Not to mention anything else, let's just say that when the rolling thunder slammed down from the sky, a terrifying magical power mixed with wind and rain had already blasted out.

It made people feel the dull and depressing atmosphere, and the terrifying energy fluctuations. Many experts in the various religions couldn't help but worry about the elder who continued to rush out of the Heaven-Mending Sect with his broken arm.

"Three elders!"

"Three elders!"

In order to cover the retreat of the disciples in the Heaven Patching Sect, the powerful emperors who felt the attitude of the three elders here could not help but cry out in grief.

However, the three elders had no time to pay attention to the great emperor in the church at this time, and they had already rushed to the god of calamity with the thunder and rain supernatural power.

The momentum of the original sword piercing like a rainbow has been exhausted, and everyone feels that the sword of the third elder is afraid that it will not be able to pierce.

However, just when everyone thought that the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect was about to be in crisis, the third elder in midair suddenly burst out with an extremely terrifying aura.


"It's about to explode!"

A strong emperor of the Lingling Sect exclaimed directly.

Everyone looked at the three elders who were already immortal in the air, and the surrounding aura was rising in terror, and it was still rising in the immortal fault line.

This is obviously going to explode!

Everyone was shocked, but someone's face changed suddenly. That person is naturally the weakest one among the nine gods of disaster, that is, the god of disaster that the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect was locked in with his breath at this moment.

"With your little energy, you still want to perish with me! It's just a fool's dream!" The leader of the god of calamity issued a cold sarcasm, another magical power.

It's just... 168 Shuku

This magical power has not been blasted out, and the leader of the god of calamity has completely gloomy.

Because just when he blasted out this magical power, the aura of the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect climbed a lot again in an instant, and it was even more immortal!

This made the calamity leader feel a hint of danger.

This may really be able to reach oneself and death!

"Drink!" The leader of the god of calamity knew that it was impossible to retreat and escape the self-destruction range of the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

Several supernatural powers blasted out like crazy, and the leader of the god of calamity blasted out several supernatural powers.

The power of these hurriedly played magical powers does not seem to be too terrifying, even the strong emperors can easily take over them, but everyone can't help but worry about the elders of the Heaven Patching Sect.

Because the Great Elder who is in self-destruction can't make any resistance now!

However, unlike everyone's worries about the elders, the leader of the god of calamity has a different attitude.

"Hurry up and stop, you are crazy! Mo Sa, stop me now!"

"Mo Sa, you fucking stop me!"

Several calamity leaders spoke at the same time, signaling the calamity leader named Mosa to stop quickly.

This is surprising.

In fact, these gods of misfortune were not too worried about the self-destruction of the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

But now it's different. Because Mo Sa felt the danger of death, he began to frantically send out supernatural powers to the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

"Haha, interesting."

This scene.

Seeing Zhang Tian, ​​who was far away in the ancient battlefield, Zhang Tian laughed and couldn't help shaking his head, "I didn't expect that there would be a fool in the god of misfortune."

Looking at the Kunlun Ruins, in the anger of the leaders of the demon gods, just after Mo Sa's countless magical powers were waved out.


The body that had already swelled up and turned into a ball of the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect exploded with a bang.


The incomparably terrifying breath burst out, and the terrifying energy fluctuations swept out lawlessly.

"Damn! Why didn't I blast him!" The body of Mosa was buried together with Mosa's voice.


"do not want!"

"Bastard, this king is not willing to die!"

Mo Sa's angry cries are still recalled in this world of Kunlun Ruins. Together with it, it is the self-exploding energy of the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect that finally regards death as home.

The energy swept wildly, and everyone knew that another absolute powerhouse of the Heaven Mending Sect had fallen!

Chapter 955: The Great Cult Powerhouses Come to Help!

Because of his own carelessness, Mo Sa was destined to die in Kunlun Ruins due to the self-destruction of the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

But at the last moment, in the face of crisis, Mo Sa's actions did seem very unwise.

If you say, just say if.

Mo Sa can calm down for the first time, and use his own breath to protect himself, which is more likely to be seriously injured than to fall.

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