In the Xuanming Sect, countless disciples wearing black robes gathered together, and everyone had a gloomy look on their faces.

"In the front, there are black and white impermanence, and in the back there are the five great kings, and even the judge of water and fire died in the Thousand Buddha Temple. Are our Xuanming Sect really going to die?"

"That's right, at such a critical juncture, why hasn't Hades come out to preside over the overall situation."

"Mengpai, you have to say something, those holy places of great teachings are already coming to the door!"

In the dark hall, there was a lot of noise, the throne of the leader was empty, and everyone could only vent their emotions on Madam Meng.

"Shut up the old body! The enemy has nothing to do, you mess up yourselves first, what kind of decency!"

Po Meng, who was standing on the high platform, said coldly, a terrifying imperial prestige filled the audience, instantly suppressing all voices.

"Meng Po, it's not that I'm going to be in a mess. The crusades of those great sects and holy places will soon reach the city of Hades. How can I calm down at this time?" A big man with a black imperial crown said in a deep voice, he The momentum on his body is like an abyss, not much inferior to that of Meng Po.

"Humph! Those people are just a group of ants, what a shame, as long as the Underworld Emperor leaves the customs, they can be wiped out easily!" Madam Meng said in a hoarse voice.

"An ant? This Emperor wants to see how the Underworld Emperor destroys me!"

A tyrannical and domineering voice broke through the layers of void and descended directly into the hall.

Chapter 922 Zhang Tian's majesty!

"The Empress? The Phantom Empress!"

All the demonic owls in the hall showed a look of horror. This famous emperor in medieval history was also a woman. Even today, when a group of heroes are rising together, he has terrifying strength.

The Underworld Emperor of Xuanming Sect is in retreat, and the ghost master has fallen, who can stop her?


"Calm me down!"

Po Meng stomped on the dragon head crutches, forcibly trying to stabilize the scene.

However, the tremor in the void was even more terrifying, as if a peerless divine might was coming.


The void shattered like a mirror, the hall shook violently, and the top of the hall made of the Black Nether Crystal was lifted directly.

Severed by a sharp sword!

Empress Huanyin is standing across the void, wearing a bright yellow brocade robe and an imperial phoenix crown on her head. Her skin beats frost and snow, her eyes are as bright as autumn water, and her hair is as soft as a black Tianhe, spreading out, making her beautiful.

"The city of Hades has been broken, do you still have to fight back?"

The Empress looked coldly at the Xuanming disciple below, and a mocking arc appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Those eyes, as unpredictable as an abyss, dazzling as a starry sky, with an extraordinary temperament, are the only ones in the world.

Meng Po stepped out of the queue and said loudly: "Empress Huanyin, you are so brave, Emperor Ming is still alive, you dare to do such a disobedient act, you are not afraid that Emperor Ming will be born and completely destroy your phantom sound. ?"


The Empress smiled sweetly, revealing ten thousand amorous feelings.

It is also this smile that makes people feel awe-inspiring, the air around them seems to cool down in an instant, condensing into ice, making people feel like falling into an ice cave.

She said in a low voice: "Today, all the great sects gather together, even if Emperor Ming leaves the customs, there is only one way to die. As for you Ming sons and grandsons, let's bury him together."

"Haha, what the Empress said makes sense!!"

A loud voice came from the sky, like the sound of thunderstorms, slamming down from the nine heavens, the void suddenly shattered a hole, and a majestic old man with purple hair stepped out.

"Purple Thunder Emperor?"

Madam Meng narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "You Wulei Orthodox Sect also want to be an enemy of Xuanming Sect?"


The purple-haired old man said gloomily, surrounded by thunder, as if the god of thunder had descended into the world.

"How can such a good thing be without me?"

Another cracking sound rang out, and more than a dozen Zhun Emperors with ghost talismans dragged a huge coffin to the air, and an old man with yellow talismans all over his body jumped out of the coffin.

The moment he appeared, all the spatial turbulence seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force.Everyone reads novels

"The Sect Master of Detention?"

Grandma Meng's heart sank again.

Not long after, the powerhouses of the eight great medieval sects had all arrived.

There are also countless teams of surviving holy places, entering the city of the Emperor of the Underworld, intending to take the opportunity to share a piece of the pie.

After all, the Xuanming Sect is a super-great sect that has suppressed the continent for nearly a million years, and its profound background is unimaginable.

"Empress, everyone is almost there, can you do it?"

Emperor Zihua Lei said in a low voice, and when he waved his sleeves, it seemed that a kingdom of thunder had risen from behind him.

Empress Huanyin was about to speak, when suddenly her expression changed, she looked at a void, and said softly: "There are still people who have not arrived yet."

The other several great sect masters also sensed the abnormality, and they all looked towards the void where the Empress was looking.

I saw that the calm void suddenly rippled, swaying layers of ripples, and then slammed into pieces, revealing a beautiful door of light.

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