"Where are you going?" Xin Lewen's novel www.lwtxt.net

Zhang Tian sneered, raised his hand to take a picture, and took the wisp of true spirit into his hand, but it was a three-inch miniature dragon, which looked very sluggish, as if it would dissipate at any time.

"Dad, what is this?"

Zi Yan stared at the mini dragon in Zhang Tian's palm and asked curiously.

Long Zu and Zhang Tian talked with their souls, she didn't know, just watched Long Zu keep roaring, and then was killed by Zhang Tian at will.

But she didn't think this little dragon was weak, because she felt an inexplicable pressure.

This is a kind of coercion originating from the bloodline.

Among the demon clan, bloodline is respected, and it is normal to have bloodline oppression, but with Zi Yan's current bloodline purity, there is still a kind of civilian facing the oppression of the emperor, which is very terrifying.

Zhang Tian explained: "This is the origin of the dragon ancestor. When the dragon ancestors dismantled the dragon's body, the true spirit also turned into hundreds of millions and scattered into the nine seas. The chance of surviving is very slim. I think that this place is an illusion constructed by Buddhism and even high magical powers.

"You, you actually killed the ancestors?" Wansheng Dragon King said in extreme horror, only to feel that a monument of faith in his heart collapsed.

Their ancestors, who have been worshipped by them for countless years, the strongest dragon ancestor of the dragon clan, were killed at the click of a finger.

Zhang Tian glanced at the Wansheng Dragon King and said with a light smile: "So that's the case, this Buddhist temple is almost all over the heavens and the world in the Buddhist temple, a flower and a world, the dragon ancestor's remnant soul is equivalent to a collection of hundreds of millions of Wansheng Dragon King I have never thought of such a coincidence.”

Not to mention Zhang Tian, ​​I am afraid that even the Buddhist Supreme who built this illusion did not expect that this illusion would become a place for the remnant soul of Long Zu to recuperate. After thousands of years of tempering, Long Zu may return with full strength. .

Even if a certain illusion is broken or the remnant soul of Dragon Ancestor is accidentally killed, there is no problem at all, because that ray of true spirit can be transferred at will in all realms, and Dragon Ancestor's attainments in the laws of time and space can definitely be ranked in the nine majors. The top five levels of mountains and seas.

But now everything is empty, Zhang Tianyi has broken through all methods, and Long Zu has long been banned from transferring the true spirit.

This kill is equivalent to killing all the remnants of the dragon ancestors in the illusion of the heavens.

Even if Buddhism builds a new fantasy world on the west side, there will be no dragon ancestor remnants in Bibotan.

Zi Yan curiously said: "Long Zu? Isn't this guy dead long ago, what's the use of Dad's true spirit?"

"When the heaven and the earth first opened, there was a lot of merit in the world. All the spirits born in the world have the merits of opening the sky, more or less, these merits will gradually be integrated into the true spirit to enhance the power of the source. And the dragon ancestor is The first dragon after the beginning of the world opened, and because of its deep heels, it has obtained a lot of merits for opening the sky, which is also the fundamental reason why the dragon clan can become the first race of the demon clan."

Zhang Tian explained in a slow voice, looking at the true spirit of the Dragon Ancestor in his hand very seriously.

Although he has integrated all the heavens and myriad laws, and can even create and destroy the universe in a single thought, he cannot create the merits of opening the heavens, because no one can even analyze the power contained in the original substance given by the Great Dao this time.

"This ray of true spirit is a great opportunity for you. It can make your bloodline purity soar again, and even comprehend the dragon's most powerful treasure, but it can only be refined when you leave the illusion." Zhang Tianxiao said.

"Thank you dad! Haha, I'm going to get stronger again." Zi Yan's eyes laughed like crescent moons.

"You, you..." The Dragon King of All Saints was trembling with anger when he heard that the two were going to divide up the true spirit of Longzu.

Zi Yan glanced at him and frowned: "Dad, what about this guy?"

Zhang Tian glanced at him casually and said in a low voice, "You can do it, if I hadn't met the remnant of Longzu this time, I wouldn't have appeared."

After speaking, Zhang Tian's figure disappeared without a trace again.

Chapter 906 The Seven Banshees in the Pansi Cave

Zi Yan watched Zhang Tian go away, and didn't have the heart to stay here, she beat the Dragon King of All Saints, and then walked away with the ancient Buddha relic.

Anyway, this is just an illusion. After this robbery, everything will be empty. It doesn't matter if you kill the Ten Thousand Holy Dragon King or not.

Back at Jinguang Temple, Zi Yan threw out the ancient Buddha relic, and all the monks bowed to the ground and thanked them.

Tang monk put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, good, good, girl Ziyan saved a monk in a temple, the merit is immeasurable."

"Haha, my little witch came out, and I'm not caught!" Zi Yan said proudly.

The Water and Fire Judge was cold and speechless.

Every time they encounter a catastrophe, they shoot, more or less damaged.

For example, Emperor Batian Lei, Emperor Kuling, Emperor Kuxuan, and Saint Ji Zizai were even more dead.

Only the people of the Three Gods Religion, every time they make a move, they solve it simply and neatly, without the slightest damage, so that they can't help but feel the same hatred.

The ruthless man saw all this in his eyes, and discussed with Yu Xin and Zi Yan in the depths of the night: "There are not many people left now, except for the fire and water judges, there is nothing to worry about, we still need to speed up the process, otherwise these When people are driven to a dead end, I am afraid they will have a rebellious heart."

Zi Yan nodded and said, "It's better to go out quickly, Dad just took a strand of Dragon Ancestor True Spirit, and I can refine it after I go out."

Yuxin said: "Let's speed up over there, there are dozens of kalpas in the future, we don't need to set up ambush deliberately, just make the best use of the situation, it will be enough to make them unable to deal with it."

The three sisters summed up again, and then went to sleep separately.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone followed the Tang monk to face the holy, exchanged the ultimatum with the king of Jisai, and then continued on the road.

The long road is slow, and the Buddha's calamity continues.

First, a great sect emperor opened the way and walked to the Thorns Ridge, where he was swept away by an old man in black robes with a gloomy wind.

It was only after the crowd arrived that they discovered that there were four essences of cypress, juniper, bamboo and pine, all of whom were benevolent on the outside and disabled on the inside.

Moving on, a group of demons gathered to set up a fake Leiyin Temple, and they got a quasi-emperor to enter happily, but they were directly taken in by the Jin Nao hidden inside and turned into molten iron.

Everyone used another means to get out of trouble.

Going further, to Qijue Mountain, a monster python proving the Tao in the fairyland, swallowed two emperors in one big mouth, water and fire judges came to the rescue, but also was killed and seriously injured, but had no choice but to release the undead phoenix, and then the monster python was killed in one fell swoop. Exterminate, pass Qijue Mountain.

In this way, the entire team was left with only the Judge of Fire and Water after removing the three ruthless sisters.

"Behind the Qijue Mountain is Zhu Ziguo. Oh, this calamity is also a little troublesome."

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