This ancient existence knelt directly on the ground and let out a terrifying howl, but under the gaze of Zhang Tian's eyes that contained supreme coercion, he couldn't break free at all.

A boundless fear rose from the heart of this ancient existence. He was a strong man in the Middle Ages, and he dominated this continent. Even though he was only a true soul clone, it was enough to shake the world.But now he is being suppressed to death, and there is no room for him to fight back.

Who is this guy?When did Shengyuan Continent have such terrifying characters?

The ancient existence gave birth to countless questions. He used to be the master of this continent, and now his body is sleeping, waiting for the moment when the seal is broken and he reigns over the world again.But the terrifying powerhouse in front of him made him feel that this continent has changed and is no longer within the control of the Three Gods Religion.

"Let this emperor see why this sword fell into the hands of your sect."

Zhang Tian opened his mouth lightly, and pointed at the eyebrows of the ancient existence, and suddenly a vast river of memories appeared in front of him.

This ancient being, one of the founders of the Three Gods Sect, was originally a genius of a large clan in the Eighth Mountains and Seas, and strayed into a forbidden area of ​​life during an experience.

The forbidden area of ​​life suppressed hundreds of corpses of gods and demons, and even several god kings, surrounded by a huge banning formation, even the supreme immortal king did not dare to touch it lightly.

But for millions of years, many people have strayed into it. They gathered in an area where the evil spirits of the gods and demons could not spread, and they continued to study ways to escape.

Among them, there is a young man with amazing talent, who is proficient in the laws of heaven. Through constant deduction, he finally found a way to survive. He gathered the power of all the trapped people and spent millions of years to successfully destroy the formation base of the banning formation. The sword is thus divided into three.

But this amazing and brilliant young man also learned the identity of the owner of the Slaying Sword when he broke the formation.He destroyed the banning formation and let go of a large number of gods and demons. He was expected to be held accountable by the Emperor Burial. With a sigh in his heart, he simply stole the sword of God, erased his traces, and fled to the Holy Land together with this ancient existence. Yuan Continent.

Afterwards, the young man spent a lot of energy to repair the broken swords of the three swords, and turned them into three swords of the sun, the moon, and the stars. Based on this, the Three Gods Religion was created.

Seeing this, Zhang Tian has already understood all the causes and consequences. The remnants of the few god kings are insignificant to him, and he is too lazy to look at it any more. With a wave of his right hand, the divine chain of order emits a faint blue flame. That ancient being devoured completely.

At the moment when this ancient existence was wiped out, in a boundless underground palace, a roar suddenly came out: "Who is it, who destroyed the old man's clone!!!"

This sound was like the sound of ghosts and gods, causing the entire underground palace to vibrate violently, countless dao patterns collapsed, and many beings who were sleeping in the coffin were awakened and trembled.

And in the deepest part of the underground palace, there was a deep sigh: "What should come, finally came, knowing the sky is easy, defying the sky is difficult..." Although this voice was low, it was more shocking than the roar, as if He had an aura that could see through Cang Ming, but he was trembling, as if he was afraid of something.Moxue Literature Network

In the Holy Capital of Zhongzhou, in the palace of the Holy Ancestor, a concubine's palace, a beautiful woman in a luxurious palace costume suddenly broke through the secret room, her face was full of evil, her body was like a prison, gloomy and gloomy. Said: "My son, there is danger. Take me to see the emperor!"

In the ruins of the cave, Zi Yan watched the ancient existence disappear, and said angrily: "These people are so hateful, they put such an ugly monster to bite me, I want revenge!"

After speaking, Zi Yan turned around and ran back towards the collapsed Xiongfeng.

Zhang Tian shook his head, his figure flashed, and he returned to the Bing Ling bracelet as a little aura.

However, it was said that those students who followed the Nineteenth Prince, who were originally guarding a flag, suddenly heard the Nineteenth Prince's roar from the central mountain, and they all rushed towards the center.

Then, they unfortunately met Zi Yan.

This time Zi Yan was really angry. She felt the threat of death, so she shot without mercy. Those students didn't even see Zi Yan's position, so they were directly punched and flew into the ground, hitting countless people. Mountain peaks and ancient trees.

Of course, Zi Yan did not forget the most important point, looting every student, even the spirit shirt on her body.

When Zi Yan rushed back to the central mountain, she planned to fight the nineteenth prince, but she did not expect that the other party had already collapsed on the ground and was unconscious.He lost most of his blood essence all at once, causing his realm to drop several levels in a row, and the breath on his body was extremely weak.

"It's boring."

Zi Yan pouted and started to collect her loot directly, but after checking several storage rings in a row, her face couldn't help but darken. The net worth of this nineteenth prince is not as rich as Wu Di's!

"Your prince is too poor, this is not enough to make up for my loss!"

Zi Yan jumped angrily, but didn't know that the net worth of these nineteen princes was all used to arrange today's grand formation, and she took away the Xingxing Sword, which was equivalent to taking away all the wealth of the nineteenth prince.

Suddenly, Zi Yan's expression froze, and she punched in the void, tearing open a space crack, and then kicked the nineteenth prince in, exiling him into the turbulent flow of time and space.

Zhang Tian looked at all this speechlessly. His three daughters really inherited his character perfectly, each one was more brutal than the other, but it saved him a lot of trouble.

"Zi Yan, there is a space barrier blockade here, it is a good retreat, you can refine that poor Qi Neidan here, maybe there will be an unexpected harvest." Zhang Tian said lightly.


Zi Yan suddenly became interested, and immediately sat cross-legged under the skeleton of Qiongqi, swallowed the most shriveled Qiongqi Neidan, and refined it frantically! , , .

Chapter 117 Poor Treasure Technique: The Law of Heaven and Earth


An indomitable beast appeared in Zi Yan's sea of ​​consciousness. It was red all over, with two pale golden dragon horns on its forehead, and huge black wings on its back. It galloped on the ground and collapsed countless mountains and rivers. What magic are you practicing.

Its beast body is getting bigger and bigger, and one foot is comparable to Wanren Xiongfeng. With a raised hand, it can tear apart the sky, its wings cover the sky and the sun, and its bloody mouth seems to devour the heaven and the earth, even the gods. To bow down at its feet.

It is the treasured magic power of the Qiongqi family - the law of heaven and earth!

It is also a powerful treasure that can slaughter gods!

That ancient Qiongqi, before dying, sealed this powerful treasure in his demon core, so that he could transform into a huge beast phantom to protect his corpse.It's a pity that it fell short in the end, and the imprint of its magical power was completely absorbed by Zi Yan.

Just when Zi Yan refines this powerful magical power, her dantian also undergoes great changes. The blood essence contained in the ancient Qiqi Neidan turns into a gurgling torrent, which is frantically injected into the five wheels in her dantian. ocean.

Although this demon pill has been mostly withered, it is after all left by an ancient beast above the immortal realm.


In the Dantian space, countless lightnings raged in the air, like silver snakes dancing wildly, with astonishing power and deafening roars.

The excess blood essence flowed out, flooding Zi Yan's bone meridians, causing her body to emit a dazzling golden light.


Another loud noise shook the surrounding mountains, causing the mountains to resonate. An incomparably powerful force emerged from Zi Yan and shot straight into the sky!

A huge phantom of the Sea of ​​Wheels appeared above Zi Yan's head. This was the sixth Sea of ​​Wheels, which was bigger than the first five.

This round sea, like a real boundless ocean, has a power that drowns the world, contains a vigorous breath of life, and madly absorbs the spiritual energy in this world.

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