In the sky, a white shadow and a red shadow are flying fast, not accompanied by supernatural power blasting, ordinary people can't see anything, but as a great emperor, even an immortal emperor, can clearly see, at this moment Wei Ji's original The clean white robe has already been dyed red with a large amount of blood.


The silver spear and the blood-colored sickle collided fiercely again, and Wei Ji was continuously knocked back hundreds of meters. On the other hand, the evil man just took a few steps back.

"Jie Jie, do you still want to kill me?" The evil man Jie Jie smiled and rolled the sickle in his hand, blooming blood-colored lotus flowers, "If you want to kill me, in the next life!"

The voice fell, and the tone was instantly gloomy, and it seemed to be mixed with endless resentment. The evil man waved his hand vigorously, and nine blood-colored lotus flowers slammed directly at Wei Ji.

At this moment, there were several obvious wounds on Wei Ji's body, especially the huge stab wounds on the leader's waist and chest, and blood was constantly pouring out.

"Crazy Sea Silver Dragon Thorn!" Facing the nine lotus flowers with terrifying power, Wei Ji raised all his strength, picked up the silver spear that fell to the side, and threw it along with himself!

Silver awns, white shadows, and blood splattered in the air.

Gather into a beautiful light. 04 Novel



The world seemed to be trembling, and the terrifying energy swept recklessly.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" In the center of that energy, the angry scolding of the evil man came out.

That is!

The medieval powerhouses exclaimed.

That's an arm!

The arm is very slender, and the white one does not need a trace of blood, but the stab at the arm is splattered with blood.

A spear stabbed one of the arms of one of the nine gods of calamity, enough to see the power of this spear, the silver spear Wei Ji, well-deserved reputation!

The raging energy is still sweeping, and at the center of the explosion, only two figures can be seen, but except for the arm that can be seen flying out, nothing else can be seen.

"Go to hell!" The evil man yelled angrily in the center of the swept energy, and everyone saw a red light passing by.

Immediately afterwards, the center of a figure swept away energy was blasted away.

To be precise, it was directly knocked down.

It's Wei Ji!

The powerhouses have already seen the figure that was knocked down like a broken tree, the white robe was blood red, and the silver light spear in his hand was nowhere to be seen.


Wei Ji was slammed to the ground, making a huge groan, and then there was no movement.

Underneath, there was a pool of blood.

"Wei Ji!" Seeing that Wei Ji was in trouble, the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect suddenly burst out with a force, knocking back the four calamity leaders.

He quickly swept to Wei Ji's side, and the elder's eyes were full of pain.

"Old Wu, I tried my best." With the elder holding his back, Wei Ji opened his eyes with difficulty and smiled bitterly.

"You're immortal! Even if I die, I will lose one of my arms!" In midair, the evil man's terrifyingly white face turned even paler at the moment.

Broken arm, and blood dripping.

"Help me, kill him..." After saying the last sentence intermittently, Wei Ji closed his eyes.

"No! Wei Ji, you can't die! You have to hold on! You can't die!" The first elder shouted bitterly, but it was a pity that his long-time friend, the silver gun Wei Ji, died of anger.

Chapter 952 Life and death and teaching, anger at the crown as a close friend!

Kunlun Ruins, Heaven Patching Religion.

The first elder still showed the posture of holding Wei Ji with one hand, but the best friend in his arms had fallen.

Withered eyes, tears fell, and the elders cried out in grief.

This scene fell into the eyes of the powerhouses, and everyone couldn't help but be moved.

"Drink!" Immediately, the Great Elder put down the fallen Wei Ji, stood up, and let out a roar that resounded through the sky.

The originally hunched body stood upright at this moment, the first elder looked up at the sky, and there were very clear tears on his cheeks.

None of these matters, what matters is the aura of the Great Elder at this time.

That is the breath of the pinnacle of true immortals!

No, it seems to be stronger than the pinnacle of True Immortal!

Did you break through the real fairy and reach the realm of the fairy king?

"Burning the source! The Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect is burning the source!" A powerful emperor of the Spiritual Sect suddenly exclaimed in shock.

"It seems that it is about to break through the real immortal and reach the realm of the immortal king! It's terrifying!" A great emperor of the Five Thunder Orthodox Church also expressed shock.

Not only the powerhouses of the Lingling Sect and the Wulei Orthodox Sect, but the rest of the sects, even the Yin-Yang and Hehe Sect, who had gloated over their misfortunes before, all the powerhouses were shocked and admired at this time.

After the fall of Liushen, the Heaven Patching Sect suffered a strong attack from the forces of the Nine Great Gods of Disasters, and encountered the difficulty of destroying the sect.

As the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, second only to Liu Shen, he stood up at this moment, and he also used his actions to show that life and death are related to teaching!

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