Wu Di's angry nose is crooked. His grandfather, the dignified elder in the inner courtyard, will take her a little girl by force?Besides, if you don't plan to sell it, why do you take all the deposit away? Who is robbing who?

Just when Wu Di was about to continue his theory, a younger brother behind him suddenly came up with an idea: "Boss, she said that she couldn't leave the ruins, so we can just get it together for her in the ruins. When the time comes, you should borrow it from other students. It's almost there."

"Good idea! What a genius you are!"

Wu Di patted the younger brother's shoulder heavily, and said excitedly at Zi Yan: "Little witch, if I collect treasures in the ruins, you will not default on your debt, right?"

"Go get it together, I'll sell you the trident when you get enough, my Zi Yan is the most reputable!" Xiao Ziyan patted her chest and said.

"Okay, I'll trust you, let's go!"

With a big wave of his hand, Wu Di took his younger brother and ran into the distance, apparently planning to find other students to borrow treasures.

Seeing Wu Di and the others disappear, Zi Yan's eyes squinted into crescent-shaped eyes, and she took out the messy things and spread them all over the floor, classifying them like a fan of small money.

She likes two types of things the most. One is things with strong spiritual energy such as elixir and treasure medicine. She just shoves it into her mouth. Her sea of ​​​​wheels is like a bottomless pit.The other type is sparkling crystals, even if they are of no use, she will carefully collect them, which is also one of the nature of dragons.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Tian couldn't help but chuckle and said, "You girl, you have a lot of ghost ideas. No wonder you want to build such a trident without telling me, I'm afraid you have already made a small calculation?"

Zi Yan said with a smile: "That person is too stupid to buy this trident! I don't want to sell this trident to others, I just don't want others to know my "Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos". The elder sister said However, if you have a trump card that others don't know, that's great!"

Zhang Tian was speechless for a while, and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed, and he said solemnly: "The treasure in the southwest corner is about to be born, you should hurry over now."

"Okay, Dad!"

Zi Yan was refreshed, she quickly put away all the treasures, stomped her feet on the ground, and rose to the sky with a roar. , , .

Chapter 114 The snipe and clam fight, Zi Yan benefits

Relic Cave, at the southwest corner.

The nineteenth prince was standing on the top of a mountain. If you looked closely, you could find that he was floating in the air, three feet away from the ground.

He was surrounded by faint starlight, exuding a quiet and sacred aura, faintly visible, a faint starlight spread out from him, all the way to the incomparably tall Xiongfeng in the depths of the mountains.

"I sensed the call of the supreme treasure of the Star God's bloodline!"

The nineteenth prince's black hair was flying, and the jade belt of the python robe on his body shook the sound of hunting and hunting, and his face was full of excitement.

At this moment, more than a dozen roaring sounds came from all directions, gathered in front of the nineteenth prince, and respectfully said: "His Royal Highness, the surrounding mountains have set up space barriers according to your requirements, and no one can break through. Enter. However, the demon king in the mountain keeps roaring, and the breath is very fierce, the nineteenth prince needs to be careful."

"It doesn't matter, the so-called demon king is nothing but an illusion formed by the inner core of the dead beast. This prince has already set up a strange formation around him, which can continuously weaken the demon power of the illusion beast. It won't take long for it to disperse. It is impossible to maintain the shape of a beast." The nineteenth prince said in a soft voice, with a confident expression on his face.

He prepared for this day for too long, not only spent a lot of time and energy, but also damaged several powerful treasures, even as his prince, he couldn't support it.

But it's all worth it!

According to ancient records, although the Star God had successfully inserted the Xingxing Sword into the head of the ancient Qiongqi, he was severely injured and could only escape immediately, and even the Xingxing Sword could not be retrieved in time.The Star Slaying Sword is the treasure of the lineage of the Star God. As long as he gets this sword, and by virtue of his mother's position in the Three Gods Religion, he can have a great confidence to completely control the power of the Star God lineage, and even take over the entire Three Gods. teach!

"To be able to turn into such a ferocious phantom beast, that demon pill must be very extraordinary. My subordinates wish His Highness the success of taking the pill, breaking through the realm, and overpowering the Golden Feather Prince and Emperor Shi'er!" Several students took the opportunity to flatter. .

"Naturally, I will succeed. What I want to do, I have never failed!"

The nineteenth prince said very confidently, and there was still some excitement in the faint.He originally thought that the ancient poor inner core had been weathered for countless years, and the demon power had been dissipated, but he did not expect to have such a powerful power.

From this point of view, this ancient Qiongqi Inner Alchemy is likely to still preserve some blood essence, and it may even contain the treasures and magical powers of the Qiongqi family!

Based on his background and all kinds of powerful cards, if he can refine this precious poor Qi Neidan, he will be able to overwhelm the golden feather clan prince and the emperor lion, and at that time, this alien and demon clan's peerless world will be transformed. Tianjiao beheading is a great feat, and can be rewarded by the emperor!

Thinking of this, the nineteenth prince was even more excited, but his palace was very deep, and he hid all these emotions, and said solemnly: "You all return to your position immediately, and monitor closely, once the space barrier changes, Notify me immediately!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

All the students bowed slightly and ran in all directions again.Trade Wind Literature Network www.xinfengwenxue.com

At the same time, Zi Yan also rushed to the southwest corner. This is an endless barren mountain, with extremely lush ancient trees, but it is rare that there is not a single monster.

It seems that this area is isolated from the entire cave of the ruins, forming a self-contained circle, or there is a peerless king occupying this place, and its coercion makes the beasts retreat.

"Dad, is that right here?"

In front of a mountain range, Zi Yan stopped and inquired around, whispering to the Bingling bracelet on her wrist.

In front of her is a layer of light blue film, which merges with the entire forest and exudes powerful fluctuations. It is the space magic circle purchased by the nineteenth prince at a huge price, which can inspire a space barrier, The mountains of the corner are all enveloped in it.

With such a careful layout, the first is to worry that the roar of the poor fantasy beast will disturb the other students who come to the trial, and the second is to ensure that no one will break in when he takes the pill.

"The treasure is on the highest mountain there, you will know when you go in." The Bing Ling bracelet flashed, and it was extremely bright in the deep forest in the night sky.


Zi Yan whispered, her two beautiful eyes gleamed, and she walked directly towards the space barrier. At the moment when her body touched the barrier, the entire barrier dissipated to both sides like a tide, letting her go silently. Go in, without stirring up a wave.

If the Prince of the Golden Feather Clan is the darling of space, then the Taixu Gulong clan is the emperor of space, born to master the laws of space, not to mention that Zi Yan is the strongest dragon emperor bloodline!Any forbidden law is useless before her.

As soon as she entered the space restriction, Zi Yan immediately heard an earth-shattering beast roar, which came from the highest mountain, and the voice became more and more rapid, as if it was a critical moment.

At this moment, a roar came out, and on the eight peaks surrounding the central Xiongfeng, a powerful blue light rose at the same time, straight into the sky, gathered into a round of heaven and earth banning formation, wrapped in an unparalleled prestige towards the sky. The central mountain is covered and gone.


As if sensing a crisis, the roar of the beast was even more fierce, causing the entire Xiongfeng to roar and tremble. Scarlet red, with two pale golden dragon horns on his forehead, his head is like a tiger and a cow, ferocious and terrifying, the scales on his body are like barbs, extremely sharp, and there are huge black wings on the back.

The phantom beast's pupils were full of suffocating energy, looking at the magic formation in the void, he raised the beast's claws and shook it, the strong fluctuations caused the surrounding mountains to collapse, and the mountains and rivers fell, like the end of the world.

Just as the ground was shaking, Zi Yan was like an agile cheetah, rushing to the central mountain quickly, and at a glance, she saw a huge crack in the center of the mountain.

In that cracked hole, there was an incomparably huge skeleton of a ferocious beast, which seemed to be roaring in the sky. Although it was unknown how long it had been dead, the coercion of that tyrannical Jedi was still shocking! , , .

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