However, these are not very meaningful to Zhang Tian. Like the battle of the Kunlun Ruins, Zhang Tian is mainly concerned with the comfort of Zi Yan. In this ancient super battlefield where the ancient Hundred Races fought, Zhang Tian's main energy is still on. On Yuxin.

To Zhang Tian's relief, Yuxin has already joined forces with the two great emperors of the other side of the flower clan who assisted him before, who had severely damaged the Motian clan.

Back to Kunlun Ruins.

Showing terrifying strength, the Great Elder, who is comparable to the Immortal King, has shot out again after three punches smashed the evil man.

Because the Great Elder knows that once his source burns out, he will fall.

Therefore, time cannot be wasted, and the elders continue to launch the offensive.

And this time, the target of the first elder is that hundred-zhang monster, and he is also one of the leaders of the nine gods of calamity, that is, the originator of the smashing and repairing heaven teaching guard formation before.

"Ow!" The Baizhang monster let out an angry roar, waving its huge arms and running towards the elder.


The two fists touched each other, although the size difference between the two was not known by many times, but in the end, the body was still a hundred feet tall.

The Baizhang monster retreated again and again, trying to stabilize its body with a roar.

Helpless, the power of the Great Elder was too terrifying at this time. With the fall of the hundred-zhang monster, it overwhelmed a peak in the Kunlun Mountains!

"Let's go together!" The two leaders of the god of calamity were crushed by the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect in less than a while, and the other three leaders of the god of calamity looked at each other and swept out at the same time.Haokan Novel Network

At this moment, they would no longer hold back, but instead exerted [-]% of their full strength.

Because in the face of the true immortal powerhouse who burns the source, even the leader of the god of calamity does not dare to be careless. The previous evil man is a living example.

Not only did these three calamity leaders swept out at the same time, but among the other four calamity leaders who had not acted in the sky, two more figures appeared at the same time, and the direction was exactly the direction of the Great Elder .

With five enemies and one, plus a hundred-zhang monster with fighting power, the powerhouses of the various religions watching from a distance at this moment can't help but feel a chill on their backs. I am afraid that such a combination can easily kill the powerhouses in seconds.

It has to be said that the nine gods of calamity forces are indeed terrifying, because even in the face of the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect whose burning source has reached the strength of the 'immortal king', two of the leaders of the nine gods of calamities still did not act.

And these two seem to be the two most powerful.

One's entire body was transformed into a black mist. Unlike the previous evil man, this black mist seemed to be not bound by the heavens and the earth, and was with the heavens and the earth.

The other was a man in golden armor. The man had a handsome face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and two large swords exuding golden rays of light on his back.

If you look closely, the black fog with extremely strong strength seems to be somewhat guarded against the golden-armored man, always keeping a certain distance from him.

Zhang Tian saw it in his eyes and couldn't help but smile in his heart: "The forces of the nine gods of calamity have done a lot of work, and this time, the Heaven Patching Sect is definitely doomed."



Even if it is the burning source, facing the six leaders of the god of calamity at once, the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect will soon start to fall into the disadvantage.

Just when the powerhouses of the various sects were worried about the Great Elder, the other elders of the Butian Sect who had not acted, finally moved together.

There are not many elders stationed, only three, but each of them is comparable to the existence of silver spear Wei Ji!

The three elders of the real fairyland, plus the great elder who is comparable to the strength of the Immortal King, this is the greatest heritage of the Heaven-Mending Sect. You must know that even if you don’t count the Silver Spear Wei Ji, if the Liushen does not fall, then the Heaven-Mending Sect will What a background it will be!

The four elders of the Heaven Mending Sect did not lose out in the face of the six leaders of the god of calamity. That was because there was a great elder who burned the source.

Of course, everyone knows that.

This includes the powerhouses of various sects watching from a distance, as well as the elders of Butian Sect themselves, and even the six leaders of the god of disaster who fought with them.

Once the source of the Heaven-Mending Sect's elders burns out, it will be the time of the Heaven-Mending Sect's demise!

"Don't worry, just surround them, and when this old man dies, the Heaven Patching Sect will not be slaughtered by us!" A calamity leader who had just joined the battlefield smiled gloomily.

At the same time, a magical power blasted out and smashed hard on one of the Heaven-Mending Sect elders.

Chapter 954 The fall of the emperor, the sorrow of mending the sky

Rolling thunder and lightning slammed into his chest, and the elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect was immediately smashed to pieces, his chest was charred black, and even his entire left arm was burned with thunder and fire, and there were signs of running towards his body.


The elder let out a scream of pain, and at the same time raised his arm and picked up the long sword, and slashed his left arm, which was burning with raging fire, with a single sword.

Stab it!

The bright red blood was mixed with the burning arm.

A sword slashed his arm, the elder let out a mournful roar again, and the figure had burst out.

The cold light is over, the thunder and fire are extinguished!

This sword elder did not stab the calamity leader who severely injured himself, but directly attacked another calamity.

The strength of the god of woe seems to be the weakest among the five, but his strength is still stronger than this elder.

"Looking for death!" The leader of the calamity force gave a gloomy smile. In addition to the sarcasm at the over-the-top Zhang Lao, there was of course some resentment in his laughter.

After all, at this time, this elder is still taking the initiative to do something to himself, obviously feeling that he is the weakest.

Can't pinch the persimmons softly?

With both resentment and anger, the leader of the calamity force raised his hand and was about to blast out magical powers.

The sound of rolling thunder fell from the sky, which made everyone wonder, are these calamity leaders all with thunder and lightning attributes?

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