In the end, the great emperors and powerhouses of the major religions also left, but they did not leave completely.

Everyone knows that this trial ground of Kunlun Ruins will definitely be a bloody storm!

Life and death are fate, chance is in heaven!

Chapter 932 The Demon Race Appears, Suspicion Reborn!

Life and death are fate, chance is in heaven?

The great emperors of all religions are too simple to think, but they don't know that Zi Yan, who is only at the peak of the Great Sacred Realm, is almost invincible once she enters the trial of the Kunlun Ruins!

The Emperor of Immortality?

It's really not Zi Yan's opponent.

In addition, except for Zi Yan to clean up these powerhouses of various religions, a group of monster powerhouses have long been lurking in.

As for these lurking monster powerhouses, none of the great emperors of the sects found out, except for Liu Shen and the great elder.

Of course, they didn't remind the sects, but they were more than happy to see the sects slumped in the Kunlun Ruins this time.

Besides, those who were the first to break into the trial grounds of Kunlun Ruins, when they looked at the magnificent hall in front of them, could not help but let out a heartfelt sigh.

"This hall should have existed in the Kunlun Ruins for a long time. It should be the author of which almighty. If you want to come to the hall, there must be a great opportunity waiting for us!"

Looking at this endless desert of ruins, the broken stones are broken and the dead trees are messy, but this hall is entirely made of colored glass, grand and bright, as if it was heaven, and all the strong people of the Spiritual Religion are amazed.

Afterwards, the powerhouses of the Phantom Sect came one after another, and were also attracted by this great hall in the boundless ruins.

The same is true for some other major religions, such as the Five Thunder Orthodox Church, Yin-Yang and Hejiajiao.

"Aren't you going in?" It had been a while since everyone had entered this trial ground, but no one was the first to go to the main hall.

"Since everyone is unwilling to be the first to eat crabs, then I'm welcome!" After speaking, the immortal powerhouse of Yin-Yang and Hejiao had already swept away and went straight to the main hall.

Opportunity is equal to danger, and everyone who can reach the Immortal Realm powerhouse understands this truth.

This immortal realm powerhouse of Yin-Yang and Co-Sect also knows that he takes the initiative to attack, and there is still a chance. Once everyone enters this mysterious hall, with his own strength, he can't compete with the Kuling Sect and the Huan Yin Sect.

One person moves and leads a hundred people.

When the figure of the yin-yang and co-religion powerhouse finally disappeared into the light and twilight in the hall, the figures of the powerhouses of all religions flew by in an instant.

It's just that compared to Yin-Yang and Hejiao, Zhongjiao is still a little slower. That's because Zhongjiao is observing whether there is any abnormality in the hall.

Countless silhouettes flew towards the hall, and there were a hundred people, and among them, there were dozens of people in the immortal realm. How spectacular!

If placed on the mainland, this is definitely a force that cannot be underestimated!

Although there is no great emperor, but there are many god emperors!

"These guys can't wait, what's there to worry about, how can the trial land be so simple." The Great Emperor of the Vast Ruins, in front of the magnificent hall, only Zi Yan, who finally entered the Kunlun Ruins, was left.

Shaking her little head, Zi Yan seemed very calm, not in a hurry at all.Nine Nine Chinese

Zi Yan has seen this scene countless times. As long as the chance or the treasure does not appear, the sects are still in harmony. Once the chance for the treasure appears, these great sects will fight for blood and blood, and I don't know how much they will fall. What about the immortal powerhouse?

"When you fight, this princess will catch you all in one net, and take advantage of the fisherman's power!" With a proud smile, Zi Yan walked towards the hall.

"It's just... why do I feel the aura of a monster here?" Before stepping into the hall, just as Zi Yan was about to pass the light of the hall, Liu Mei frowned instantly.

This kind of intuition, Zi Yan will never be wrong!

In the main hall, there are all the strong sects.

The inside of the hall is spacious and huge. Like the outer hall, it is also made of glazed whole body. Among them, there are twelve giant pillars, and there are also engraved dragons entrenched in them, which are fierce and evil.

Yin Yang and He Jiao, who were the first to enter the main hall, had uncertain expressions on their faces.

"It doesn't seem that whoever comes first will get the benefits first." The strong man of the Spiritual Sect laughed jokingly.

This made the Yin-Yang and Hejiao powerhouses very unhappy, but due to the current strength of the two sides, especially the disparity in the number of Immortal Realm powerhouses, Yin-Yang and the Hejiao finally endured this sigh of relief.

"Jie Jie Jie! That's right, it's true that whoever comes first in this hall will definitely get the treasure." Just when the experts of the various religions had their own calculations, a gloomy smile came from the depths of the hall.

The powerhouses of the various religions stared at each other, and the figure slowly walked from the depths of the hall.

This man is seven feet tall, with the head of a cow, holding a large axe stained with blood and rust in each hand, and there is a pair of broken black wings on his back.

"It's a monster alien!"

An immortal realm powerhouse of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church exclaimed.

"Oh? Originally, I was going to introduce myself, but it seems that I don't need it anymore." The demon clan powerhouse smiled again, and countless demon clan figures suddenly appeared from all over the hall.

These demon clans are no strangers to all religions.

"I didn't expect that a trial at Kunlun Ruins would lead to so many monsters and aliens at once!" The immortal realm powerhouse led by the Huanyin Sect sneered and said again: "You monsters are here, I'm afraid it's not just for the treasure in the hall!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the strong men of the sect showed a look of astonishment.

"Don't they dare to have any idea about us!" A strong human being said sarcastically.


The giant axe roared out, and the sarcastic human powerhouse in the Great Holy Land was directly blasted away!

The blood was scattered in the hall, and the human powerhouse had lost his life and was killed by one blow!

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