As soon as Gu Li finished speaking, another elite disciple of the Heaven Mending Sect stood up.

"And me, I'm not convinced either!"

"Yes, everything must be based on strength. If the Star God Envoy can win us, the trial of Kunlun Ruins, we are willing to let it go!"

Chapter 929 The majesty of the Dragon Emperor cannot be humiliated!

In the main hall of Mending Heaven, several elite disciples all stood up, all pointing at Zi Yan, and the atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point.

Liu Shen wanted to stop, but was stopped by the elder, "This kind of test is also a good way, after all, Kunlun Ruins have always been guarded by our Heaven Mending Sect, and the Star God Envoy wants to go to the test. , you have to convince the many disciples in the sect."

After finishing speaking, the elder of the Heaven Patching Sect gave Zi Yan a deep look.

"Don't you just want to fight with me, why are you talking so loudly!"

"Anyone who is unconvinced to go together, this princess doesn't have the patience to play with you one by one!" Zi Yan raised her head and glanced at the people who were going to challenge herself with contempt, and then strode to the main hall of the main hall. central.

The Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect was so arrogant and defiant, which made the many elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect even more unhappy.

If it wasn't for Liu Shen's majesty, these elite disciples would have swarmed over to teach Zi Yan a lesson.

In fact, it's not surprising that Zi Yan is so arrogant and domineering. First, these elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect are not only in the King's Realm, and the most elite are only just entering the Great Sacred Realm. Second, the hostility of these elite disciples to Zi Yan is too obvious. It made the little girl very upset.

It's not that these disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect are stupid, that's because Zi Yan didn't show her aura.

If Zi Yan showed her cultivation at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm early, and Liu Shen took the initiative to invite Zi Yan to go to the Kunlun Ruins for trial, these elite disciples would not dare to stand up even if they were upset.


The pure and flawless Xingxing Sword was already in her hand, and Zi Yan looked down upon the elite disciples of the Mending Heaven Sect, "Why are you still standing there, let's go together!"

"I come!"

Gu Li was the first to rush out, the long sword in his hand crossed a cold light, and the sword light slashed Zi Yan.

This sword came very fast, because he was concerned about the prestige of the Three Gods Religion, Gu Li did not make a heavy hand, but slashed towards Zi Yan's shoulder.

In this way, even if the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Religion is injured, and there are medicinal pills to heal the wound, this arrogant and domineering Star God Envoy will not suffer from the root cause of the disease.

"Envoy of the Star Gods, although the reputation of the Three Gods Religion is far and wide, this is a world where strength is respected after all. You lose this battle!" Jianmang was about to slash on Zi Yan's shoulder, Gu Li couldn't help laughing loudly. The tip picks up again.

At the same time, a cold sword light followed one after another.

One sword and two moves!

The many elite disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect were all shocked.

The old elder's withered eyes also narrowed a gap, his white eyebrows raised slightly, and he was quite satisfied with Gu Li's talent.

Liu Shen also showed a look of praise, and Gu Li was so good, it was a blessing to make up the heaven.

Looking at Zi Yan again, she looked disapproving of Gu Li's trick, and even shook her head with contempt.

"You are really too weak!" Zi Yan blurted out and waved the Xingxing Sword gently.

The white and flawless Xingxing Sword swung lightly, and it didn't seem to have the slightest attack power, but in the shocking eyes of everyone, it broke Gu Li's two sharp sword beams.

I saw the Xingxing Sword swiped gently like a white rainbow, and the sword glow that was still fierce before dissipated directly.

"How is it possible!" U9 eBook

Gu Li shouted in a loud voice, where is the calmness of the previous half-day.

"Look at my sword again!"

Zi Yan ignored it, her small hand shook her wrist lightly, and the Xingxing Sword swiped in the air again.

With this stroke, the sword glow is fleeting.

In the eyes of Liu Shen and the elders, you can feel the terror under this sword. This sword seems to cut through the void, come from the void, and go into the void.


Gu Li let out a scream, and the whole person was blown away by the sword light like a fallen leaf, and then fell again.

The bright red blood stained the white clothes, and Gu Li stood up with difficulty.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Gu Li had personally experienced the horror of this sword, but when he looked at the harmless little girl in front of him, Gu Li couldn't think of a reason.

Zi Yan has spoken again: "Let you go together, don't waste this princess' time!"

Zhan Xingjian pointed at the elite disciples who had come out unconvinced before, and Zi Yan leaked domineering.

At this time, no one dared to question it.

It's just that these elite disciples have spoken loudly before, but now facing Zi Yan's provocation, the arrow is on the string and has to be released.

These elite disciples looked at each other, and from the eye contact, they knew that even Senior Brother Gu Li was not this girl's enemy with one sword, and they would not have any chance in one-on-one.

The trials in Kunlun Ruins are very attractive, and now these elite disciples have only one choice, and that is to work together to defeat this Star God Envoy.

One after another, someone walked out with a long sword, one, two...

When the number of elite disciples reached as many as thirty, all of them rose up with swords.

"That's right." Facing as many as thirty elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect, Zi Yan did not panic, but was even more eager to try.

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