Chapter 115 It is the sword of this emperor!

Zi Yan walked closer, only to feel that the skeleton was like a hill, and huge wings could be vaguely seen. At its head, there was a star-bright sword, dazzling, and the surface was engraved with a very mysterious texture. The fluctuation of the Seagod Trident is even more powerful.

Zhang Tian transformed into a spiritual body and looked at the star sword, and he couldn't help showing a touch of reminiscence. He felt the breath of the ancient emperor's "killing sword" on this sword.

It used to be one of his swords before he joined the Dao. It was made from Rihua, Yuehua, and Xinghua, and it was forged with Tianming Divine Fire for [-] years. restricted area.

I didn't expect to see you again here today, but this sword only has the power of Xinghua. Obviously, during these long years, the Divine Sword has also undergone great changes and was split apart.

"Dad, what kind of beast is this? It looks very powerful."

As Zi Yan asked, she quickly climbed up the head part of the monster's skeleton, and pulled out the star-cutting sword, and planned to put it away happily.

But I didn't expect that when it was put into the storage ring, the Xingxing Sword seemed to have spirituality and struggled frantically. If it wasn't for Zi Yan's amazing physical strength, it would have let it break free.

Vaguely visible, there is a light blue spiritual thread, wrapped around the sword like a chain, and the other end spreads to nowhere, constantly pulling outward, as if someone is controlling it.

"Do you dare to bind this emperor's sword?"

Zhang Tian looked into the distance, pierced through the endless void, said softly, raised his hand and slashed, the blue spiritual line suddenly broke.

"Huh?" Zi Yan felt that the struggle of Zhan Xingjian disappeared, and couldn't help but be slightly puzzled, but the movement in her hand was not slow, and she threw it directly into the storage ring.

Zhang Tian turned around, looked under the skeleton, and said with a chuckle: "This is an ancient beast, looking at its breath, it at least reached the immortal realm before death. You are lucky, the blood essence in its demon pill has not yet been reached. Completely dissipated, plus the ancient dragon soul pill, it is more than enough to open up a sea of ​​​​wheels."

Zi Yan was even more happy, her big black eyes looked under the skull full of holes, she raised her right hand suddenly, slammed it down with a punch, and suddenly smashed the bones that had been divided into half, and finally saw a white at the bottom. The demon pill was the size of a baby's fist. Although most of it had been shriveled, the demonic power it radiated was still very terrifying.


At this moment, a burst of sound came from above the head, and the entire mountain seemed to collapse.Zi Yan didn't dare to delay. After taking out the demon pill, she immediately smashed one side of the stone wall, and used the Kunpeng Zongtian step to quickly flee into the distance.

At the same time, the nineteenth prince was holding half of the star chain, but he was agitated for a while. The star chain he created with the secret technique of the Three Gods religion would break. hunch.

Looking at the collapsing Xiongfeng, the nineteenth prince couldn't help it, and he turned into a star shuttle and galloped towards Xiongfeng.

He must verify the situation immediately. This is the time he has planned for several years, and he has spent countless hard work. It is also the most important part of his future plan, and it must not be missed.

Running to the entrance of the cave, the nineteenth prince pinched a star, and in an instant, his face was extremely ugly. This is the secret technique of the three gods sect’s star gods used to investigate the star-slashing sword. Disappeared.

"This is impossible!"

The nineteenth prince's body was trembling, and his face was filled with anger and panic that he had never seen before.

"Who took my treasure!"

"Who took away the divine sword of my Three Gods Religion!"

"Who took away the creation that belonged to me!"

The nineteenth prince roared again and again, his brain roared, and the blood in his dantian was surging. It took two years of hard work to finally make a wedding dress for someone else. The monstrous flame of anger ignited in his heart, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood and land on it. On the python robe, it was shocking.

"Humph! The Star Slaying Sword is the heritage treasure of my Three Gods Religion, do you think you can take it away?"

The nineteenth prince's eyes flashed a crazy color, and pointed at his sandalwood hole.There is a chaotic-colored orb there, and an ancient existence of the Three Gods is sleeping.

"Lady, why did you wake me up?" The ancient existence spoke slowly, revealing the vicissitudes of endless years.

"The ancestor, the younger generation is a descendant of the Star God. He originally wanted to inherit the Star God's legacy and retrieve the Xingxing Sword that was lost in the past, but when he was about to get the sword, it was stolen by a Xiao Xiao..."

The nineteenth prince's expression was extremely submissive. This ancient existence was the most powerful figure in the Three Gods Religion, and his real body was sealed within the Three Gods Religion's mountain gate.But just a strand of true soul clone is enough to be invincible across the continent.

This person is also one of the strongest backers prepared by the Three Gods Sect in order to lift the seal and return to heaven and earth in the future!

"You actually found the whereabouts of the Xing Zhanjian, which is very good. I will help you once, get back the Xing Zhanjian for you, and inherit the important task of restarting the Three Gods Religion..."

The chaotic ball was violently turbulent, and an aura full of destruction and loneliness emerged from it, turning into a phantom, and said gloomily: "Lend your blood and essence for use."

The voice fell, and the blood essence in the nineteenth prince's body suddenly rushed towards the phantom, but in the blink of an eye, most of the nineteenth prince's powerful bloodline was swallowed up, and the phantom became more and more solid.


The nineteenth prince screamed in panic. He felt that he had become extremely weak. Forcibly extracting blood essence was equivalent to directly abolishing his origin!

"Don't worry, when I come back, I will return the blood to you."

The phantom said something slowly, turning into a black residual rainbow and tearing apart the void.

The next moment, this phantom appeared in front of Zi Yan, and said with a grim expression: "Little girl, how dare you steal the inheritance sword of my three gods, and use your flesh and blood to sacrifice the star-slaying sword to reappear here. World!"

After speaking, this ancient existence made a bold move, and the whole world seemed to be under his control, unavoidable and invincible.

Zi Yan widened her eyes and shouted, "Dad, save me, there are monsters here!"

In an instant, the ice spirit bracelet on Zi Yan's wrist was a masterpiece of blue light, and the chains of order, like a dragon, rose out, and instantly entangled the ancient existence.

Zhang Tian's spiritual body manifested in the void, and just standing there, he had an unparalleled aura that suppressed nine heavens and ten earths!

He looked down at the ancient existence of the Three Gods Religion and said indifferently:

"Do you know that this sword was originally the saber of this emperor?" ,, . .

Chapter 116 Divine power is vast, slaying the ancient powerhouse

"Do you know that this sword was originally this emperor's saber?"

As soon as these words came out, the infinite emperor's power swept the world, like the law of heaven, and instantly suppressed the ancient existence of the three gods, and the chain of order continued to burn his soul.


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