A thunder sounded abruptly, but this thunder sound did not need to have a hint of momentum, and it would not affect the powerhouses of the various religions to continue to absorb the rain of gods that could be encountered but not sought after.

"Now that I have perished, I hope that all the sects, for the sake of the gods, will be able to take in my disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect. From now on, the Heaven-Mending Sect will be disbanded!"

It is the voice of Liu Shen!

The powerhouses of the various religions were surprised at first, and then they were all surprised. It turned out that this was the last will of God Liu!

Liu Shen has indeed fallen!

When Liu Shen fell, he announced the disbandment of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and hoped that all the sects would take in the disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect. This did not surprise the powerhouses of the various sects. After all, as a great sect, especially in the Middle Ages, the Heaven-Mending Sect fought against Ziwei Xing. domain, provoked countless enemies.

Now that the Liushen has fallen, those great enemies will definitely take the opportunity to destroy the Heaven-Mending Sect and take revenge!

Although the disciples joined other great sects and the Heaven-Mending Sect died out, it was better than being destroyed by other great sects.

Of course, even if this is Liushen's last will, after all, there are still many powerful elders in the Heaven-Mending Sect, and the disciples and elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect don't know how they will choose in the end.

The most urgent task is to continue to absorb the rain of gods. This is what the experts of all religions care about the most.


Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky.

Compared with the will of Liu Shen's will before, the feeling of this thunderbolt contains extremely violent energy.


Immediately after that, another thunderstorm came from the Nine Heavens Void, and the thunder continued. If someone listened carefully, a total of nine thunderbolts fell.

After that, the sky above the Heaven Patching Sect suddenly burst open!

Chapter 947 The nine gods of calamity are coming together, and the Heaven-Mending Religion is in danger!

The rain of gods continues to fall, but the current powerhouses of various sects do not have the heart to continue to absorb the rain of gods. A bad premonition rose in my heart.

The cracks in the void showed a slow tearing phenomenon, and began to gradually reveal the torn black hole.

The torn black hole is like a dark eye, slowly opening.

Stab it!

The pitch-black eye had not yet fully opened, and around him, that is, in the Nine Heavens Void, all of a sudden, eight openings were suddenly torn apart!

The Tianyuan openings torn in the nine voids are like nine demon eyes. When they are completely opened, it may be the arrival of the demon of the night.

The rain of gods continued, lingering endlessly, moisturizing things silently.

At this time, the powerhouses of the various religions who were still being baptized by the rain of gods felt a huge aura of oppression.

That breath came from the nine cracks in the void.

Not long after, a figure walked out from one of the gaps in the void. This figure was a hundred zhang large, with long messy hair like a black lion, a bloody mouth and blood dripping continuously. It was said to be a monster. Not too much.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect you to have today as well!" Then he laughed heartily, and a huge barefoot stepped out, and the body that was hundreds of feet tall had already begun to walk out of the gap in the void.

"Yes, today my clan will take this opportunity to kill these ants of the Heaven-Mending Sect!" Before the monster with a body of a hundred feet had completely walked out of the void, there was also a sneering sound from another void.

It was a man. The man couldn't see his face clearly. He only knew that he was wearing a white robe, with a blood-colored sickle on his back.

"It's the powerhouse of the Great Thousand World!" When the huge blood-colored sickle appeared in everyone's field of vision, a powerful emperor of the Five Thunder Orthodox Sect said with a horrified expression.

"Yes, it is our nine gods of calamity!" The third void gap responded to everyone, and at the same time, countless figures emerged from the third void gap.

And the person at the head is actually a blood fog!

Immediately afterwards, the remaining six void gaps began to have figures walking out, and countless figures appeared in the previous gaps.

At this point, the powerhouses of the nine Great Thousand Worlds have all appeared, and the entire sky above the Heaven Mending Sect is covered in darkness!

Looking at the dark shadows in the sky above, not only the strong men of the Heaven-Mending Sect seemed to be crushed by a celestial stone that could not be freed from their heads, but also the strong men of various religions in the Middle Ages felt oppressed.

The nine gods of calamity are coming, and the powerhouses of these medieval great sects may not be able to survive alone.


A golden light suddenly shot out, and then another shot.

After everyone reacted, the Kunlun Ruins, that is, the surroundings of the Heaven-Mending Sect, suddenly appeared eight golden beams of light.

These eight pillars of light did not shoot all the way to the sky, but stood firmly like eight large pillars.

But this was just the beginning. After the eight golden beams of light stood up steadily, the beams of light expanded again, and the dazzling rays of light made everyone unable to open their eyes.

The dazzling golden light gradually dissipated, and after it completely dissipated, the entire Kunlun Ruins was shrouded in a semi-circular twilight.Wonderful Novel Network www.meimi.cc

It's the guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect!

When the danger is coming, the guardian formation of the Heaven Mending Sect has already triggered itself!

"Just a small formation, you also want to stop me from waiting! What a joke!" Just as the Guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect started, the monster with a body of [-] feet in the void had already begun to move.

The huge palm crashed down. This palm was extremely huge, obscuring the moonlight, and it contained extremely terrifying fluctuations.

With such power, even a true immortal might not be able to withstand a blow.


The palm of his hand slammed into the guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect, which is above the light and twilight.

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