
Suddenly, a black flame erupted from the largest crater, and a black phoenix leaped out, with a single wing, covering the entire sky.

It is tens of thousands of feet in size, and its eyes are like divine cages, with a light glance, as if looking down at the earth.Then he casually lifted a chicken paw and pressed it down.



Two loud noises sounded at the same time, and the blue-haired lion king and the curly-nosed elephant had already run for hundreds of miles, but they were still chased by the phoenix claws and crushed into slag.

Only the golden-winged Dapeng bird, as one of the fastest beasts in the prehistoric times, swung a distance of [-] miles in an instant, which was able to avoid a death blow.

"Hey! Sigh! Sigh!"

The escape of the golden-winged Dapeng bird made the black phoenix in the volcanic group furious.

At the same time, the Western Paradise Buddha Kingdom.

The two Bodhisattvas, Manjushri and Samantabhadra, rushed to the place where King Peacock Daming was located under the brilliance of the Buddha.

"Is King Ming here!"

The two Bodhisattvas did not dare to be too disturbed, so they stopped in front of the mountain and asked respectfully.

The next moment, a vague face appeared in the void, containing extremely terrifying power, and said indifferently: "What are you two talking about."

Manjushri Bodhisattva hurriedly said: "I have seen King Peacock Daming, and my two horses are in chaos in the lower world. This is to show the Buddha's heart and mortgage the Westward Journey, but I don't want to dare to be killed by murderers. How can such a villain let him go to Lingshan. In the realm, I also hope that King Ming will be the master."


Thunder was born in the void, and the space in front of the two Bodhisattvas exploded into pieces like a mirror, revealing an ancient starry sky road leading to endless chaos.

Under the splendor of thousands of stars, a beautiful and picturesque figure slowly stepped out from it, as if a single look could shatter the universe.

One of the Supremes of the Mountains and Seas, the Buddha Mother Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva!

Chapter 914 The Immortal Phoenix's True Body Comes to the Buddha Realm!

"See Buddha's Mother Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva."

The two Bodhisattvas Manjushri and Samantabhadra quickly bowed to greet each other.

Regardless of their lofty status in Buddhism, they can even be ranked among the Eight Great Bodhisattvas, but they are still not enough to see in front of King Peacock Ming.

Because in a certain sense, King Ming of Peacock does not belong to a Bodhisattva, but is a rank of King Ming, or the first King Ming, even if he is recognized as the first Bodhisattva Nanhai Guanyin, it is not enough to see in front of her.

Peacock Ming Wang's beautiful eyes opened and closed slightly, and said coldly: "If I remember correctly, my unsatisfactory younger brother often hangs out with your two mounts?"

Manjushri said: "Exactly, the three of them have always been good friends. This time, the Golden Winged Dapeng could not escape the calamity, so he came to ask King Ming for help."

Peacock Ming Wang nodded slightly, raised his eyes and looked forward, as if he saw the other side through layers of void, and suddenly said, "Let's go."

The moment the voice fell, the Buddha's light behind him suddenly blazed for three points, and the void in front of him receded like a tide, revealing an ancient starry sky road.

Manjushri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva were horrified when they saw this, and they were deeply shocked by the Buddhist attainments of King Peacock Ming.

You must know that before King Peacock Ming converted to Buddhism, he was already a supreme figure who moved the nine mountains and seas.Now that his Buddhist attainments have advanced to such a level, the two superimpose each other, how terrifying his true strength should be.

"It's no wonder that the Tathagata Buddha did not care about his grievances and tried his best to extradite King Peacock Ming to Buddhism. This person will definitely become the pillar of Buddhism in the future."

Both Manjushri and Puxian had this idea in their hearts and did not dare to delay, and followed the Peacock Ming Wang into the ancient road of the starry sky.

On the other hand, the battle is on!

The immortal phoenix is ​​getting closer and closer to the seal exit, and its power is getting stronger and stronger. It seems to destroy this piece of heaven and earth, shattering mountains and rivers, making the sea and the earth tremble.

The three ruthless sisters were completely stunned, shocked by this mighty force.

The ruthless man has opened the bell without beginning, sheltering the three of them, but there has been a burst of turmoil under the phoenix claws.

If it wasn't for being in an illusion, this world would have been torn apart long ago.

"Is this the strength of a quasi-immortal emperor?"

The three sisters looked at each other and felt a kind of amazement from the bottom of their hearts.

After the emperors showed their cards in Wuzhuangguan before, they also had a vague discussion with each other.

In addition to Zhang Tian's strength, which makes it impossible for everyone to guess the depth, the Fire and Water Judge's trump card is recognized as the strongest. That black phoenix has an ancient aura all over its body. Even if it is just a wisp of will, it has the strength of a quasi-immortal emperor.

However, the golden-winged Dapeng bird is not an ordinary monster after all, but one of the fastest creatures in the world. His bloodline represents it. Even if your strength is far greater than his, it is difficult to lock him with attacks.

I saw that he flexibly used the laws of space, shuttled in the void, and avoided the attacks of the phoenix claws. Even if he was hit by the shadow of the claws, it was actually a few layers of space.

As the most urgent wave of murder passed, the golden-winged Dapeng bird gradually got used to it, laughing: "Come and kill me! Come and kill me! Your strength is nothing more than that!"

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The undead phoenix uttered a harsh shriek, the eardrums of the shocking person twitched, and the divine light of death shot out from his eyes, burning the void.

"You! Are! Looking! Die!"

The Undying Heavenly Phoenix lowered her voice and uttered these four syllables, each of which was heavier than Mount Tai. She suddenly spread her wings and rushed towards the final sealing barrier.


The three ruthless sisters were shocked by this action and broke into a cold sweat. What does this undead Tianhuang want to do, she still thinks that the real body will not come?

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