The group of five entered the border of Tianzhu together. After some time, they finally saw a city with three layers of city walls. It was majestic and tall.

The five people entered the city and walked along the street, only to see a group of people surrounding a blue brick wall so much that it was very lively.

Zi Yan gave a wink, and Duan Qingyun rushed up, dividing the crowd into a passage, and saw a bulletin posted on the blue brick wall.

Duan Qingyun read it carefully, nodded, and ran back again, just about to report, but was stopped by Zi Yan's raised palm.

"You don't need to say, let me guess, does the list say to ask the mage to pray for rain to save the people?" Zi Yan said with an inscrutable look.

Duan Qingyun said with admiration: "The third lady really expected things like gods, and it is the text of the prayer for rain. This place is called Fengxian County. For some reason, it has not rained for three years. It is thin, the river is shallow and the ditches are empty. There is no water in the well, and there is no water at the bottom of the spring, and the people cannot live any longer. Therefore, a poster is posted and a reward of thousands of gold is offered to recruit a mage who can pray for rain.”

Tang Monk immediately folded his hands together and said, "Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life, and the Dragon King of the Four Seas is the official of walking clouds and rain. Why does this phenomenon occur?"

"I know." Zi Yan said proudly: "This matter is easy to say, but it was the prince of Fengxian County who accidentally offended the immortal officials in the sky. The immortals have small hearts, so naturally there is no rain."

Although these words were not loud, they clearly fell in the ears of everyone.

Immediately, a team of officers and soldiers came over, and the leader of the captain clasped his fists and said, "Where did you elders come from, is what you just said true?"

The Tang monk respectfully returned the salute and said: "The poor monk is the one who came down to worship the Buddha of Tianzhu Kingdom's Daleiyin Temple to seek sutras before entering the city. The girl Ziyan has always been sincere, and since she said that, there will be no falsehood. "

After finishing speaking, Tang Seng looked at Zi Yan again and said: "Amitabha, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. The drought in Fengxian County has caused countless people to die unjustly. Since Miss Zi Yan knows the reason, can there be a way to solve it?"

The pair of officers and soldiers also looked at Zi Yan together,

Zi Yan smiled and said: "It's not easy to crack it, just go to Heaven and make things clear."

Ruthless and Yuxin were speechless for a while, this girl is really swollen, and even the immortal officials in the heavenly court are not in the eye, do you still want to go to the heavenly court to pretend

Chapter 919 God, I am the third princess of heaven!

The commander was very happy when he heard it, and said excitedly: "All the supernatural powers, the people of Fengxian County are all up to you. Come with me to see the prince."

Zi Yan said swaggeringly: "Lead the way ahead."

At this time, the prince was burning incense and praying silently. Hearing the announcement of joy, he asked, "Where does the joy come from?"

The officers and soldiers said: "Today, a group of monks from the Eastern Land and Tang Dynasty came, and they said that they could solve the problem of our county town drying up."

"Is there such a thing? Hurry up and invite me!" The prince showed ecstasy, and immediately tidied up his clothes and went to the main hall.

Seeing Tang Seng and his party, the prince did not take the air and respectfully said: "Xiaguan is the Shangguan, the prince of Fengxian County. Xun Mubai asked the teacher to pray for rain to save the people. I hope that the teacher will be compassionate, use his magic power, and help us. !"

Tang Seng put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, the prince is polite, but the person who can pray for rain is not me, but Miss Ziyan."

After all, Tang Seng pointed to Zi Yan.

Junhou looked at Zi Yan, who was little Dingdian, showing hesitation, and said suspiciously: "This girl ... can really pray for rain for my county?"

Zi Yan was a little unhappy, she found a chair and sat down, and said angrily: "You prince, you actually underestimate me, it seems that it is impossible not to show a hand, do you know why there is no rain in Fengxian County?"

The county marquis shook his head and said, "Since I took office, I have been a diligent deacon, but for three consecutive years, the grass does not produce grains. I really don't know the reason."

Zi Yan said according to the plot of the original book: "Three years ago on December [-]th, you sent the tribute for Zhaitian to feed the dog. Is there any such thing?"

The county marquis said in shock: "How could the girl know about the old events three years ago? There is indeed such a thing. At that time, my wife and I were not on good terms. I pushed down the offering table in annoyance, and unexpectedly was robbed by wild dogs. Could it be because of this?"

Zi Yan said: "It's not a big thing to say, but at that time, there was a high-ranking official in the heavens who inspected the lower realm. You let him catch a typical example, it's unfortunate."

Knowing the reason, the lord of the county said with a sad face: "It turns out that I have implicated the people of Fengxian County, and a hundred deaths cannot be redeemed!"

The commander on the side quickly persuaded him and said, "My lord is also unintentional. Why is the immortal so jealous? Now it's time to find a way to solve the problem."

"Yes, yes, yes, solve the problem, but how to calm down the wrath of the immortals?" Junhou said ignorantly.

The ruthless man did not want to delay here, and said bluntly: "The immortal gods are not ruthless, since you were convicted of overturning the confession table, then you should pay homage to the incense, thank God, and blame yourself, as long as you persist for a few months, you will always be It can move God.”

The prince nodded and said: "This method is very good, I will order someone to prepare it. As long as I can ask for heavy rain, I will be willing to kneel for a year."

Zi Yan smiled and said: "I think you are a good official, so you don't have to be so troublesome. I will go to heaven to tell you one or two things, and I will save you from your sins directly."

Ruthless and Yu Xin were a bit dumbfounded, this girl was completely inflated.

Duan Qingyun didn't know the inside story and ran on: "That's the ancient heaven, you think it's a vegetable market, you can go as soon as you say it?"

"Hmph, others can't go, so I can go!" Zi Yan said proudly.Just love to read novels

She is not the kind of person with a deep sense of government. After knowing Zhang Tian's true identity, she always wanted to pretend to be a big guy and have fun. Otherwise, wouldn't she be sorry for her identity as a princess in heaven?

Now is a perfect opportunity, how could she let it go.

The prince said excitedly: "If the girl can really calm the anger of the gods and gods, the lower official is willing to set up a longevity temple for the girl and worship her forever, and never give up."

"Haha, then just wait."

Zi Yan was in a hurry, said hello to the eldest sister and the second sister, and rushed out.

But he said that at the West Heaven Gate of Heavenly Court, the Heavenly King Protector led a team of elite heavenly soldiers to guard, and when he saw Zi Yan coming up, he immediately reprimanded: "Who is coming?"

Zi Yan pinched her waist with both hands, and said proudly: "I am the third princess of Heaven!"

"Three Princesses of the Heavenly Court?"

The Heavenly King Protecting the Kingdom and the other heavenly soldiers were stunned. When did a princess appear in the heavenly court, it was the third princess.

"Go, go, where did the little devil come from, he has come to this Heavenly King! There is no princess in Heaven, where are the three princesses!" The Protector Heavenly King said angrily.

He was looking at Zi Yannian as a cute little girl, so he didn't feel embarrassed. If someone else said this, he would have ordered someone to go to Zhanxiantai earlier. He really thought that he would not dare to kill the king of protecting the country.

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