"Whoever tells me my real name will see eternal life in reincarnation."

Immortal King An Lan came through the air with a look of contempt, and the red-blade spear drew an earth-shattering drill, rolled towards the Underworld Emperor, and the big black hand shattered directly.

Emperor Ming's body shook and flew out.


The void behind the Underworld Emperor followed, and a black phoenix with wings covering the sky roared, turning An Lan's attack into invisibility with the power of the sound alone.Little Bookstorewww.xxs163.com

"Who are you, dare to ruin my Shanhai chess game?"

The undead Tianhuang let out a sinister roar, and she recognized An Lan, a powerhouse at the pinnacle level of the Immortal King, but not the planner of the Shanhai chess game.

An Lan is like a peerless martial god in the sky, even when facing the quasi-immortal emperor of the Phoenix clan, his arrogance has not weakened.

She said coldly: "What chess game is not a chess game, all those who stand in the way of my Anlan imperial family will be crushed!"

"Emperor Anlan? Haha, a broken alien, who dares to show his might in front of Ben Huang, will suppress you today!"

The undead Tianhuang is conceited about his cultivation, directly tearing the void, following the trajectory of the starry sky, and descending to the Tianyuan where the Anlan Emperor Clan is located, intending to destroy this Tianyuan with his own power.

"If you want to fight, you will fight!"

An Lan was fearless, dressed in golden armor, and rushed forward boldly.

On the other side, Emperor Underworld stabilized his figure and said with a grinning smile: "Empress Huanyin, Sect Leader of Lingling, let's see who else will save you this time!"

With a sway of the palm, the big black hand fell down like a curtain covering the sky.

"The sword cuts the heavens!"

Empress Huanyin roared loudly and slashed out an extremely sharp sword.

Emperor Zihua Lei Di also had a broken arm, struggling to strike the final blow.

All the great emperors did their best at this moment.

The ruthless man felt a turbulence in the kingdom of God within his body, and said in shock: "So it is, Emperor Hades forcibly refined half of the heart of the mountains and seas, no wonder there is such an amazing progress."

Without thinking much, she released the Demon Suppression Tower, holding the Shuiyun Emperor Sword and stabbed straight into the Underworld Emperor's heart.

"A group of ants!"

Emperor Hades laughed wildly, his black palms looked unparalleled, he directly smashed Empress Huanyin's sword light, smashed the emperor's corpse, and smashed Zihua Lei Di's thunder dragon arm. All the sect masters flew out, blood flowing As noted.

In the end, Emperor Hades set his eyes on the ruthless man and rolled down without the slightest emotion.


Boom, boom, boom!

A voice came from outside the sky, indifferent and cold, as if he was an aloof emperor, ruling Cang Ming, with divine power like a prison.

"This is the voice of Master Zhang, Master Zhang is here!"

All the sect masters were surprised. They saw hope in despair and looked up at the sky with all their might.

An incomparably huge Heavenly Emperor's purple feet stepped through the layers of void and pressed down directly.

Underworld Emperor's black palm has the power to cover the sky, but this purple footprint is even bigger, directly bursting the sky, and stomping the black palm under his feet.


Emperor Hades let out a shrill howl, his whole body was stiff and unable to move, he could only watch the Emperor of Heaven's purple feet step down.


Emperor Hades, one of the nine ancient emperors, was trampled by purple footprints!

The purple footprint flickered slightly, then disappeared from the void and entered the domain of the Anlan Imperial Clan.

Chapter 925 The rules of the game of Emperor Burial!

An Lan of the Undying Heavenly Phoenix who was fighting at the limit, at the same time trembled, as if falling into an endless ice abyss. Looking at Zhang Tian who suddenly appeared, his face showed an extremely horrified expression.

"Bury the Emperor!"

"Bury... Burial the Emperor?"

The two exclaimed, and their movements could not help but stop, and even the blood flow stopped.

Even if they are all characters of the supreme level of mountains and seas,

Even if Zhang Tian is not in a good mood now,

Just standing opposite him made these two strongest men in the Nine Realms feel overwhelming pressure.

Zhang Tian was dressed in white, as if he was strolling here at will, leisurely and elegantly, overlooking the clear stream, calmly.

He casually looked at this exotic land where the Anlan Emperor Clan lived,

Countless ancient giant cities stand in many places, exuding an ancient and vast atmosphere.

The alien races living here are not only the Anlan Imperial Clan, they are full of vitality in the alien realm.

An Lan's expression was bright and uneasy, and she didn't know what Zhang Tian's purpose was.

She had vowed countless times to kill the Emperor Buried, the Lord of the Heavenly Court who destroyed the original Emperor Domain and made the Anlan Emperor Clan lose their homeland.

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