After refining the origin of Longzu, Zi Yan's strength has been completely consolidated at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm.

Today, Zi Yan will show her full strength!

Without transforming the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, Zi Yan stood with a sword, and behind Loli's body, there was a faint figure of a woman.

The woman's facial features are very delicate, and her figure is tall, just like an icy queen standing with a sword.

Looking closely, the appearance of the icy queen is actually similar to Zi Yan's little face.

In his hand, the Xingxing Sword has been slowly raised, Zi Yan's voice is not high, but it is cold and into the marrow, directly hitting the hearts of these elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect.

"Those who insult the Dragon King, all kneel down and apologize!"

Chapter 930 Convince the Heaven Mending Sect, and show the might of the Dragon Emperor for the first time!

In the Heaven Bridging Sect, Zi Yan made a swipe of the Xingxing Sword in his hand, and an aura that rivaled the world rose from the bottom of Zi Yan's feet, and then swept wildly around.

Sword Qi mixed with the breath of the peak of the Great Sacred Realm was unreserved at this moment.

Surrounded by thirty elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect, Zi Yan looked indifferent, like the ruler of the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, it seemed that it was not Zi Yan who was besieged, but the thirty elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect.

"She is actually the pinnacle of the Great Sacred Realm!"

"My God! This breath is so terrifying!"

The elite disciples had already raised their swords to attack, and they could not take back the attack at all. When they felt the terrifying majesty under the sword of the Xingxing Sword, these elite disciples all regretted it.

"Damn, I knew she was the pinnacle of the Great Sacred Realm, I still challenged a fart!"

"This little girl is so tricky, she's just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

The elite disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect had black lines all over their faces, and they felt regretful in their hearts.

It's just too late now.

Brush brush!

The sword qi swept wildly, with Zi Yan as the center, and spread out in an arc like a fan of knives, the silver light swept across, and blood splashed in the hall of the Heaven-Mending Sect!


The long swords in the hands of these elite disciples of the Butian Sect all fell to the ground, and they all fell to the ground by accident.

In front of them were pools of bright red blood.

"What a ruthless method!" The elder frowned bitterly, looking at Zi Yan with a very displeased look.

Even God Liu had an embarrassed look on his face, but he just thought about how domineering the method of the Three Gods Religion was, and what this Star God envoy did today didn't seem so unbelievable.

Looking at Zi Yan again, looking at the elite disciples of the Butian Sect kneeling in front of him, his eyes are still cold.

On his body, in addition to the aura of the peak of the Great Sacred Realm, there is also a faint hint of an ancient emperor's aura.

Afraid that the Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Sect would attack the elite disciples of the Mutian Sect with such a sword again, Liu Shen hurriedly said, "The Star God Envoy is talented Ling Ran, today's competition, do you disciples have any comments!"

The audience was silent, and the elite disciples who were arrogant and arrogant before were blushing with shame, and they dared to speak again.

The sword wound on the leg can be recuperated, but before, everyone even said wild words to a strong man at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm.Jiu He Shuyuan

Not only did he lose his face, but he also lost the face of the Heaven Mending Sect.

Everyone knows that this star god envoy of the Three Gods Sect brought back the source of Liu Xian, entrusted by Emperor Xuan before his death, back to the Heaven-Mending Sect. This is a great kindness to the Heaven-Mending Sect. Offending the Three Gods for practicing one thing.

Blame the trial for being too tempting, and blame the Star God Envoy for not revealing his true strength early.

Of course, these elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect only dare to complain in their hearts, how can they dare to say it.

"I just started a heavy hand, and please make up the sky to teach you not to hold grudges." Returning to the state of a harmless little loli, Zi Yan stuck out her tongue and smiled playfully.

This made everyone in the Heaven Patching Sect a black line again.

"Envoy of the Star God, it's their disciples who are wrong today, and they deserve some punishment. You should go to rest first. When the Kunlun Ruins officially open, I will personally pick you up." Liu Shen sneered and dismissed everyone.

In the Temple of Heaven Repairing Sect, everyone retreated, only Liu Shen and a few elders remained.

"Now that the old man is disrespectful to the Star God Envoy, please don't mind the Star God Envoy." Although the elder was upset, but Zi Yan's strength at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm was there, and he took the initiative to say with a smile.

Zi Yan was too lazy to pay attention to this stinky old man, but the trial of Kunlun Ruins had to rely on the Heaven-Mending Sect, and finally rolled her eyes at the high-ranking elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

This made the big elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect very helpless, but he didn't panic. Whoever called the Three Gods Sect's name was really too big.

A few days passed quickly, and Zi Yan lived in Dihua Garden for less than half a month. As expected, Liu Shen came to personally lead Zi Yan to Kunlun Ruins as agreed.

During this time, the Heaven Mending Sect was very busy.

Because before the opening of the Kunlun Ruins, I don't know if someone with intentions leaked secrets intentionally, or what happened, and it caused countless ancient sects to send strong people to move in. Naturally, among them, the sect of lingering, yin and yang harmony, phantom sound, and five thunders are indispensable. Orthodox and other major teachings.

In particular, the Juling Sect and the Huan Yin Sect, which have been winning the limelight recently, sent several emperor-level powerhouses all at once.

Regarding these, although Zi Yan has been staying in the Dihua Garden of the Heaven-Mending Sect, she has already noticed it, and she faintly feels that this matter is very strange. What are these medieval great sects gathered here for?

I heard the elder sister talk about the siege of Xuanming Sect I by various religions not long ago. Zi Yan couldn't help but wonder if there was a mountain and sea in the trial of Kunlun Ruins.

She followed Liu Shen all the way to the west with doubts. Before reaching the Kunlun Ruins mentioned by Liu Shen, Zi Yan had already seen countless people gathered there from a distance.

"Today's Kunlun Ruins are open, but we have come to the Spiritual Sect early, and I hope you will give me a little face, don't go against my Spiritual Sect!"

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