This magical power also seems to contain a trace of the power of the law of heaven and earth, which makes the surrounding world dim, but Wei Ji is surprised that just behind him, it is suddenly dark!It seemed to be blocked by some giant object.

With a vague feeling of bad feeling in his heart, Wei Ji turned to look.

"Oops!" Wei Ji hurriedly flew backwards before he had time to be shocked.

At the same time, the hundred-zhang-high monster slammed a fist that was comparable to divine power.


It's a pity that Wei Ji didn't dodge successfully, and was hit by this hundred-zhang-tall monster. Wei Ji in the air protruded from a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground like fallen leaves. 61 Wenku

Even because of the terrifying power contained in the monster's fist, Wei Ji even smashed a big hole on the ground after landing!

"Die, bad old man!" At the same time, the evil man smiled grimly, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

The blood-colored sickle in his hand crossed a scarlet dark awn in the sky and slashed directly at Wei Ji.

Seeing this, the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect finally couldn't hold back any longer and acted.

The first elder shouted angrily, and a figure had appeared beside Wei Ji, and at the same time he raised his hand to play a magical power.


The cultivation of the Great Elder has already reached the peak of the true immortal, which is much stronger than the evil man who is one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity.

With this punch, the evil man had to avoid the edge for a while.

After maintaining a safe distance from the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, the wicked man smirked: "Damn old man, don't patronize him to save him, you should think about whether you can survive yourself later."

"Go away!" The elder of the Heaven Patching Sect did not respond to the evil man, but turned around and punched the hundred-zhang monster that suddenly appeared behind him.


A huge force swept up, and the Baizhang monster, one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity, was smashed into the chest by the fist of the elder.


At this point, three more of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity came at the same time, and the three leaders of the god of calamity raised their hands to attack.

Obviously, this is to directly kill the most powerful Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

At the same time, just as the three leaders of the gods of calamity attacked the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, the Baizhang monster also attacked the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, and kept roaring.

The roar resounded for nine days, and he seemed extremely angry, as if he had been punched suddenly by the Great Elder earlier.

Facing the four leaders of the gods of calamity, the elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect didn't change his expression, and when he drank it alone, a gust of righteousness blew up around him, and his figure doubled.

Although it is still quite small compared to the hundred-zhang monster, the aura of the Great Elder is not weak.

Even the powerhouses of the various sects in the Middle Ages could not help but be shocked, because with one enemy against four, the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect was not at a disadvantage!

I saw that the first elder raised his hand and it was a seemingly simple punch. There was nothing fancy about this punch, but it actually knocked back a calamity leader!

The leader was shaken back, his eyes full of astonishment.

"Go together!"

Another calamity leader attacked again.

"Go! No matter how strong he is, he can still defeat the four of us!" The leader of the god of calamity who had been repelled before also rushed out, and in an instant, countless magical powers blasted out!

In Kunlun Ruins, the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect faced the four leaders of the gods of calamity with one enemy against four.

Chapter 951: My Best Friend Dies!No more silver guns!

In Shengyuan Continent, the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect showed their terrifying strength in a one-to-four match. At the same time, they also reflected from the side why the Heaven-Mending Sect could disdain the Middle Ages, all of which were inseparable from their own strength.

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of the various religions couldn't help but think, if God Liu did not fall, and faced with the forces of the nine gods of calamity, would they be able to keep the Heavenly Religion safe?

The answer seems possible.

You must know that there are still several elders in the Heaven Patching Sect who have not taken action. That is because there are still four leaders of the gods of calamity among the nine gods of calamity.

But even so, just relying on the elders and the silver spear Wei Ji, he successfully contained the five leaders of the gods of calamity. If a more terrifying Liu god was added, the result might be really different.

"No wonder Liu Shen has just fallen, and the nine gods of calamity have gathered here. It seems to be premeditated." A great emperor of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, if Liu Shen is here, I believe that the nine gods of calamity would not dare to be so blatant." A female emperor of the Huanyin Sect nodded in agreement.

"It's a pity that God Liu has fallen. This time, the Heaven Patching Sect is afraid that it is doomed." Not far away, all the sects gathered, and a powerful emperor who seemed to be very powerful said with a smile.

Although there are contradictions among the various religions in the Middle Ages, the medieval religions should obviously agree on the nine major calamity forces.

And all the religions are gathered here, even if the leaders of the nine gods of calamity still have ideas about each religion, they must first weigh them.

Although there is no real fairy-level terrifying powerhouse like the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, the combination of many great emperors is enough for the nine gods of calamity to eat a pot.

On the other hand, the Yin-Yang Hejiao seems to have a grudge against the Heaven-Mending Sect because of the loss of all the members in the Kunlun Ruins. A Yin-Yang and Hejiao emperor had a different idea from the other sects, but instead smiled coldly. , said: "The Heaven Patching Sect has come to think that it is great these years, but I didn't expect that the Heaven Patching Sect would be wiped out just after the death of Liu Shen!"

"Hehe, your yin and yang and co-cultivation are not so much better, right? How many masters were killed by the Three Gods before? Now they are almost wiped out in Kunlun Ruins." A great emperor of the Wulei Orthodox Church did not approve, and directly scolded A sentence from the great emperor of Yin-Yang and Hejiao.


"What am I, am I wrong?"

Just when the Yin-Yang He Hejiao and the Wulei Orthodox Sect were about to break out, a strong man of the Juling Sect suddenly said, "Look there, Wei Ji seems to be dying!"

Everyone quickly looked for the sound.

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