Chapter 903 Your ancestors are here!

On the other side, Tang Seng and his party continued on the road.

Without Sanji Zizai, the team looks more streamlined, and the atmosphere is even more depressing.

On the way, a great sect emperor flew back from the front and said, "There is a city twenty miles ahead, which seems to be the city of emperors."

Tang Seng said happily: "After a long journey, I can finally settle down."

"The city of emperors? How can you see it?" the water judge asked.

The Great Emperor said: "This city covers an area of ​​more than [-] miles, with more than a dozen gates on all sides. It is majestic and majestic. The interior towers and pavilions are row upon row. It is not inferior to the imperial capital of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. It should be the capital of a big country."

Zi Yan rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Why do you say this is useless, the key is what is the name of this city? Don't tell me you didn't see it."

The Great Emperor was annoyed for a while, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only muffled: "This city is called Jisai City, does the Star God Envoy recognize it?"

Zi Yan raised her head and said proudly: "Of course I recognize it, tell you, there is also a disaster in this city!"

When the emperors heard the words, their expressions changed.

Up to now, they no longer dare to underestimate any Buddha kalpa.

Even if they knew that there were tigers in the mountains, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

When you enter the city, you will see six streets and three cities, where goods are traded for wealth, and pedestrians are dressed in prosperous clothes, chatting and laughing. At first glance, it is a prosperous holy city.

At this moment, more than a dozen monks suddenly appeared at the corner in front of them, all wearing shackles, looking like beggars crossing the street, everyone hated them.

Tang Seng sighed: "The rabbit died and the fox grieved, and the things hurt others, and I don't know what crimes they committed?"

Yuxin stepped forward, stopped the monks, and said softly: "Which Buddhist temple are you masters from, and why are you being shackled?"

Seeing Yuxin's beautiful appearance and immortal temperament, all the monks knelt down and said, "Female Bodhisattva, we are the monks who surrendered in Jinguang Temple."

Tang Seng rode off the back of the tiger demon and walked up to the front and said, "Amitabha, what grievances do you teachers and fathers have, you can tell me and listen to me."

When the monks saw Tang Monk wearing a colorful cassock, they were all in awe, and said, "Please follow us to the Jinguang Temple, and then talk about it in detail."

Tang Seng had already made a vow to worship every temple when he left Chang'an, so he immediately agreed, and the emperors looked at each other and could only follow.

After walking for a long time, everyone came to a towering Buddhist temple, and saw seven golden characters written on the plaque above the temple gate: "Jianjian protects the country Jinguang Temple".

The group of monks, wearing shackles, pushed the main hall away, and asked the Tang monk to go up to the hall to worship the Buddha, and then they explained the cause and effect.

It turned out that this sacrificial country was a big state in the Western Regions, and it did not need to fight for expedition, so the four barbarians paid tribute.South Yuetuo Kingdom, North Gaochang Kingdom, East and West Liang Kingdom, West Benbo Kingdom, every year tribute beautiful jade pearls, beautiful concubine horses.

But this is not because the Saisai country is powerful, nor is it because the Saisai country is virtuous.

It is because there is an ancient Buddha relic on the Golden Light Temple, which blooms day and night, and can be seen from thousands of miles. Therefore, the surrounding four countries believe that the sacrificial state is protected by the true Buddha, and they are willing to worship.

When the emperors heard these words, they couldn't help but be speechless for a while. How can there be such absurd things in the world, because a Buddha bead is willing to obey.Writing novels

But thinking that this was a Buddhist fantasy, they were relieved.

Tang Seng didn't think there was anything wrong, but clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, all living beings are devoted to Buddha, it's a blessing from heaven, why did you end up in such a situation?"

The host of Jinguang Temple cried: "Everything was fine originally, but three years ago, there was a sudden rain of blood, and the ancient Buddha relics enshrined on the top of the temple disappeared for no reason, and the Xiaguang also disappeared, and those outsiders no longer worshiped. Therefore, Lord Saiguohun blamed us and thought that we had stolen the Buddha's treasure. Heaven can learn from it, how dare we deceive our hearts and steal the treasure of Buddhism! I hope that the holy monk will take pity on me, give great mercy and great compassion, and spread the magic power to save me. Wait for your life!"

Tang Seng was deeply touched and said excitedly: "Teachers and fathers, don't worry, since the pagoda is stained with blood and rain, it must be a demon, and the poor monk will definitely give you justice."

The emperors couldn't help rolling their eyes, you promised to be happy, and in the end, you had to rely on them to solve the problem.

However, they also knew that this should be the Buddha's calamity in the Saisai City, and it was inevitable.

When night fell, the Tang monk and his party temporarily stayed in the Jinguang Temple.

The three ruthless sisters and the emperors gathered around to discuss the matter of the Buddha Kalpa.

One person looked at Zi Yan and said, "Since the Star God Envoy remembers the sacrifice to Sai City, he also remembers the crux of this Buddha Tribulation, right?"

All the emperors looked at Zi Yan when they heard the words.

Zi Yan was also unambiguous, and said bluntly: "I do remember that the person who stole the ancient Buddha's relic was the emperor of the Wansheng Dragon King's consort, the nine-headed demon emperor. This family is a generation of robbers who want to get back to Buddha from them. Treasure, the only way to do it is to forcefully kill the past."

Although Zi Yan said lightly, none of the emperors dared to neglect.

The dragon clan is one of the four major races of the demon clan. It even once dominated the ancient times and the ancient times. It can be compared with gods and demons. It even established a dragon alliance to attack the ancient heaven. The depth of the background is unimaginable.

A single dragon is not terrible, but to attack the dragon's nest, even a quasi-immortal emperor must weigh it.

For example, Wanlong's Nest, the most famous forbidden area in the sixth mountain and sea, even the detached forces such as the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom and the Zixiao Shrine would not dare to enter without authorization.

The ruthless man smiled and said casually: "If you find it difficult, let our sisters handle it this time."

When the emperors heard the words, they showed joy, and they worshipped one after another: "There are three divine envoys who have worked so hard."

Zi Yan glanced at them with contempt, and said loudly: "Sister He Xu and the second sister shot, since they are dragons, I can go by myself."

Ruthless and Yuxin looked at each other and said, "Be careful."

Zi Yan was in a hurry and didn't want to wait for a moment, so she went straight away, but appeared at the top of the pagoda.

There were two little demons holding hands there, and they were shocked when they saw Zi Yan suddenly appear.

Zi Yan stood with her hands behind her back, revealing a trace of the Taixu Ancient Dragon King's breath, and said solemnly: "Stop talking nonsense, take me to Bibotan in Luanshi Mountain immediately, I want to trouble you, the Old Dragon King of All Saints!"

These two little demons are nothing but the most inferior black fish spirits in Bibotan, how could they withstand such blood pressure, and immediately fell to the ground and obediently took orders.

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