"Kill him without leaving a piece of armor!"

"Kill! Kill the Heaven-Mending Sect! Hahahaha!"

Above, as the Baizhang monster spoke first, countless figures emerged one after another in the Nine Heavens Abyss.

The sky was dark, all kinds of magical powers were displayed, and countless black shadows swept down.

"Die!" A black shadow had already swept into the cult members of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and when he raised that weird arm, a magical power was torn out. In front of him, it was an ordinary disciple of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

The Heaven Patching Sect disciple didn't have time to react at all, with a look of horror on his face, and he didn't even have the strength to move his footsteps.

Stab it!

In the end, the weird arm penetrated directly through the chest of the Heaven-Mending Sect disciple, and as the blood splashed, it directly tore the poor ordinary disciple of the Heaven-Mending Sect into two halves!

An extremely bloody move instantly killed a disciple of the Butian Sect, and the black shadow immediately swept towards another disciple of the Heaven-bending Sect.

However, this time, the black shadow has not been successfully swept out, and it has been instantly killed by a strong emperor of the Heaven Mending Sect!

Yes, it was directly smashed into meat slag by the emperor's powerhouse of the Heaven-Mending Sect!

"Too deceitful! It's just too deceiving!" The Great Emperor of the Heaven Patching Sect looked terribly angry, scolded and rushed out again.

Not only this great emperor powerhouse, but in fact, when the nine gods of calamity led the team to kill, all the great emperor powerhouses of the Heaven Patching Sect took action.

They did not attack the nine gods of calamity, but did their best to help the disciples in the sect retreat and escape.

Unfortunately, the strength of the opponent is generally stronger than that of the disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and the number of them is quite large, so there are still disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect who are brutally killed by these invaders.

The blood flowed into rivers and screamed again and again. Among them were the forces of the nine gods of calamity, and most of them were disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect!

"Elder, what should we do!" After an elder smashed the invaders with two consecutive punches, he ran in front of the elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and his words were full of anxiety.

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to run away many disciples." The first elder did not speak, and Wei Ji, who was beside him with a silver gun with cold glow, was full of anger.

After speaking in anger, Wei Ji couldn't care less when he saw that the hundred-zhang giant monster had rushed in front of him, and hurriedly raised his gun to meet the enemy.

A cold light flashed across, and the long flowing silver hair drew a beautiful silver light in the sky. Wei Ji flashed and appeared in the sky.


Immediately, the long spear shot out, directly hitting the vertical eyes of the Baizhang monster.

Chapter 949 The strongest of the nine gods of calamity!

If he hadn't seen with his own eyes that Wei Ji was already an old man, this scene would have fallen into the eyes of the powerhouses of the various religions in the Middle Ages, and he would have couldn't help but sigh.

"Silver Gun Wei Ji, handsome boy!"

It's just that the young man is old, although he is old and strong, I am afraid that he will no longer have the style of the past.


Hanmang's spear looked like it was about to hit the vertical eyes of the hundred-zhang-hundred-zhang monster, and was blocked by a red sword glow.

"Jie Jie Jie... Silver Spear Wei Ji."

The black shadow held a blood-colored sickle and smiled grimly, "Piv, do you still remember the deity?"

"It's you!" Wei Ji's face changed suddenly, and he smiled coldly: "It's really a pity that I didn't kill you back then."

"Humph! It depends on whether you have the ability to do this, take your life!" The shadow snorted coldly, looking extremely angry, and raised the blood-colored scythe and smashed it with a knife.

At this point, the strongest one of the nine gods of calamity finally shot.

The opponent is the silver gun Wei Ji, who is much older than him!

And from the conversation between the two, it seems that the two had an intersection a long time ago, that is, Wei Ji seems to have almost killed the god of calamity.

"Wei Ji, it was your biggest mistake that you didn't kill me back then!" In the sky, the black man smiled gloomily, and the blood-colored sickle kept slashing at Wei Ji's silver spear.




Every scythe slammed down, carrying a terrifying and strange blood-colored dark light, which made Wei Ji feel very uncomfortable.

"Give me back!"

Under the anger, Wei Ji's spear body shook violently, and the shadow was shaken out.

"Although he is old-fashioned, he still has the same violent temper as before." As one of the nine gods of disaster, Hei Ying was shot back by Wei Ji, and he was not angry. Instead, he continued to smile and continued:" Do you think I'm much better than I was then?"

"You were still human back then, but now you're no longer a ghost!" Wei Ji said coldly, since the shadow didn't make another move, Wei Ji wouldn't make another move.

Because Wei Ji knew the task at hand, that is, to delay as much time as possible for the disciples of the Mending Heaven Sect.

Since he can't kill the god of calamity in front of him, drag him, and it seems that the hundred-zhang monster on the side also has the intention of attacking.

The same idea as Wei Ji, since the nine gods of calamity have not yet started killing, the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect will naturally not take action, and they will consume each other first.

Now, for the Heaven Patching Sect, it depends on how much contribution these great emperors and powerhouses can make.

"Hehe, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts?" The shadow did not continue to attack Wei Ji, but smiled, and then the shadow slowly dissipated.

Below, the powerhouses of the various religions have not left, but they have retreated to a relatively safe place compared to before.

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