Chapter 927 The birth of the Dragon Emperor is shocking!

Three Gods, in the temple of the gods.

The ruthless man backed away and bowed towards Zhang Tian: "Thanks to my father for saving him in time this time."

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "You have done a very good job, but you have only refined one and a half hearts of mountains and seas, and you can barely compete with the emperor. Great Emperor, you can also have the power to fight."

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, and then he said dimly: "I sensed that Emperor Hades had refined half of the Heart of Mountains and Seas on the battlefield before, but I couldn't find it."

Zhang Tian flicked his hand and sent half of the Heart of Mountains and Seas to Ruthless Man, and said, "This is the half of Hearts of Mountains and Seas, take it and refine it."

"It turned out that my father took it away." The ruthless man took half of the heart of the mountains and seas with some surprise, and seemed to remember something, and asked, "I heard that my father went to the outer world to go to the second sister to find a place to practice, but did you find it?"

Zhang Tian nodded and said: "I found an ancient battlefield. As long as Yuxin is out of the customs, I will take her there. It should not be difficult to prove the Tao and become an emperor."

In a flash, another few months passed.

On this day, Zhang Tian was closing his eyes in an elegant garden in the temple of the gods.

The gentle breeze was blowing on his cheeks, and the soft sunlight bathed his body, making him feel extremely comfortable.

In the past few months, the ruthless man has been with Zhang Tian, ​​and did not immediately refine the remaining half of the heart of the mountain and sea.

Although it is not difficult to refine the half of the heart of the mountains and seas, the ruthless still decided to wait for Yuxin and Zi Yan to leave the customs first.

"The time is not too short, they should be out too." Zhang Tian said lazily with his eyes closed, which made Ruthless Man reveal a touch of surprise.

"My father said that the second and third sisters are going to leave?"


The sky above the temples was originally flawless, with a clear sky and blue sun.

Suddenly, a thunderstorm fell from the nine days.

Mixed with rolling thunder, the electric potential was terrifying, and all the people in the temple were all shocked by this thunder.

The thunder slammed down, and the black clouds surged in an instant, like a nine-day oolong entrenched in the sky above the temples.


In the end, this thunderbolt struck at the temples of the gods amid the exclamations of the people in the temples.

Its momentum is like a rainbow, and the dragon roars for nine days, as if it will split the temples in two.

Zhang Tian in the elegant garden still closed his eyes, and even though he was shocked by the thunder for the nine days, the ruthless man had a strange look on his face, and a pair of beautiful eyes shot a bright light, through the nine-day oolong, directly into the depths of the black cloud.

"It's the third sister!"

Immediately afterwards, the ruthless man said in surprise.

Looking at the nine-day thunder, just as it was about to hit the temples, there was another sound of thunder from the back of the mountains deep within the temples.

The sound of rolling thunder is long and long, and it is also mixed with the sound of an imperial dragon roaring.The Eighth Book Bar

If you listen carefully, there is a clear female voice in that domineering dragon roar.

"The mere oolong thunderbolt, dare to make trouble in front of this princess!"

Zi Yan shouted angrily, and the beautiful shadow has appeared above the temple of the gods, wearing a red dress and a tall figure, where is there any shadow of Lolita before.

The ruthless man saw at a glance that this was his third sister Zi Yan, but the people in the temple did not find out.

"When did the Temple of the Gods have another Great Sacred Realm?"

"It seems that he is still a powerhouse at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm!"

The surprise of everyone is not over yet, Zi Yan above the temple has transformed into an ancient dragon.

To be precise, it is the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor!

The dragon's body is hundreds of feet long, with a fiery red dragon scale, and the four dragon claws are like real gold, exuding a golden brilliance, and there is a pair of large golden wings whistling and flapping on the back.

Four golden dragon claws, wings on the back of the dragon, Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he smiled with satisfaction.

The Taixu Ancient Dragon hovered above the temples, exuding a strong and ancient aura, with the majesty of the Heavenly Dao Dragon Emperor.

As for the countless black cloud dragons that were surging before, after Zi Yan appeared, they had already scattered and fled.

Thousands of miles of clear sky, blue sky and white clouds, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor is still hovering over the temples, and from time to time he utters the nine-day dragon chant, as if telling everyone that she is now the king of everyone!

"Come down soon!" Finally Zhang Tian couldn't stand it any longer.

"Oh, I finally made a breakthrough again, and I can't do it!" In Yayuan, Zi Yan has recovered her former loli body, pouting her lips, and swaying two cute ponytails, muttering dissatisfaction. .

Zhang Tian shook his head. It stands to reason that Zi Yan was already an adult Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, otherwise she would not have been a hot red beauty with a sexy and tall figure just when she left the customs.

It's just this character.

Zhang Tian didn't say anything, but looked at Zi Yan with doting eyes.

It's still Lolita Zi Yan who is more used to looking at it, Zhang Tian laughed in his heart.

"Is it because Zi Yan is too high-profile, you are embarrassed to come out." Zhang Tian said seemingly casually, and a beautiful figure slowly walked from the depths of Yayuan.


"Second sister!"

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