This time, it was the right wing that burst, and the golden feather clan boy staggered backwards, smashed to the top of the mountain wall fiercely, and countless golden blood flowed out.

"Treasure, absolute treasure. If I want this magical weapon, I will be able to run amok even in the blood test! I must get it, at any cost!" Wu Di shouted in his heart, in his eyes, he had only This trident remains!

This time, Zi Yan didn't give Jin Yu a chance to ease up, and at the moment when he was knocked into the air, she jumped into the air, and performed "Kunpeng's Sky Walk" again, like a meteor chasing the moon, rushing to Jin in an instant Yu Juvenile approached and threw a ruthless punch.


The flames burst, and the mountain wall behind the Jin Yu boy burst with a bang, and his entire chest was also shattered with a large hole. In addition, two arms were broken, and one wing was broken, this person was extremely miserable.

Only a small section of the last half of the wings was not damaged, exuding golden brilliance.

This is a piece of wings blessed by the gods of the Golden Feather Clan. It is equivalent to a Noble Phantasm and is very rare and powerful.

Zi Yan was very happy to see it, grabbed the winged treasure with one hand, and shot it with the other hand!

The turbulent waves rolled up, and the violent impact directly tore up half of Prince Jin Yu's body and threw it out, and Zi Yan ripped off his feathered Noble Phantasm!

" killed me, my father won't let you go, I need your entire family to be buried with me!"

Prince Jin Yu roared sternly, his shattered body burst with a bang, and the explosion resounded throughout the ruins.

Zi Yan looked at the Winged Noble Phantasm in her hand happily, and saw the golden thunder light flowing on it, apparently also possessing the supernatural power of thunder and lightning, so she couldn't help but be even more happy.

Suddenly, Zi Yan remembered that she had forgotten something, and raised her head quickly.

Sure enough, where the Golden Feather Prince fell, the Violet Amerasella swayed out, and dozens of inner courtyard students were running towards it, apparently wanting to take chestnuts from the fire and seize this peerless medicine.

"This is Zi Yan's precious medicine, and no one is allowed to rob it!"

Zi Yan scolded, and injected the abundant and vast demon power into the Winged Noble Phantasm, which immediately inspired a large golden thunder, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky towards the group of arrogance.


Under the powerful thunder method, every student who was attacked was ripped apart by the electricity, and their flesh and blood flew. They dared not fight and fled desperately.

This little witch was so cruel that even the prince of the Golden Feather clan was killed. Who knows if staying here will stare at him.

Zi Yan took Ziluo Amica, sniffed twice, showing satisfaction, opened her mouth, and swallowed it directly.

Patting her belly, Zi Yan sighed softly: "One treasure medicine is not enough to eat, where should I go to hunt for treasure next?"

"Go to the southwest corner, there is something good there." A voice suddenly came from Zi Yan's Bingling bracelet.

Zi Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, she raised her wrist, and said in surprise, "Is that your father?" ,, . .

Chapter 113 Buying a Trident

There was a wave of spiritual light on the Bingling bracelet, and Zhang Tianwen's gentle voice came again: "I planted this ban this morning. It was originally just to prevent you from having an accident. But the one in the southwest corner The treasure is really good, it can help you open up another round sea, it’s a pity to waste it, so let’s make an exception for you.”

"Dad is the best!"

Zi Yan cheered, kissed the Bingling bracelet, and said with a smile.

Just when Zi Yan was about to run to the southwest according to Zhang Tian's instructions, a mound of earth and rocks beside her suddenly exploded, and dozens of students from the inner courtyard rushed out, and the leader was Wu Di.

Seeing this group of people, Zi Yan immediately showed vigilance, shaking her small fist and threatening: "What are you doing? Be careful I eat you!"

"No, no, little witch, don't worry, I just want to make a deal with you."

Wu Di waved his hands again and again, he was completely convinced by Zi Yan, and even the arrogance of the golden feather clan prince with space and lightning double attributes was bombarded and killed, even if he borrowed ten more courage from him, he would not Dare to be hard with Zi Yan.

"Deal? What deal?" Zi Yan asked with a puzzled look as she carried the trident behind her back.

Wu Di looked at the trident behind Zi Yan, resisted the urge to snatch it directly, and said solemnly: "I like your trident, how many spirit stones, please report the number."

"Do you want to buy my trident?" Zi Yanxiumei frowned slightly, shook her head and said, "My trident doesn't sell as many spirit stones, this is my treasure!"

"It really is a treasure!"

Wu Di's heart was even hotter. The more Zi Yan said that, the more certain he was about his guess, and he was obliged to this trident in his heart!

Seeing the change in Wu Di's expression, Zi Yan suddenly said viciously: "Do you want to grab it? Be careful I eat you!"

"Damn, she's really a vicious little witch who eats people at every turn. Could it be that she's actually a beast?" Wu Di thought to himself, but he didn't dare to show it on the surface, and still put on a smile and said: "Little Witch, don't be too busy to refuse, everything has a price, I, Wu Di, are the grandson of the chief elder of the inner court, and the price I offer will definitely satisfy you."

Zi Yan looked suspicious and said slowly: "Then how much can you give?"


Wu Di was overjoyed, and quickly took out all the treasures, spirit stones, and medicines that were messed up on his body.But this time he came to participate in the trial. Apart from the two lost treasures, there was really nothing to see, so he couldn't help but feel anxious for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Di turned around and said to the group of younger brothers: "Take out all the valuables on your body, lend them to me first, and when you return to the academy, I will return your spirit stones."

In the identity of Wu Di, these little brothers naturally dared not not borrow, and they were not afraid that he would default on their debts. They took out all the treasures on their bodies and piled up a small mountain bag in no time. Going up is also spectacular.

"There is also a blood qi card, I want it too!" Zi Yan added again.Kanshuge

"Take out all your blood energy cards, you won't be able to make it into the top ten anyway!"

Wu Di was the first to take out his blood qi card and threw it into the treasure pile. Although it is not difficult to win the top ten with his strength, he is no longer interested in the mere blood bodhi.

As long as he can get this trident treasure, he can kill all directions in the blood-colored trial. If there is no treasure at that time, maybe he can enter the Immortal Temple, obtain the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, and then embark on the peak of life.

Thinking of this, Wu Di felt that he was really far-sighted and would become a great weapon in the future.

When the treasures of the group of younger brothers were also looted, Wu Di directly put all the treasures in front of Zi Yan, and said proudly: "I am sincere, and I will not take advantage of you. These treasures are only deposits, as long as the ruins are out. Dongtian, how about paying you ten times more?"

Zi Yan's black and beautiful eyes rolled straight, and she put all the treasures into her storage ring without disdain, and then said with a very reluctant look: "You seem to be very sincere, but out of Ruins, you will definitely default on your debt, and I can't beat your grandfather."

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