This is the forbidden area of ​​Bibotan, and the surroundings are empty, except for an altar in the center, with a dragon-shaped totem floating on it, emitting a golden light.

If Taikoo Great Master was present, he would definitely be able to recognize that the dragon on this totem was the ancestor of the Dragon Clan, who looked at the gods and demons, and ordered the Dragon Alliance to attack the ancient heaven, and the demons were immortal.

"Old Ancestor Appears! My All Saints, I have been worshipped for thousands of years, and now my blood is cut off, I implore you to drop supernatural powers and help me eliminate the enemy!!"

The Halloween Old Dragon King knelt down and said reverently.




The dragon-shaped totem trembled violently, and a trace of true spirit scattered out, condensing into a majestic dragon shape.

"This ancestor was punished by the Emperor Burying Heaven, the dragon body was dismantled, and the soul turned into hundreds of millions and scattered into the nine mountains and seas. Thanks to your sincere maintenance of the All Saints, this remnant soul did not dissipate. Today, I will take action for you once, The cause and effect are over.”

Long Zu said indifferently.

He didn't ask who the enemy was.

Because that doesn't matter.

As the ancestor of the dragon family, he has absolute conceit.

Even the mountain and sea masters of the ancient times and the gods and demons of the ancient times could not let him have any fears.

Ordinary quasi-immortal emperors can even be suppressed by laying down their hands.

Even if it's just a wisp of remnant soul now, it can't wipe out his proud will,

"Many thanks to the ancestors, the enemy is outside now, please let the ancestors take action." The Wansheng Dragon King worshipped again.


The remnant soul of Long Ancestor looked up and looked up, as if to lock the enemy through the layers of void.

But in the next instant, his eyes changed drastically.

In the void, a man in white was pulling a five- or six-year-old girl walking slowly, and the target was exactly his position.

"Bury... Burial the Emperor?"

The dragon soul trembled violently and made an extremely suppressed sound, as if it were about to collapse at this moment.

Chapter 905 Burying the Emperor, Don't Go Too Much!

"Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor, you... what's wrong with you?"

The Dragon King of Wansheng looked at the originally majestic Dragon Ancestor suddenly changed his appearance, trembling as if he had met a natural enemy, and couldn't help but panic.

Who could scare the ancestor of the dignified dragon clan to such a degree?




The water of Bibotan mixed with the void and retreated toward the two times, revealing a passage, reflecting the figures of Zhang Tian and Zi Yan walking in step by step.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to kill this ancestor?"

Long Zu trembled wildly, and his eyes couldn't stop shooting out the color of fear.

The feeling of oppression brought to him by the Emperor Buried is too great. After the battle in the ancient heaven, let alone only one ten thousandth of his remnant soul left, even in his heyday, he did not have the courage to face the Emperor Buried again. .

"Don't worry, but because of fate, I will take a little of your true spirit to build the foundation for the emperor's daughter."

Zhang Tian answered casually, feeling a little ridiculous about Long Zu's trembling.

This is the ancestor of the strongest dragon clan in the demon clan. He was a hero in the ancient times, and the person who once made Shanhai master talk about it, has actually fallen to such a level.

You don't seem to have done too much to him, do you?

Longzu almost vomited blood when he heard Zhang Tian's words. What is a little bit of true spirit? What a precious thing is true spirit. It can be said that it is the most fundamental existence of a monk.

Moreover, he is only one ten thousandth of the remnant soul of Longzu back then, and the so-called true spirit is only one point.

"I only have a little true spirit, how can I give it to you?"

Long Zu let out an angry roar, the king cannot be humiliated, let alone Long Zu who once swept across the nine mountains and seas.

For a time, he actually let him forcibly suppress the fear of the Emperor Burial.

"If that's the case, you should be silent."

Zhang Tian just wanted to say something very ordinary.

"Tiantiandi, don't go too far!!"

Long Zu fell into hysterical madness, and the power of the tyrannical spirit continued to overflow, shaking the entire void as if it was about to burst.

"Excessive? Back then, the Emperor allowed you to be relieved. It was already the greatest tolerance. Your life is worthless in the eyes of the Emperor."

Zhang Tian's tone was indifferent, and he didn't give Long Zu another chance to speak. A finger light popped out directly, which contained a strong power of destruction, and wiped out the wisdom of the remnants of the dragon clan that relied on the power of totems to gather together reluctantly.

Without the restraint of spiritual wisdom, the power gathered by the dragon-shaped totem immediately tyrannized and exploded, and the true spirit hidden in the deepest subconscious was about to escape into the void.

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