Ruthless and Zi Yan were surprised at the same time.

"Okay, second sister, it's hidden so deeply that we won't let us discover it!" Zi Yan muttered again, her feelings were previously wishful thinking.

"I'm not keeping a low profile to complete you, otherwise how can you show off your power." After not seeing her for a few months, Yu Xin couldn't help touching Zi Yan's little head, causing the latter to murmur again.

Yuxin's cultivation base is a lot higher than Ruthless and Zi Yan, because she has already reached the strength of the Quasi-Emperor Realm because of the sojourn in her body. Although there is no obvious breakthrough in this retreat, her breath is indeed stronger.

Chapter 928 Coming to the Heaven-Mending Sect, God Liu welcomes it!

"Yuxin, the other side flower in your body is close to six colors. I found an ancient battlefield for you before, you can go there with me to experience it." After stretching, Zhang Tian got up from the reclining chair and stood up. Get up, Road.

Yuxin nodded and remembered something again.

"This is the source of Liuxian that Emperor Kuxuan entrusted before his death. Originally, I was going to help him send him back to the Heaven-Mending Sect, but now I'm afraid I will have to work hard for the third sister." Yuxin directly handed the source of Liuxian to Zi Yan, softly smile.

"Okay, okay, I've been suffocating for so long in retreat." Zi Yan readily agreed.

Heaven Patching Sect, this time is neither good nor bad.

In short, the atmosphere is a little depressing, that is because of the news of the fall of Emperor Kuxuan.

In the hall, Liu Shen, as the head of the Heaven-Mending Sect, was discussing the future of the Heaven-Mending Sect with some elders in the sect.

"Sect Master, a little girl who claimed to be the Star God Envoy came outside and said she wanted to see you!" A disciple of the Heaven Mending Sect hurried to the main hall.

"Three Gods Religion!" Liu Shen looked surprised and uncertain.

The same is true for the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect. After all, the Three Gods Sect is so famous, all of this is because of Zhang Tian.

Outside the Heaven-Mending Sect hall, Zi Yan didn't bother to wait any longer and broke in directly.

Those disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect who planned to stop Zi Yan were all brought to the ground by Zi Yan.

"No matter what kind of divine envoy you are, this is the Heaven-Mending Sect, and you won't be allowed to run wild!"

"Let's go up together and take him down! Hand it over to the leader to ask the guilt!"

The disciples of Butian Sect showed anger on their faces, and all the treasures and weapons in their hands were sacrificed, trying to take Zi Yan down.


Just when many disciples of the Butian Sect were going to be cruel to Zi Yan, Liu Shen rushed over with a group of elders and scolded loudly.

The disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect looked at Liu Shen and Zi Yan, the savage little loli, all thinking in their hearts, what kind of star god envoy really knows the leader?

Just now that you know it, why bother?Don't you have the patience?

"It turned out to be the Star God Envoy, and the Heaven-Mending Sect has lost its way, so please don't take offense to the Star God Envoy." Recognizing Zi Yan at a glance, Liu Shen surrendered himself, and this was entirely because of Zhang Tian's face.

"Hmph, I'm here to give you something with kindness and kindness, you guys would be better to make up the heavens!" With a cold snort, Zi Yan held her small head up, her angry appearance was extremely cute.

"This is indeed the fault of our Heaven-Mending Sect. Star God Envoy, don't be angry, I'll take you to Dihua Garden to rest first." Liu Shen said with a smile.

Under the reception of Liu Shen as the highest honored guest, Zi Yan stayed in Dihua Garden, which made some disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect who had worked with Zi Yan very dissatisfied.

However, this kind of dissatisfaction can only be kept in the heart, or a few elite disciples whispered in private, after all, it is still God Liu who said it.Biquge China

The next day, Zi Yan, who had rested for the night, found Liu Shen directly, and handed over the source of Liu Xian, entrusted by Emperor Kuxuan before his death, to Liu Shen in front of everyone.

"Many thanks to the Star God Envoy!" Liu Shen quickly thanked him for accepting Liu Xian's hospital.

Even the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect in high positions also cast their gratitude towards Zi Yan.

"If you want to thank me, thank my second sister." Zi Yan said casually, saying that it doesn't matter to the gratitude expressed by the top and bottom of the Heaven Patching Sect.

"I thank the Moon God Envoy first." Liu Shen changed his smile and continued: "In the future, the Kunlun Ruins, which will be guarded by my sect, will be opened soon. I wonder if the Star God Envoy is willing to go and try it out."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

This includes not only some high-ranking elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect, but also many elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

"Master, the Kunlun Ruins are guarded by my Heaven-Mending Sect. Disciples who are not my disciples are not allowed to enter the trial." An elder said, the old man had white hair on his temples and looked old.

Don't look at the old man's appearance that most of his body will be buried in the ground, but the old man is the great elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, with a sky-reaching cultivation base, even if he is more than Liu Shen.

"The first elder is right. Even if the Star God Envoy is kind to us, he can't break the canon."

"Yeah, Kunlun Ruins can't let an outsider in."

As the first elder objected, some people started to speak up.

Zi Yan listened to her ears with an unhappy expression on her face. Originally, Zi Yan was disdainful of this Kunlun Ruins, but if you say that, this princess really has to go, and she has to go!

"This princess is also quite curious about this Kunlun Ruins. Since Liu Shen has spoken, I will try it out." Ignoring everyone's objections, Zi Yan said directly to Liu Shen.

"Okay!" Liu Shen happily responded.

"No! Gu Li was the first to disagree!" A disciple of the Heaven-Mending Sect stood up.

"Gu Li, don't be rude!" Before Liu Shen scolded him, an elder had already opened his mouth to scold him.

"We have always had gang rules in the Heaven-Mending Sect. Because of the limited number of places, the Kunlun Ruins Trials have to compete to enter, and the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect will occupy a place. I believe that most elite disciples will be dissatisfied!"

Even if he was reprimanded by the elders, Gu Li's eyes were still firm, and at the same time in the surprised eyes of everyone, he suddenly brought out a long sword and pointed at Zi Yan.

"Envoy of the Star God, how dare you compete with me, if you beat me, I will be convinced!" Gu Li said solemnly, pointing at Zi Yan with his sword.

"I'm not convinced either! I also want to challenge the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods!"

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