When it was Zi Yan's turn, the little girl thought for a moment and said with a smile: "A good person needs to go through eighty-one to become a Buddha, and a bad person puts down the butcher's knife and becomes a Buddha on the ground, so it's better to be a bad person."

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall was shocked, and many Arhats who had not practiced enough showed their anger.

Some other Bodhisattvas and Buddhas pondered, and felt that there was a sense of Zen in their words.

Tathagata felt very bad, never expected Zi Yan to come out like this, and immediately coughed and said: "Amitabha, all the dharmas are like dream bubbles, like dew, like electricity, you should look at it like this... Bestow the ancient Buddha status. ."

"Ancient Buddha status?"

Duan Qingyun's eyes widened, only to feel that his breathing was stagnant, and his face showed ecstasy.

He never imagined that the rewards for clearing the fantasy realm would be so generous, and everyone had an ancient Buddha status.

What is an ancient Buddha?

With this fruit status, it is equivalent to getting a ticket to become a Buddha. As long as you practice step by step, you can become an ancient Buddha comparable to a true immortal!

What a wonderland!

The nine great mountains and seas have not appeared for five million years!

"It's no wonder that the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom will be so prosperous and prosperous from generation to generation. With such a method of creating Buddhas, how many Buddhas must there be in the Pure Land, and which of the nine great mountains and seas is the enemy?"

The more Duan Qingyun thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, a feeling of peeping into the abyss.

While he was peeping into the abyss, the abyss was also peeping at him!

Chapter 921 The world is besieging the Xuanming Sect!

Shengyuan Continent, Thousand Buddha Temple.

Ruthless Man, Yuxin, Zi Yan, and Duan Qingyun showed their bodies, and they all felt like sanghai and sangtian.

When entering, the Xuanming Sect, the Heaven-Mending Sect, the Juling Sect, the Yin-Yang He He Sect, the Magic Yin Sect, the Wulei Orthodox Sect...

How many people from the mainland have gathered, but now only a few of them have come out intact.

Despite the hardships, the harvest is also rich enough!

The ruthless man obtained the seal of the Underworld Emperor. Although it was only half of the heart of the mountains and seas, it also increased her cultivation by a lot. With the body of the Holy Realm, she could challenge the Great Emperor.

Yuxin's quasi-emperor realm has been completely stabilized, and she can look for opportunities to break through to the real ancient emperor realm at any time. In addition, she has also obtained the source of Liuxian entrusted by the Emperor Kuxuan of the Heaven-Mending Sect before his death.

Zi Yan had the best luck. Not only did she deceive a "Five-color Divine Light" from King Peacock Ming, but there was also a ray of dragon ancestors waiting for her to refine.

Of course, for the three sisters, the greatest good fortune is the ancient Buddha status. Even if they do not plan to become Buddhas in the future, they can gain a lot of insights from them, greatly improving their chances of breaking through to the real fairyland.

Duan Qingyun was both respectful and fearful of the three Ruthless Sisters. As soon as he exited the Four Truths Dharma Cave, he ran away immediately.

The three sisters did not stay at the Qianfo Temple either, and after a little rectification, they returned to the Three Gods of the East Desert.

A mighty battle for the seal of the Underworld Emperor came to an end.

But everyone knows that this is just the opening ceremony, and the competition for the heart of mountains and seas will intensify!

Time flies, three years have passed.

The ruthless man finally digested all the insights he had in the Four Truths Dharma Cave and exited the pass smoothly.

After learning that Yuxin and Zi Yan were still in retreat, she didn't bother and went straight to the temple of the gods.

"Father isn't there? Did he say where to go?"

Ruthless was a little surprised, she remembered that this was the first time she was looking for Zhang Tian but couldn't find it.

The high priest bowed slightly: "Reporting to the Sun God Envoy, the leader said that the Moon God Envoy is about to break through the Emperor Realm and needs to find a place to practice, so he left the Shengyuan World and went to the outer realm to find it."

"Second sister is going to break through to the emperor realm?"

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, and she was very pleasantly surprised by this disappearance. The Great Emperor Realm of ancient times was the highest realm on the bright surface of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas.

After calming down for a while, the ruthless man sat on the main seat and asked, "How is the situation on the mainland now?"

"It's a mess!" the high priest replied.Hot Search Novelswww.resooo.com

"Oh? What's wrong with the law?" The ruthless man asked with great interest.

"In the battle of the Thousand Buddha Temple, too many great emperors died, causing the situation on the mainland to undergo earth-shaking changes. The Juling Sect was destroyed, the Yin-Yang and Hejia Sect were in civil strife, the Butian Sect announced the closure of the mountain gate, and the Xuanming Sect also wanted to shrink its forces. However, music education and others have become active, and there is a hidden intention to expand." The high priest replied seriously.

The Ruthless Man smiled and said, "The Heaven-Mending Sect and the Xuanming Sect haven't collapsed yet. These people just want to be kings and hegemony? What's more, we have the Three Gods Sect."

The high priest pondered: "There are rumors in the world that the life of the god Liu of the Heaven-Mending Sect will be soon, and the Emperor Kuxuan has already died, and he is only willing to defend himself. The Queen took the lead and planned to unite the various sects to attack the city of Hades and completely destroy the Xuanming Sect. As for our Three Gods Sect, the power has not yet emerged in the Eastern Wilderness, so they have deliberately ignored it.”

"What a deliberate ignorance." The ruthless man raised a cold expression on the corner of his mouth and asked, "Is the time for the siege of Hades set?"

The high priest said, "Although the siege of the Xuanming Sect was initiated by Empress Huanyin, all sects have their own intentions. There are still many surviving holy places participating in it, and they have already headed towards Hades City from multiple routes."

"Interesting, then let's join in the fun."

The ruthless man thought for a moment and issued an order.

She doesn't care about competing for hegemony in the world, but the remaining half of the heart of the mountains and seas in Xuanming Sect's hands, she is bound to win.

"As ordered, this subordinate will prepare now."

The high priest saluted and withdrew.

Half an hour later, an incomparably huge golden battleship rose from the Three Gods Sect and headed straight for the Xihuang Xuanming Sect.

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