Duan Qingyun threw off the command flag and took a stance: "One of them has a big shoulder and a round waist, and his legs are as thick as ten people hugging each other. He looks like a mountain god. The torrent rushed over, and before it could reach three feet, it was divided into two sections by the knife Gang. While he was grinding it, he was still talking."

"What are you talking about?" The demons hurriedly asked.

He murmured: "Treasure sword! I have never used you to show my supernatural powers. The last time I touched you, I killed [-] goblins with one blow. This time I met three demons, so I can only sacrifice you and kill you first. After killing the [-] little demons in front of the lion and camel cave, I will behead the demon."

Those demon soldiers and demon generals were heartbroken when they heard the words, and panicked: "This... how can this be good?"

Seeing that they were hooked, Duan Qingyun smiled secretly and said sternly: "Brothers, that Tang Seng's total is only a hundred pounds of meat, and our three kings have big appetites, so I'm afraid it's not enough for them to stick between their teeth, and they won't be able to divide our heads. , why bother to stop the disaster for them, why don't you go away."

Everyone nodded and said, "That's right, let's run for our own lives."

These demon generals are different from the subordinates of the demon kings in front of them. They were not inspired by the three kings of Shituoling, but came to seek refuge in respect of the three kings of Shituoling. They all have their own heels. No one really wants to sacrifice their lives for the Three Kings.

With the leading example, the wolves, tigers, leopards, beasts and birds below all rushed away with a hoot, and fell to the ground with weapons.

Duan Qingyun was happy when he saw this. These monsters are really cute and silly. If the three monster kings also have the same IQ, then there is no need to be afraid.

Thinking of this, Duan Qingyun adjusted his clothes and went to the Lion and Camel Cave on the top of the mountain.

At the entrance of the cave, the demon school guarding the gate checked the waist badge and put Duan Qingyun in.

However, as soon as he walked into the cave, Duan Qingyun smelled an extremely foul smell, and saw the surrounding skeletons like ridges and skeletons like forests.Human heads are covered with felt sheets, human skin and flesh are rotten into dust, and they are really a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

A few little demons in the east cut the flesh off the living person.

A few demons in the west cooked freshly boiled human flesh.

Duan Qingyun resisted his violent anger and secretly said that this is all an illusion. He walked all the way to the second floor, and the outline in front of him was clear and cheerful. people's gardens.

On the third floor, it was a magnificent hall with two old demons sitting.

One is a blue-haired lion, with chiseled teeth and serrated teeth, with a round head, a roar like thunder, eyes like electricity, and a majestic look.

One is a curly-nosed elephant, with its head turned to the sky, red eyebrows fluttering in flames, phoenix eyes and golden eyes, yellow teeth and thick legs.

"It's such a strong power, it's definitely not something I can match."

Duan Qingyun froze in his heart, hurried forward two steps, and flattered: "Xiao Zuofeng has seen the great king, the second king."

Chapter 910 The power of the three sisters to kill together!

The green-haired lion said: "You went to inquire about the whereabouts of the monk of the Tang Dynasty. How is the inquiry?"

Duan Qingyun said: "I was ordered by the king to patrol the bottom of the mountain, and I saw Tang Seng's guard, more than ten feet tall, like a giant spirit, sharpening the knife there, saying that after it was sharpened, I would kill the king, so I hurried Come back and recover."

When the blue-haired lion heard the words, his face was horrified, and he said in shock: "Tang Seng actually came, and now the third brother is not here, that Tang Seng's guard is very powerful, and he really killed him, how can we resist?"

The Curly-nosed Elephant was also sweating with fright, and shouted, "Brother is right, the third brother came up with the idea of ​​eating Tang Seng. How can we stop the disaster? The Tang Seng guards are very powerful. None of them are good, they are all pulled out by them, how can we be opponents?"

"It turns out that these are two cowards, let me bluff them again." Duan Qingyun secretly said in his heart, and said with a panicked look: "The giant spirit has another word for me to pass back."

"What are you talking about?" said the blue-haired lion in a hurry.

Duan Qingyun said: "The giant spirit said that when he kills Shituo Ridge, he will skin the big king, cut the bones of the second king, and cramp the three kings, and then put them together in a frying pan."

"It's so miserable, so miserable." The blue-haired lion was even more panicked.

The curly-haired elephant on the other side said coldly: "Brother, you let this little diamond wind be deceived. He is not really a little diamond wind at all. I saw him snickering just now."

"What!" The blue-haired lion was furious.

Duan Qingyun hurriedly said: "Big Wang Mingjian, the youngest has checked the waist card, it is absolutely true!"

After speaking, quickly present the waist card.


The blue-haired lion showed hesitation again, looked at the curly-haired elephant and said, "Brother, his waist card is no problem, it is indeed a small diamond wind."

The curly-haired elephant sneered: "Why do you need to listen to his explanation, there is only a little demon left and right, just kill it."

Duan Qingyun didn't expect the curly-haired elephant to be so decisive. Looking at the demon school approaching from left and right, he couldn't help but secretly said: "My life is over!"

"My life is over!"

Duan Qingyun sighed in his heart, but he didn't want to be captured, his thin belly swelled suddenly, changed his original body, and fled out.

"Hehe, it really is a fake!"

"You're so bold, even your grandfather dares to fool you!"

The green-haired lion and the curly-nosed elephant spoke at the same time, and they pressed towards Duan Qingyun.

At this moment, countless sword-shaped runes suddenly appeared around the cave, and the chilling air rushed into the sky.

"Yujian Heavenly Punishment Slash!"

The cold voice of the ruthless man penetrated the void and descended into this space, and the nine attributes of the sword light rose at the same time, turned into a rainy sky, merged into a heaven-penetrating divine sword, and slashed forward fiercely.

"There's actually a helper?" The green-haired lion and the curly-nosed elephant roared loudly. 12 Novel Network www.12shuo.com

The blue-haired lion used the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, becoming nearly a thousand feet in size, and directly burst the cave. He escaped."


The ruthless man's voice recalled that he stepped on the Demon Suppression Tower and descended to the Lion Camel Cave, and the bell of the beginningless rose behind him, heading directly towards the blue-haired lion cover.

She knew that the lion had a powerful magic weapon in his hands, so she made a move with all her strength.

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