How big is the gap between them.

Chapter 926 The existence that makes Fengzu dare not take revenge

Time passed by,

An Lan suffered a lot of wounds on her body. The attack of the undead Tianhuang had the power of destruction, causing her to bleed, but she did not dare to move.

She is waiting for Emperor Burial to do the final judgment.

I don't know how long it took, like a moment, like ten thousand years, the Emperor Buried tore open the void and left, leaving only a sentence echoing in the wind.

"you win."

An Lan couldn't hold it any longer, and fell directly from the sky, hitting the ground.

But her face was full of joy.

She escaped the biggest murder in her life.

Far away is the land of Nanming in the ninth mountain and sea.

In the territory of the undead phoenix clan, there were bursts of lamentation, and thousands of undead phoenix were crying, and the sound moved the world.

Several elders of the undead phoenix clan found Fengzu and said sadly: "Lord Fengzu, the fire of my clan's patriarch's soul has been extinguished, and it must have been calculated by a certain mountain and sea supreme. Find the culprit!"

Fengzu stood alone on the high platform of the main hall, dressed in a phoenix crown and robe, with indescribable grace and majesty, like an emperor who reigns over the world, looking down on all things in the world.

She turned around and said indifferently in a tone that did not contain any impurities: "This is the end of this matter, and you undead phoenix clan should not pursue any further investigations, or you will be expelled from Nanming, and you will never be able to return."


Several elders of the undead Phoenix clan were stunned, looked at Feng Zu, and said, "What does Feng Zu mean, my clan chief has always been loyal to Feng Zu, don't you want to ask about her death? "

"What about the question?"

Feng Zu's face was indifferent, like a glacier that will not melt for ten thousand years, looking at the vast void, he said quietly: "That person, even I am not an opponent, if I intervene, it will only make both the Phoenix clan fall into a place of doom. Maybe. , I shouldn't have been born in the first place."

The elders of the undead phoenix clan were speechless. Only then did they realize that Feng Zu seemed to be trembling slightly, as if he was afraid of something indescribable.

To make the former master of the Phoenix League so fearful, how many people are there in the world?

Several elders of the undead phoenix clan tacitly understood that they did not continue to persecute, but instead said: "How should I explain it?"

Feng Zu said: "It is said that the immortal Tianhuang, in order to trace the remnants of Emperor Anlan's ancestors, went into a foreign land alone, and unfortunately was plotted against it. From today, my Phoenix clan and the Anlan emperor's clan will not share the sky!"

Several elders were a little confused. I don't know how this matter involved the Anlan Imperial Clan, but since the real culprit cannot be traced, there must be someone to blame. The Anlan Imperial Clan was very famous in the nine mountains and seas. The back pot is also accounted for.

At this point, several people immediately worshipped: "As per your order."

When Zhang Tian returned to Hades City, the battle was almost over.Tianya Micro Fiction

Once Emperor Hades died, Xuanming Sect would no longer be able to resist.

The only remaining strong man, Meng Po, could not resist the siege of many sect masters, and was killed to the point of death.

The first beauties of the dignified Middle Ages, just like this, made many people sigh with embarrassment.

But there was nothing to do. Madam Meng's strength was too strong, and she was the confidant of Emperor Hades, so no one dared to let her die.

When the disciples of the Xuanming Sect saw Emperor Ming and Po Meng died one after another, they all lost their fighting spirit and were defeated by the coalition forces of the major sects.

Seeing Zhang Tian appearing, the leaders of the major sects stopped what they were dealing with and came to see them all.

"Huanyin Sect, Empress, I have seen Master Zhang."

"Five Thunder Orthodox Sect, Zihua, I have seen Master Zhang."

A great sect leader who was famous in the Middle Ages, all bowed respectfully in front of Zhang Tian and was conquered by Zhang Tian's strength.

Zhang Tian didn't say anything, just said a few words at will, then waved his hands to let the emperors retreat.

This move made the Empress and others heave a long sigh of relief.

What they are most afraid of is that Zhang Tian will use this to annex various major religions and establish the overlord imperial dynasty.

Just based on Zhang Tian's domineering strength just now, they really didn't dare to say no.

Fortunately, Zhang Tian did not do this.

"In my opinion, Master Zhang's strength is comparable to that of the First Emperor and Emperor Wu."

The sect masters walked out for a while, and the sect master Ji Ling said leisurely.

Empress Huanyin, Emperor Zihua Lei and others nodded in succession.

Among the nine emperors in the Middle Ages, the First Emperor and Emperor Wu were the strongest, each of whom had killed more than one true immortal, and had the power to dominate the Ziwei star field.

The second is the emperor of the three imperial dynasties, who has the realm of earth immortals, and his own strength is not lower than that of ordinary true immortals.

As for the Underworld Emperor of the Xuanming Sect and Liu Shen from the Heaven-Mending Sect, although they were also included in the nine emperors, they were the last, only equivalent to ordinary Earth Immortals.

"Before the First Emperor and Emperor Wu were born, Master Zhang should be respected in the mainland. Even if the emperors of the three dynasties of Wei, Shu and Wu were born, they would not be able to suppress him." Empress Huanyin expressed her opinion, with ripples in her eyes.

Emperor Zihua Lei had a panoramic view of everything, and teased: "Once Madam Meng dies, the empress's style is unparalleled in the world. It is better to propose a pillow seat and climb the high branch of the leader Zhang, and it is not impossible to go further in the future."

The Empress squinted at him and said, "If there is a day, this Emperor will kill you first and put down the Five Thunder Orthodox Church."

Emperor Zihua Lei only felt a chill in his neck, and he didn't dare to speak again.

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