But when she was really facing Zhang Tian, ​​she suddenly realized how terrifying the person she wanted to avenge was.

Just standing so casually, without even looking at her, made her unable to even have the courage to take action.

Her self-proclaimed bravery and fearlessness all vanished in front of this man.

Even if this man was looking at her home with bad intentions, she could only wait quietly like a helpless little girl, waiting for the man's hair to fall.

An Lan hated this feeling very much, and even thought that she would never have such a moment in her life, but now it really exists.

She once looked down on her distant ancestor, thinking that the immortal king who was praised had a name, a weak person who could only delay for half a moment in front of the Emperor Burial.

But it was only at this moment that she realized how powerful Yuan Ancestor was. He dared to take action in front of such a Heavenly Burial Emperor, and dared to work hard in front of such a Heavenly Burial Emperor. At least she couldn't do it.

Even if she proves the Taoist quasi-immortal emperor, she may not be able to do it after leaving her name on the Emperor Mark Monument.

The undead phoenix was terrified to the extreme. The battle scenes from thousands of years ago were recalled in her mind, making her tremble all over, and there was only one thought in her mind.

That is, you must not provoke the Emperor Burial, absolutely not!

"Emperor Burial, this is an alien lair, the Anlan Emperor's clan is revived, and we must not let it go. I... I am cutting grass and roots!" Undead Tianhuang explained in a panic.

An Lan's eyes narrowed, pursing the corners of her lips tightly without speaking.

She was very afraid of the Emperor Burial, and even couldn't help but want to worship, but her pride did not allow her to say the words to beg for mercy, not even death!

Zhang Tian's expression did not change in the slightest, making it impossible to tell whether he was happy or worried. He calmly glanced at An Lan and Immortal Tianhuang, and finally spoke after a long time.

"You two, only one can live today."

Zhang Tian's voice was indifferent, but it caused the two Mountain and Sea Supremes present to change color at the same time.

Immortal Tianhuang glared at him and said, "Emperor Buried, she is an alien king, do you want to protect aliens?"

Zhang Tian's eyes suddenly turned cold and he said, "You have no right to question this emperor."

"Yes..." Immortal Tianhuang immediately lowered his head, knowing that he had said something wrong.Xiao Tao Chinese www.xiaotaozw.com

An Lan felt a little embarrassed, and her self-esteem was greatly insulted by being watched like a beast.

But she can't die, she shoulders the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the Anlan Imperial Clan, she must not die!

"Emperor Burial, I hope your words count!"

An Lan gritted her teeth and said these words, and rushed towards the Immortal Phoenix.

Even if she is viewed as a fighting beast, even if the person who sees her jokes is her biggest enemy, she must fight.

The undead Tianhuang also knew that there was no way out, so he used all his magical powers and fought hard.

She believed that with her quasi-immortal emperor realm one level higher, she could definitely suppress An Lan, who was only at the peak of the immortal king.

But she soon discovered that she was wrong,

The Anlan Imperial Clan is worthy of being one of the strongest fighting races in the heavens.

Their physique is the most suitable for fighting,

The more injured, the stronger.

Like they were born to fight,

Everyone is a god of war!

And An Lan is the god of martial arts!

After being put to death, infinite combat power erupted.

Immortal Tianhuang suddenly discovered that although she had the upper hand for a time, although she could cause countless trauma to An Lan, she must be the one who died in the end.




An Lan became more and more brave in battle, and the immortal shield smashed the world.

She knew that once she was defeated, the Anlan Imperial Clan would be completely destroyed.

So she can only win, not lose.


The undead Tianhuang did not have the courage to fight to the death. With a flick of its wings, it wanted to escape into the void.

At this moment, Zhang Tian moved.

He stepped out one step, directly blocking the way of the undead Tianhuang.

It is as if an ancient sacred mountain lies there, immortal.

"The Emperor Buried, I..."

Immortal Tianhuang wanted to ask for mercy, but before he could finish speaking, the blood vessels in his whole body were sealed, and then it exploded, turning into a rain of blood.

An Lan was soaked in blood, watching this scene, her eyes could not help but stare round.

She didn't even see how the Heavenly Burial Emperor made his move, and a quasi-immortal emperor just fell.

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