What audacity and courage this is!

Perhaps there is the anger of the death of a close friend, but burning the source and defending the enemy with death is enough to deserve the respect of all the great emperors.

Looking at the dead Wei Ji, the aura of the Great Elder is still rising beside him, which not only shocked the powerhouses of the various religions, but also made the leaders of the five gods of calamity look solemn.

"What a hateful cockroach, it's not peaceful even if it's dying!" The evil man had his arm cut off by Wei Ji before he died, and his strength was still damaged. His breath, a look of hatred flashed in his eyes again.


An illusory figure passed by, and the elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect had already appeared in front of the evil man.

"This punch, it's your god of calamity that wants to destroy my Heaven Patching Sect!" The elder of the Heaven Patching Sect shouted angrily, and threw a punch.

The fist wind is fierce, and even the surrounding air is drawn into flames.


As one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity, the evil man has not yet reached the fairyland, but he is also the most powerful at the peak of the emperor. At this time, facing the furious elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect, the evil man has no time to make his move. Any reaction will be blown away by a punch.


His body was severely smashed on the mountain of Kunlun Ruins, and even his chest was bumped. 04 Novel www.04xs.com

"Bastard! Old man, I'm going to kill you!" The evil man shot back, and the blood-colored sickle slashed out of his hand.

However, just after the blood-colored sickle was raised, the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect had once again appeared in front of the evil man, and he raised his hand and threw a powerful punch.

This made the evil man's pupils shrink sharply, and his eyes were full of fear.

Because at this moment, the evil man felt a terrible breath, the breath of death!

"This punch, you insulted me, Lord Liushen of the Heaven-Mending Sect!"


The evil man was blown away again, and even seeing it with the naked eye, his entire body was blown up and twisted.

And this is not over yet, the incomparably angry Great Elder swept out of the void and punched out again.

"This punch is for you to kill the old man's best friend!"



The void was blasted out of the cracks, and the evil man was directly blasted away. Even the majestic peak of the Kunlun Ruins could not withstand the blasted body of the evil man, and collapsed together with the fall of the evil man.


It's just terrifying!

Is this the power of the Immortal King?

The powerhouses of the various religions were horrified, and even the other calamity leaders in the sky at this time were also horrified.

"Woooooooooooooooo!" The Baizhang Monster couldn't see his expression, and let out a low roar.

In Kunlun Ruins, the elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect burned the source, and one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity was blasted with three fists. It really gave the Heaven-Mending Sect a great deal of bad breath, and more importantly, avenged his best friend Wei Ji!

In the distant void, in the void of the re-opened Primordial Battlefield, Zhang Tian, ​​as a watcher of the fun, had a panoramic view of the Kunlun Ruins.

Among them are the death of Yin Lian Wei Ji, the various forms of powerhouses of the various religions, the great elders who came to rush to the crown and became friends, and countless disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect who fled miserably. The most important thing is that from beginning to end, Zhang Tian's consciousness Zi Yan has never left.

There are still four calamity leaders who did not take action. Although there are two emperors of the Heaven-Mending Sect on Zi Yan's side to cover the retreat, Zhang Tian will never allow Zi Yan to make any mistakes in the sect-killing melee of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

"Is the power of the Immortal King?" Different from the fact that the powerhouses of the sects thought that the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect had achieved the strength of the Immortal King, Zhang Tian just shook his head and smiled: "At best, it is a quasi-immortal king, and there is no ten who has the strength of the Immortal King at all. one part."

Not one tenth?

You must know that the current Great Elder is so terrifying in the eyes of the great emperors and powerhouses!

In fact, this is not the case. Of course, this also shows from another aspect. The higher the strength, the greater the gap between each rank!Otherwise, why is there no shortage of great emperors and strong men in the ancient great sects, but there are few true immortals and strong men.

Multitasking with a single mind and scattered consciousness, Zhang Tianke not only paid attention to the turbulent Kunlun Ruins, but also did not leave behind the Hundred Clan Wars in the Primordial Battlefield.

Here, Yuxin is still following the battle between the Flower Clan and the Ferris Clan on the other side. On the other side of the battlefield, the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan have also started a fierce battle.

Chapter 953 All the cards are out, and the gods of disaster are coming

In the ancient battlefield, the ancient hundreds of clans fought each other.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of powerhouses, not to mention the powerhouses in the fairyland, but the powerhouses of the great emperors can all be described as 'immortal emperors walk everywhere, and the emperors are as strong as dogs'.

Different from the battle between the Flower Clan and the Ferris Clan, the battle between the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan seems to have not reached the point of life and death.

But even so, the fight was quite brutal.

It can be said that it is many times more tragic than the war of destroying religion in Kunlun Ruins.

You must know that this is a battle of hundreds of ancient clans, and the strength of each of these clans will definitely not be weaker than that of the ancient great sects such as the Lingling Sect, the Heaven-Mending Sect, and the Huanyin Sect, and even stronger!

Not only did the Stone Race and the Spirit Race start a war, but other races also started a war with each other, and even some battlefields were a melee of three races, or even more.

Of course, there are also partnerships.

It's just that this alliance is, as everyone knows, temporary.

Because in the ancient battle of hundreds of clans, there were no permanent allies at all, because in the end, the hundreds of clans were all enemies!

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