a good relationship with the disciple also left out, and let them go down the mountain ahead of schedule, and they would not be able to return to the mountain gate without a call.

This kind of unfeeling and insolent, in the nine mountains and seas, it can be regarded as the first person in the world.

The result of this incident was even more dramatic. The disciple did provoked the ancient heaven. With his tyrannical strength, he made a scene in the heavenly palace and caused a huge disaster.

However, Emperor Burial admired his character and talent, and did not commit the death penalty. Instead, he gave some pointers and sent him to do a few drudgery as punishment.

At this time, Patriarch Bodhi regretted in his heart and wanted to repair the relationship with his disciple, but it was too late.

After a lot of tempering, the disciple transferred to the Buddha's Pure Land, fought to defeat the Buddha, and became famous all over the world.

Thinking of the past, Patriarch Bodhi gave up a supreme-level disciple because of a calculation, which is really ridiculous.

Since then, this timid hat has been completely brought to the head of Bodhi Patriarch.

Of course, this is just an anecdote in the top circle of the Nine Mountains and Seas.

For ordinary people, Bodhi Patriarch is still a terrible figure who can dominate the order of mountains and seas.

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