"Understood." A cold light flashed in the eyes of the curly-nosed elephant, and the proboscis suddenly continued, extending like a vine, shooting towards Duan Qingyun.

"Aunts, hurry up and help!!" Duan Qingyun felt the cold killing intent behind him, and immediately let out a heart-piercing howl.


At this moment, an earth-shattering dragon roar came from the entrance of the cave. The entrance of the cave made of diamond and iron stone was directly crushed by the golden dragon claws. trunk.


The curly-haired elephant never expected this kind of change to happen, his face was horrified, and he hurriedly wanted to retract his long trunk.

"Haha, was caught by this witch, still want to run?"

A dragon whistle came from outside, revealing Zi Yan's unique playfulness and lightness.

Afterwards, the huge Taixu ancient dragon broke into the hole directly, and the other dragon claws pressed down overwhelmingly and grabbed the body of the curly-nosed elephant.

Qinglong Star Picker!

The golden-colored dragon claws exuded a terrifying coercion, which was hundreds of feet in size. Each dragon finger seemed to be inserted into the Heavenly God Peak, exuding an extremely heavy aura, as if the power of the entire world was pressing down together.


Even though the curly-nosed elephant was strong, it was slammed by this huge force, and it fell straight upside down, and the blood of the demon flew.

Zi Yan was reluctant to give up, and turned into a human form, with Shen Xi radiating from her whole body, like a young god, rushing towards the direction of the rolled-nosed elephant, her body tumbling with divine power, and her right fist turned into a dark golden spear.

"If I were the Qing Emperor in his age..."

Yuxin didn't know when she appeared in the cave, wearing a pleated skirt of narcissus, dancing in the wind, like a nine-day mysterious girl in the lower realm.




Under the nourishment of these rich vegetation and spiritual energy, countless spiritual flowers and trees emerged from the ground, just like the order of the god of spring, a hundred flowers bloomed, ten thousand vines were lifted into the sky, and the entire cave was sealed as a tomb.

Chapter 911 Shakyamuni Buddha's Uncle

It turned out that Ruthless, Yu Xin and Zi Yan had sneaked into this cave a few hours ago.

The ruthless man shielded the three people's qi with the number of crape myrtle, just for the ordinary opportunity to cast a thunder strike.

This blow is indeed a perfect match. The blue-haired lion and the curly-nosed elephant were directly injured and severely injured, and their breath was sluggish.

God King Yu Shi Jue!

At the critical moment, Zi Yan made another ultimate move, and smashed the dark golden gun to the body of the curly-nosed elephant.


Under the heavy blow, the hill-like body of the curly-nosed elephant was blasted out of a blood hole, and the blood of the demon was wild.

"Big brother, this place is dangerous, let's retreat to the third brother first."

Long roll grinned in pain, while calling out to the blue-haired lion for help.

The blue-haired lion was also smashed in the head by the Beginning Bell, and his internal organs were almost displaced.

But his bloodline is noble, and after this serious injury, he climbed up with difficulty, struggling to open his mouth to swallow the curling lion, breaking open the cave and fleeing in desperation.

"Haha, I haven't had enough fun with these two unplayable things."

Zi Yan fell to the ground, with a smile on her face, but a bit of dissatisfaction in her tone.

Yu Xin also descended, and said angrily: "With your current strength, even a fairyland character can't take two punches."

"That's right." Zi Yan responded, clenching her small fists and saying, "When I get out of the illusion and integrate the origin of the dragon ancestor, I will also kill the fairy to play."

Duan Qingyun listened to the side, shivered, and leaned forward to please: "The three aunts, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity just now, why are they only seriously injured and not killed here directly?"

The ruthless man flew down and said coldly: "Those two monsters have been practicing for many years, and their Taoism is close to a fairyland. This time, they just can't touch them and get hurt. It's not that easy to really want to kill them. Moreover, they have deep feet, they really have to have three strengths and two weaknesses. , I'm afraid it will lead to a big mess."

Duan Qingyun said in surprise: "The green-haired lion and the curly-nosed elephant really have heels. I heard that the green-haired lion made a big noise at the Yaochi event before, and I knew that they must have a difficult path."

Zi Yan stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, admiringly said: "You still have some knowledge, these two monsters are from the pure land of the Buddhist country, and the background is much larger than the previous monsters, one is the Manjusri Bodhisattva of Wutai Mountain, One is Samantabhadra Bodhisattva of Mount Emei, are you afraid?" I love watching Chinese website www.52kzw.com

"My dear, it's these two big men!" Duan Qingyun was really shocked.

Buddhism is prosperous, and there are countless Bodhisattvas, but the eight Bodhisattvas are the most famous. Manjushri and Samantabhadra are among them. Their own strength can easily suppress immortal kings. Coupled with their background and believers, even quasi-immortal emperor-level characters must be Give some face.

Seeing Duan Qingyun's expression, Zi Yan was even more proud, and said mysteriously: "You still have too little knowledge. If the background, these two monsters together are not as good as the big Peng bird in the lion and camel country!"

"Is there such a thing?" Duan Qingyun cooperated with an exaggerated expression and said: "I asked before that the Dapeng bird swallowed the entire lion and camel country from the emperor to the civil and military officials, and became the head of the country. , Dare to do this kind of wicked thing, you must have the courage of the sky, but I don't know who is supporting him behind his back."

"Think about it and know, who else could it be?"

Zi Yan rolled her eyes at Duan Qingyun, pointed to the sky, then pointed to the earth, and said crisply: "It is the supreme in the three realms, the loving father of the six realms, the master of the nine dharma realms, the Buddha Shakyamuni!"


Duan Qingyun was really shocked now, instead of making the illusion of coaxing Zi Yan.

After all, this person's identity is really shocking. I'm afraid no one knows about the nine great mountains and seas, and the combat power is even more terrifying. I don't know how many Supreme Beings of the Nine Realms have been suppressed by the single-handed "palace of Buddhism".

He reckoned that Duan De, who was his ancestor and boasted himself as the Underworld Emperor all day long, would never be the Tathagata's opponent.

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