The most powerful people sent by the Lingling Religion, there are as many as four of the peak powerhouses at the Great Emperor level, and their words are naturally full of arrogance.

"As far as I know, the Kunlun Ruins trial can be entered below the emperor's realm. The secret realm of this trial depends on each person's man-made, not relying on your few emperors to decide." With a smile, this person's strength is not limited to the weak of the spiritual sect, and he is also a peak powerhouse at the level of the Great Emperor.

And in terms of breath alone, it seems to be a little stronger than the Great Emperor of the Spiritual Sect!

Chapter 931 All parties gather, the little witch has an abacus

The powerhouse of the Huanyin Sect is right, because the powerhouses at the level of the emperor cannot infiltrate the trial ground opened by the Kunlun Ruins. Can't die anymore.

And this time, although there are only three strong emperors from the Huan Yin Sect, there are nearly ten strong people in the Immortal Realm, which is no less than the Spiritual Sect.

Therefore, in this trial ground, the experts sent by the Huanyin Sect can completely compete with the Kuling Sect.

"The great emperor of the Huanyin Sect is right, the trial ground is already there for those who have a chance to get it, and it is not necessarily that you are the only one who is the only one in the spiritual sect." A great emperor of Yin-Yang and Healing Sect said immediately.

Not waiting for the great emperor of the Lingling Sect to get angry, a great emperor of the Wulei Orthodox Sect spoke again, and the general meaning was actually similar to that of the great emperor of the Yin-Yang Hehe Sect.

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point in an instant. Except for these medieval great sects and emperors, no one dared to speak, even the immortals from various sects who came to the Kunlun Ruins trial site.

"By the way, why didn't I see the powerhouses of the Three Gods Religion this time? It's a pity that there are no three divine envoys in such a beautiful scene." In the end, it was a yin-yang and co-religion emperor who broke the embarrassing situation.

"With that man in the Three Gods Religion, would they still care about the Kunlun Ruins? Hehe..." Another great emperor of the Kuling Religion sneered, his words full of irony.

"The Lingling Sect finally said a good thing this time. If you want me to say, let's take advantage of the fact that the people from the Three Gods Sect haven't come, let's quickly let the people enter the trial ground." He opened his mouth with a smile.

"Liu Shen is here! It seems that the Kunlun Ruins are about to open!" I don't know who said so, and everyone focused their eyes on the direction of Liu Shen and Zi Yan who were swiftly approaching not far away.

Soon, Liu Shen, Zi Yan, and a group of elders from the Heaven-Mending Sect appeared in front of everyone.

"Star God Envoy!" One of the great emperors of the Huanyin Sect said in shock.

"The star god envoy of the Three Gods?"

"So it's a little loli? Is he really a star god?"

The great emperors of the various sects looked puzzled and seemed very disbelieving.

Zi Yan was too lazy to pay attention to everyone. Before, Zi Yan could hear the words of everyone clearly. It seems that these great sects have not suffered enough, and they dare to speak ill of the Trinity Sect behind their backs in public.

Zi Yan has already made a plan, that is, to enter the trial grounds of Kunlun Ruins, and to teach people from different religions.

Immortal realm?

God Emperor?

In Zi Yan's eyes, it's nothing but ants!

"This Star God Envoy of the Three Gods Religion is very kind to me, so this time in the Kunlun Ruins Trial, I have freed up a place for the Star God Envoy." Liu Shen smiled at the great emperors of the various sects. .

"I see."

"Mending Heaven is really generous."

The great emperors laughed, which was considered a courtesy.

In fact, everyone is well aware that the strong men from various sects are here today, which means that the Kunlun Ruins have always been guarded by your Heaven-Mending Sect, and your disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect have also gone to the trial, but today this rule is afraid to be obsolete.Worry-Free Novel Network

Liu Shen is a smart person, and he has already decided that he can't offend all the religions because of the Kunlun Ruins.

In the land of Kunlun, there are snowflakes all over the sky.

A beam of light rose into the sky from the land of ruins, everyone held their breath, the annual Kunlun Ruins was about to open!

And this year, compared with previous years, is unusual, and there must be a great opportunity waiting for this batch of testers.

"Go!" The Great Emperor of the Spiritual Sect was the first to speak.

Brush brush!

Ten Immortal Realm, plus dozens of Great Sacred Realm powerhouses have already swept away, submerged in the huge beam of light rising from the ice and snow.

"You, hurry in, too!" The voice of the powerful man of the Magic Sound Sect just came out, and there are also ten immortal realm, and dozens of powerhouses in the great holy realm at home quickly disappeared into the huge beam of light.

Afterwards, almost regardless of the first mover, the powerhouses of the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect, Yin-Yang and Hejiao sects all entered one after another.

Although there are not as many Immortal Realm powerhouses in each religion as there are in the Lingling Sect and the Huan Yin Sect, they are not a small number when added up.

The great emperors and powerhouses of all parties all expressed their expectations. This time in the trial of Kunlun Ruins, whoever can seize the greatest opportunity will be the biggest winner.

"Star God Envoy, aren't you going?"

In the blink of an eye, the crowd dwindled by more than half, and everyone entered the trial grounds of Kunlun Ruins for the first time. Looking at the star god envoy with the same expression around him, Liu Shen couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh? It's turned on, then I'll go."

"This..." The Great Elder of the Heaven Patching Sect was speechless, and Liu Shen smiled contemptuously.

Looking at Zi Yan again, the little figure of Loli has disappeared into the beam of light.

"I hope the Star God Envoy can come out safely." Liu Shen Nannan said to himself.

"Are you afraid that the Star God Envoy had an accident in the trial ground, and the Lord of the Three Gods Religion will condemn us to the Heaven Repairing Sect?" Days, still lingering fear.

That is the prestige belonging to Zhang Tian, ​​the prestige of the Three Gods Religion!

"I hope that the Star God Envoy can get some chance and come out safe and sound." Liu Shen shook his head, then turned and left.

Afterwards, the elders of the Heaven Patching Sect also left.

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