With the light and twilight shaking, the whole earth trembled obviously, enough to see how terrifying the power of this palm is!

"It can withstand my blow!" The Baizhang monster made a puzzled muffled sound, raised his hand, and slammed it down again.


The earth trembled, the light trembled.

And this is not over yet, the monster slams another palm, and it seems that it will not stop until the golden light is scattered.

One palm after another continued to slam down, under the palm of the sky and the sun, the Heaven Repairing Sect was like a boat in the sea, shaky.

"You bastard! You don't want to deceive people too much!" One of the emperor's powerhouses from the Heaven Patching Sect, with red eyes, was about to rush out desperately.

"Calm down! Are you still alive to come back after you go out!" Before the strong man could rush out, he was held down by an old man.

In the face of such a battle in the void, it is easy to go out at this moment, but it is impossible to come back.

"What should we do?" Ju Lingjiao, an immortal emperor whispered to the powerful emperor beside him.

"If there is a chance, it is natural to leave, but the nine gods of calamity are coming together, and I must not let us go easily." The Great Emperor of the Spiritual Religion said solemnly.

Not far away, Phantom Sect.

"Today, I originally wanted to accept some disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect, but now it seems hopeless." The woman's graceful posture, the breath of a great emperor, her words were full of regret, and her beautiful eyes were deep, like the great emperor of the Spiritual Sect. The strong are generally dignified and fearful.

"Once the guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect is broken, we will leave immediately!" Immediately afterwards, the woman and the people around her solemnly warned.


The Five Thunder Orthodox Church, the emperor and the strong are also whispering.

"Hey, I knew I wouldn't be in the muddy waters this time!"

"Yeah, the Heaven-Mending Sect is dying, we are afraid that we will be buried here again, and there is no benefit from the trial ground!"

Chapter 948 Bloody battle to make up the sky, the emperor fights for the front!


Without waiting for the powers of the various religions to negotiate, the sky above suddenly blasted out a terrifying force again.

As this force slammed into the guardian formation of Mending Heaven Sect, the entire golden twilight seemed to dim a little.

"I don't think it's the same as the guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect! Jie Jie Jie..." Holding a huge blood-colored sickle, the peak powerhouse from the Nine Thousand Worlds finished with a gloomy smile, and swung out another sickle. .

The huge blood-colored sword light slammed down from the void.


The guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect was bombarded again by the red sword light, and a loud cicada sounded.


"Cracks are starting to appear in the great formation of the Guardians!" An elite disciple of the Heaven-Mending Sect said in horror.

"Bastard! All the disciples obey my orders, and vow to defend against the enemy to the death, so that my Heaven-Mending Sect will not perish!" Inside the Heaven-Mending Sect, a terrifying aura erupted, and it was actually a true immortal-level powerhouse.

The old man had long silver hair, and the gray robe vibrated violently as the momentum erupted. In his hand, was a cold silver gun!

"It's Silver Spear Wei Ji!" Just when the old man burst out with terror, a strong man from the Spiritual Sect recognized the old man: "I didn't expect Silver Spear Wei Ji to be hidden in the Heaven-Mending Sect! Back then, Silver Spear Wei Ji was a Legendary!"

With Yin Lian Wei Ji drank in a deep voice, all the disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect were all excited.

On the other hand, the powerhouses of the various sects will not go all out to help the Heaven-Mending Sect. In the face of the many powerhouses gathered from the nine great worlds, even if the powerhouses of the various sects are willing to help, I am afraid that it will not help. Maybe they will lose themselves in the end. 's life.

"Once the guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect is broken, we will withdraw!"

The leader of the Spiritual Sect has already issued an order.


Not just spiritualism.

Other sects, such as the Huanyin Sect, the Wulei Orthodox Sect, and the Yin-Yang and Hejia Sect, all have the same decision, that is, once the guardian formation of the Heaven-Mending Sect can no longer withstand the offensive of the nine gods of calamity, The religions just flash people.

As for the Heaven-Mending Sect, whether it is born or perished depends on the creation of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

And because of Liu Shen's remarks, the medieval sects that were preparing to include many elite disciples of the Mending Sect, now it seems that it is better to be alone.

"All disciples obey!" The sky was constantly blasted with supernatural powers, and the Great Elder of the Heaven Patching Sect knew that it would be a matter of time before the guardian formation was broken, so he seized the time and said solemnly: "Once the guardian formation is broken, the Great Emperor and the strong will follow him. I will defend the enemy together, and the rest of the disciples should hurry and flee!"

"Big elder!"

"Big elder!"

Not a single one of the powerful emperors of the Heaven Repairing Sect opened their mouths, all of them were full of resolute gazes that looked back at death, while many elite disciples were unwilling to say it, and even many disciples could not control their tears.

In this scene, Zi Yan was very moved when she saw it.

The great sect will be destroyed, and the strong will use their lives to defend against the enemy, just for the numerous disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect, whether they are elite disciples or ordinary disciples, hope they can escape this time.Love Literature Network www.lovewenxue.com


The huge fist and the blood-colored red light slammed down at the same time, and the guardian formation was unable to resist this time, accompanied by an incomparably crisp 'click'.

I saw that the guardian formation that enveloped the entire sky of the Heaven Mending Sect was completely shattered, accompanied by countless golden rays of light.

"The guardian formation will be destroyed! Brothers, go down and kill with us!"

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