He swears that as long as he leaves this illusion, he must leave the world of Shengyuan and get farther and farther away from these three female bullies.

On the other side, the three sisters fled halfway, Yu Xin said softly: "Do we feel sorry for Daoist Duan by doing this? He also helped us a lot."

"What's the matter, this kid is not a good person at first glance, and I don't know how many evil things he will do in the future. Maybe we will kill him for infinite merit." Zi Yan said solemnly.

The ruthless man is not as domineering as Zi Yan, and said slowly: "This bitter tactic is indispensable. As for Duan Qingyun's loss, it is a big deal to divide him into some merits and virtues, which is enough for him to benefit infinitely."

Yu Xin also knew that she could only act like this, so she shook her head, no longer sad.

The three of them escaped very quickly and returned to the foot of the mountain in no time.

Seeing this, the fire and water judge immediately greeted him and said, "How is the battle?"

The faces of the three sisters were pale, and they looked exhausted.

Ruthless said: "Originally everything went well, and the blue-haired lion and the curly-nosed elephant were to be suppressed. I never thought that at the most critical moment, Duan Qingyun sneaked a sneak attack from the dark, breaking my formation, not only allowing the two monsters to escape smoothly, It also hurt our sisters."

"What? Duan Qingyun appeared?" The fire and water judge immediately attracted all the attention of the news.

The ruthless man nodded, took out the severed arm, and said, "This little thief is very cunning. Our sisters only chopped off his arm and let him escape smoothly."

The fire and water judge took over the broken arm, and immediately determined that the breath matched, and his face suddenly gloomy.

"What's the next step? I think it's more important to catch Duan Qingyun!" said the water judge.

The ruthless said: "The two monsters were seriously injured by our sisters, and this is the best time to kill them. Duan Qingyun can't let it go. With this broken arm in his hand, I have [-]% confidence that I can give him to him. Get it out."

The Fire Judge frowned and said, "What does the Sun God Envoy mean?"

"Are you stupid, you can't hear this? It's our three sisters who went to catch Duan Qingyun, and you go to the lion camel country to deal with the three monsters!" Zi Yan jumped out and said, but her tone was not as sharp as before, giving people a feeling of powerlessness .

The water and fire judges looked at each other. Although there were still doubts in their hearts, they couldn't find a reason to refuse. They could only nod and say, "Okay, we'll go to the Lion and Camel Country. If you catch Duan Qingyun, you can't deal with it privately."

"Naturally." The ruthless man said calmly.

Chapter 913 The Buddha Mother Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva!

Watching the water and fire judge leave, the three ruthless sisters looked at each other and smiled.

Zi Yan even swept away her declining expression, and said brightly: "These two big fools really think we are seriously injured, it's so deceiving."

Ruthless Man smiled and said: "The biggest credit is Duan Qingyun's right arm. Without this arm, it would not be so easy for us to win the trust of the judge."

Yu Xin said: "Big sister, what should I do next?"

The ruthless man pondered for a while, then said: "Follow up and see the water and fire judges and their battle situation. With the strength of the phoenix behind them, unless the Dapeng bird can attract the Buddha Mother Peacock King Daming or the Tathagata Buddha, it will only rely on a few Bodhisattvas. , it may not be able to suppress.”

Yu Xin and Zi Yan nodded in agreement, and the three sisters immediately carried the escape light again and flew towards the Lion and Camel Country.

Before the three of them arrived, they heard a terrifying wave of spiritual energy coming from the surface, and the emptiness was filled with the terrifying power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, as if to burn the world together.

"Okay, such a powerful strength, I'm afraid it is already above the true immortal." A shock flashed in Yu Xin's eyes.

Although the three sisters each have powerful cards, their martial arts realm is a shortcoming, and they have not even reached the realm of the emperor. If they encounter an ordinary real immortal, they may be able to resist one or two with peerless immortal treasures, but if they encounter an existence above a real immortal , there is absolutely only one dead end.

The ruthless man narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "This Dapeng bird is a compatriot of the Peacock Ming King. Even if there is a difference in blood, it will not be too different. It is not unusual to have such strength."

"That's right, even when the battle against the Buddha came here, he was full of buns and had to go to the West for help, which shows how powerful this big roc bird is. But if the fire and water judge showed his cards, it would not be difficult to suppress it. ."

Zi Yan's voice just fell, and a terrifying coercion that made the soul tremble suddenly washed away.

The three people's escape light accelerated by three more points, and they saw the water and fire judge standing in the air, with both knots and seals buckled together.


The two seals of water and fire in the void seemed to attract each other, and they suddenly merged together, turning into a flying black wind.

This black phoenix is ​​extremely terrifying. Although it is only a few inches in size, it gives people a sense of invincibility that can overturn the world with one hand.

Its eyes opened and closed slightly, and two divine lights shot out.

In an instant, the sky penetrates the earth.

The Phoenix Seal rose wildly against the wind, exuding numerous black patterns, as if opening some kind of taboo, and these patterns together built a black divine gate that was more than ten feet tall.

And the Phoenix Seal is located in the center of the gate of God, like a door lock.


The water and fire judges shouted in unison, each spewing out a mouthful of blood essence, swinging out the seal, combining the power of blood essence and blood, and slammed it to both sides.


The black and golden gate of God slowly opened, reflecting a magnificent scene of a raging volcano.

This scene is very terrifying. At a glance, millions of seats are connected together, burning with raging demonic flames. 516 Novel Network www.516xs.com

The most terrifying thing is that a phoenix floats above every volcano, absorbing the power of flames.

"This, this is..."

The golden-winged Dapeng bird, the curly-nosed elephant, and the blue-haired lion king were all horrified at the same time.

They felt the palpitating oppression from those phoenixes, as if they were a group of wild beasts, dormant under the vastness, and once they were born, the world would be turned upside down.


Without any reminder, the three big demons galloped backward at the same time, divided into three directions.

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