At the moment when the voice fell, Tianyuan cracked even more, an ancient road in the starry sky shattered, and a majestic figure like a god of war stepped out, and the void shook. The power of the peerless gods killed in the ancient times.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Everyone's heart couldn't help beating nervously following his footsteps, full of suffocating oppression.

"It's him?"

King Peacock Ming's breath was stagnant, and she never imagined that it would be this person, so that her full of anger disappeared in an instant, leaving only blankness.

Manjushri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva did not have such great concentration. They were so frightened on the spot that they lost their minds and exclaimed: "Bury the Emperor!"

These three words are uttered like a bolt from the blue!

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the mountains and seas were shocked, as if the entire universe was at a standstill at this moment.

Peacock Ming Wang, Manjushri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva were dumbfounded.

The three ruthless sisters were also dumbfounded!

Zi Yan's small hand was still dangling in the air, and when she said half of the words, she was directly stuck, her mouth was slightly opened, her eyes were round, and there was only one thought left in her whole little head:

Dad is the Emperor of Heaven?

The Holy Father of the Human Race, the Supreme Being of the Nine Realms, the First Emperor of Eternity?

The Lord of Heaven who ended the turmoil in the ancient times, quelled the invasion of the demon race, pacified the gods of the gods, and established the ancient heaven?

The incarnation of the Dao of Heaven that overwhelmed the three major demon alliances, suppressed the alien races in the heavens, blocked countless dark turmoil, and swallowed the heavens and devoured the Dao?

The burial emperor who has been in seclusion for five million years, missed by hundreds of millions of beings, has the best achievements in the world, and is immortal?

She felt that her little head was a little confused, a little not enough, a little... ecstatic!

My father is the Emperor Burying Heaven, the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Court, and the first person ever!

Then am I not the most noble princess of all ages?

Happiness comes so suddenly!

Chapter 917 Dad, are you really the Emperor of Heaven?

Compared to before, Ruthless and Yuxin were very calm.

First of all, the two are Bingxue smart, and they have guessed one or two from various signs, not very shocked.

Second, Zhang Tian has always been domineering and invincible, and even when facing the Immortal Emperor, he is calm.

Zhang Tian at the top of the sky was slightly surprised when Manjushri and Puxian revealed his identity, but he didn't care, his figure flashed, and he teleported directly to the battlefield.


The first thing Zhang Tian did after his arrival was to knock on Zi Yan's clean and beautiful forehead.

"Oh, it hurts to death, this is domestic violence!"

Zi Yan held her head in both hands, complaining indignantly, the most noble princess of all ages doesn't seem to be of much use, and she still has to be bombarded by her father!

"If you talk nonsense again, the next time you hit it, it will be a fart." Zhang Tian said angrily.

Ruthless and Yuxin laughed happily, not surprised by this, Qi Qi bowed to Zhang Tian: "I have seen my father."

King Ming Peacock stared blankly at the scene that seemed to be a happy family, but before he could reply, he said subconsciously, "The Emperor Buried has a daughter."

If those Supremes of Mountains and Seas see the expression of King Peacock Ming, they will definitely be shocked.

Because King Peacock Ming is recognized as a Buddhist demon of the nine mountains and seas, he has devoted his life to killing, is ruthless, and has a jade-faced iceberg.

Zhang Tian turned around and said in a low voice, "Can't this emperor have a daughter?"


Only at this time did King Peacock Ming and Manjusri Puxian really come back to their senses, and they were sure that they had seen the real Emperor Burial, and respectfully saluted: "See Emperor Burial."

This prayer, willingly.

Although the desolate ancient heaven is now almost falling apart, it will live up to the grand occasion of dominating the nine mountains and seas, and even be overwhelmed by the pure land of the Buddha.

But what they worshiped was not the Lord of the Ancient Heavenly Court, but the Heavenly Burial Emperor who had saved the mountains and seas countless times!

Even if the Emperor Buried Heaven has been in seclusion for five million years and does not care about the world, even if the Emperor Buried Heaven has betrayed his relatives and left nothing, just relying on his past achievements, it is enough for anyone in the nine mountains and seas to pay homage.

"Get up."

Zhang Tian waved his hand casually and said.

The three of them just straightened up, and they were all at a loss. Standing in front of the famous Burial Emperor Xuanyu, I am afraid that everyone would be uneasy and difficult to calm down.

Manjushri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva looked at each other and said: "I am here to investigate the cause of the horse's death. Now that the cause and effect has disappeared, I will leave." Liehuoshuba

Zhang Tian nodded slightly.

The two bodhisattvas, as if they had been granted amnesty, immediately broke through the void and fled.

Peacock Ming Wang secretly smiled, and he didn't care to blame Manjusri and Puxian for selling his teammates. After all, the pressure of Emperor Burial is too strong, not to mention Manjushri and Puxian, even the Tathagata has to kneel.

She didn't know the inside story before and took some risks with Zi Yan, but it's not that easy to leave now.

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