All the heavenly soldiers also laughed and laughed, Zi Yan was so cute, and they only said that it was a naughty junior from a fairy family.

When Zi Yan was dismissed by the protector of the country like this, she was also a little misfiring.

Because she found that she really didn't seem to be able to prove her identity unless she called her father.

But in that case, she would definitely be beaten, and she didn't want to be beaten.

But if you don't call him Dad, the pretense will fail this time.

"Bring her to Shenxiao Yufu, don't neglect."

Just when Zi Yan was tangled, a majestic voice suddenly came out of the void, and the divine might was like a prison.

The Heavenly King Protector was refreshed and hurriedly bowed to the void: "My subordinates obey."

Standing up straight, the faces of the King Protector and the soldiers changed, watching Zi Yan full of shock.

The owner of the voice just now, but Jiutian Yingyuan Lei Sheng Puhua Tianzun, the head of the Thunder Department, and a high-ranking figure in the heavenly court, actually spoke for the little girl in person.

Could it be that she is really the third princess in heaven?

Chapter 920 Seeing the Tathagata in the Mahavira Hall, conferred a Buddha!

Zi Yan didn't expect such a twisted change, she suddenly became alive, and squinted: "Do you still dare to stop me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare." King Protector wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said with a flattering smile: "Since Lei Zun's decree, the girl will follow me to Shenxiaoyufu."

"What girl, I'm the third princess in Heaven!" Zi Yan corrected seriously.

"Yes yes yes." King Protector nodded again and again, but did not dare to call out the word 'princess'.

In case this is a misunderstanding, the little girl only has some relatives with Tianzun Lei Bu, and she is a serious crime of dereliction of duty, and she will get rid of the king's hat.

Even though he is the king of heaven, the pressure is still very high. I don't know how many people are staring at his position. Once he is pulled down, he will cry without crying.

Zi Yan pouted, and didn't bother to care about one of his gatekeepers, and swaggeredly followed him into the heaven.

This is naturally not a real heaven, but a simple illusion created by the ancient Buddha of the Pure Land of the Buddha with the supreme magic method, but it is also full of fairy tales, which greatly satisfies Zi Yan's curiosity.

When they arrived at the Jade Mansion, the only person in the hall was Tianzun Leibu, who was sitting high in the hall.

The Protector of the Kingdom bowed in awe, and withdrew very wisely.

Zi Yan put out her small bench, sat on it, and asked curiously, "You seem to be a high-ranking official?"

Leibu Tianzun thought for a while and said, "Forget it, there are officials in the heavenly court who are bigger than me, but not many."

"Do you believe that I am the third princess in Heaven?" Zi Yan asked sharply.

Leibu Tianzun said: "The bracelet on your wrist has the breath of Lord Tiandi, and you have the sword that Lord Tiandi used to have on your body. With these two points, you can let this deity treat you as a VIP. I don't know where you are on this trip. Heavenly Court, what's the matter?"

Zi Yan said: "The prince of Fengxian County offended an immortal official, causing the county to have no rain for three years. This punishment is enough. It's better to look at my face and forget it."

If this scene spreads out, it will surely shake the nine mountains and seas upside down.

What kind of person is Leibu Tianzun? Compared with the Peacock Ming King of the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom, his identity is only high or not low. Even those quasi-immortal emperors of the Immortal Realm Mountain should show some respect when they see him. Those who dare to talk to him like this, nine Great mountains and seas are really rare.

"Haha..." Leibu Tianzun laughed instead of being angry, and said casually: "I said what is the matter, it is not difficult, since you have spoken, you must give face, just leave it to me."

Zi Yan nodded with great satisfaction, and said with approval: "You are still very good at life. When I return to Heaven, I will give you an additional official position."

Leibu Tianzun was even more amused, and he echoed: "Then the deity will thank you first."

Leibu Tianzun's movements were very fast. Zi Yan just came down from the sky, and the clouds in the sky had already covered Fengxian County.

Inside and outside the city, officials of all sizes, military and civilians, etc., had not heard thunder and lightning for three years.

"Really negotiated?"

Duan Qingyun watched the torrential rain falling from the sky, and was so shocked that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. The ability of this little witch was too great, did she really move the heavens?

"Little thief Duan, now you know how good I am?" Zi Yan appeared at the gate of the county house and said triumphantly.

"I've seen it, I've seen it, Miss San is really powerful." Weishuba

Duan Qingyun hurriedly sent a series of flattery, and he was even more shocked by the background of the three ruthless sisters. He could not imagine the existence of Heavenly Court to sell face, at least he felt that his immoral ancestor couldn't do it.

Begging for the heavy rain, the Duke of Fengxian County was extremely pleasantly surprised, and sent Seng Tang and his party out of the county town with great gratitude.

This is Tianzhu Kingdom, and the five people are thinking of ending the journey as soon as possible, and they are all walking very fast.

After a few months, I finally arrived at the Daleiyin Temple, where I saw the Tathagata in the Daxiong Hall.

Although they knew it was an illusion, Ruthless, Yu Xin, and Duan Qingyun couldn't help but feel nervous.

After all, this is the Buddha who is famous in the Nine Realms, but he can transform the terrifying existence of the Buddhist kingdom with one hand, the supreme among the supreme of mountains and seas.

Only Zi Yan did not lose her momentum, but looked around curiously.

If it was placed before, she might be a little more honest, but knowing that her father is the Emperor Buried, she has no scruples.

Tathagata Buddha, so what?

The treasure hall was in public, with Buddhas sitting in rows, bodhisattvas and arhats filling the hall, shrouded in brilliant Buddha light, and it was a grand occasion.

The Tathagata said: "You have come all the way from Nanzhangbuzhou to this point. After going through hardships, you have finally achieved fruition. What do you think?"

Everyone expressed their own experience. Although they did not have the heart to convert to Buddhism, all dharmas have the same origin, and the Buddhadharma is also the Dharma.

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