After being silent for a while, King Peacock Ming said softly: "Just now I saw that Lingyuan has my bloodline in her body, and there are many misunderstandings. Since she is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, she will definitely not be a thief. It can be seen that it is related to me. Gu Yuli has stored my insights on the magical powers of "Five Colors Divine Light", which should be of some help to Ling Yuan, so please accept it."

After finishing speaking, King Peacock Ming took out a colorful jade pendant and gave it directly to Zi Yan instead of handing it to Zhang Tian.

Ruthless and Yuxin both showed a smile, and Zi Yan was a blessing in disguise again. This is the experience of a mountain and sea supreme. If you take it out, it will be enough to make everyone in the nine mountains and seas crazy.

As long as this insight can be digested, Zi Yan's accomplishments in "Five Colors Divine Light" will reach a very terrifying level. As long as the cultivation base is raised, it will not be difficult to slaughter the immortals and destroy the gods.

Zi Yan was not satisfied, she put the jade pendant in her pocket first, and then curled her lips: "I almost scared me to death just now, so how can it be enough to accompany an ancient jade, otherwise you will really be my father's wife, I think you are quite suitable."


King Peacock Ming's face was full of shame and anger. If it was another person, even if it was a quasi-immortal emperor, I am afraid she would immediately go forward and desperately, but this anger could not be vented on Zi Yan.

Especially in front of Zhang Tian, ​​it made her even more embarrassed. She wondered if Zhang Tian had inspired her.

If Zhang Tian really gave her advice, how could she resist the will of the Emperor Burial?

Thinking about it this way, my mind is even more confused.

Zhang Tian was a little speechless, this bear child is really uneasy for a moment, what is this?

Without thinking too much, Zhang Tian raised his hand and gave Zi Yan another shudder, and she cried out in pain.

"You step back." Zhang Tian looked at the strange Peacock King Ming, feeling a little uncomfortable, and waved her to step back.

"As ordered."

Peacock Ming Wang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but somehow felt a little uncomfortable, and his heart was mixed.

After breaking through the ancient road of the starry sky, King Peacock Ming forcibly cut off some distracting thoughts and walked in resolutely.

This time, Zhang Tian and the three Ruthless sisters were left in the audience.

Zhang Tian lowered his eyes slightly, took in everything that happened here, and said with a smile, "You guys did a good job this time."

The three sisters didn't respond, they all stared at Zhang Tian.

In the end, it was Zi Yan who spoke and said sharply, "Dad, are you really the Emperor of Heaven?"

Chapter 918 Still want to go to heaven to pretend?

"Dad, are you really the Emperor of Heaven Burial?"

This sentence can be said to ask the three daughters' hearts, making their eyes more attentive and focused, as if they don't want to miss a byte.

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "Why? Doesn't it look like it?"

The three daughters were infected by the relaxed atmosphere, and they all burst out laughing.

Zi Yan said cheerfully: "Dad is the Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of Heaven, so aren't my eldest and second sisters the Princess of Heaven?"

Zhang Tiandao: "It is true in theory."

"Haha, I'm really good now, let's see who dares to provoke me." Zi Yan said excitedly.

The ruthless man rolled his eyes and said angrily, "You have always been lawless, and no one dared to provoke you even before."

"Exactly." Yu Xin spoke out to help.

Zi Yan waved her hand and said: "That's different. I didn't know that my father was the Emperor Burial. Although he was arrogant on the surface, he was actually very panicked, and he was afraid that he would overturn the car accidentally. Now I am really awesome, and in the future It’s a completely different feeling to be able to pretend to be steadfast.”

Ruthless and Yuxin were defeated by Zi Yan's god theory, and they didn't know what to say. It turns out that this girl has been forcibly pretending.

Zhang Tian was also speechless. Looking at Zi Yan, who was swollen to the extreme, he was a little uncertain about whether it was good or bad for this girl to know her true identity.

"This time, many chess players have been pulled out of their pieces, and even they themselves have been traumatized. I am very pleased that you can do this. Next, quickly clear the fantasy world, the real war is still in Shengyuan. Mainland." Zhang Tianyou said.

The three sisters looked at each other and said in unison, "I will live up to my father's (father's) expectations."

After solving the Buddha's calamity in the lion and camel country, the Journey to the West team was completely deserted, leaving only the three sisters Tang Seng and Ruren.

No, there is another person, that is Duan Qingyun.

This guy also joined the team, and was sent by Zi Yan every day to inquire about news everywhere, doing all kinds of coolies, complaining every day, adding a lot of joy to the boring journey.

Because the three ruthless sisters have all heard of "Journey to the West", they have the advantage of foresight, so they passed the Buddha Tribulation very quickly.

After walking like this for another half a year, he finally came to the border of Tianzhu Kingdom.

"Oh my god, it's almost here..."

Duan Qingyun knelt in front of the gate of the world, tearing all over the place, only to hear the sadness, and those who saw it wept.

Zi Yan kicked him and shouted, "Why are you crying here? Why don't you go ahead to inquire about the news, I remember that there is a Buddha calamity nearby."

"And the Buddha Tribulation?"

When Duan Qingyun heard this, he was sad again and felt like he was about to collapse.

Because every Buddha kalpa, he must be the unlucky one in the end.

This little witch is really too vengeful, and she has not forgotten what she was playing with before, and will fix him whenever she has a chance.

"Amitabha, since the kingdom of Tianzhu is bathed in the light of the Buddha, the country will surely be prosperous and the people will be peaceful and happy. There should be no problem. Miss Zi Yan, don't make it difficult for the benefactor Duan." Tang Seng couldn't help begging for the poor Duan Qingyun.

Zi Yan glanced at him sideways and hummed: "Okay, for the sake of the holy monk, I'll spare you this time, so there's no need to explore the way."

"Thank you, thank you." Duan Qingyun said with a smile, nodding and bowing.

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