And the rest of the gods of calamity will naturally protect the devil from death.

However, Mo Sa didn't do this, instead, he frantically attacked the elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect who was in self-destruction, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.

So much so that in the end, the leader of Mosha Zhou Wei was angry, because the original self-destruction of the three elders alone would seriously injure Mosha at most.

But now, the self-destruction of the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, coupled with the countless magical powers of Mosha, undoubtedly made the self-destruction of the third elder more powerful, so that in the end, the gods of misfortune not far away felt a dangerous atmosphere.

So this is also the real reason why the leaders of the god of calamity suddenly spoke angrily to Mosha.


Because of the self-destruction of the elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect, the terrifying energy continued to rage, and even affected the other three calamity leaders.

In the distance, the powerhouses of the various sects couldn't help showing shocking expressions. I didn't expect that the Heaven-Mending Sect, which was destined to be destroyed today, would actually have such terrifying combat power at the last moment!

At this moment, the leaders of the nine terrifying forces of the god of woe have fallen under the self-destruction of the third elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.


Three other calamities were seriously injured!

Such resistance is indeed terrifying, although there is some credit from Mosa.

Looking at the most terrifying battle arena in Kunlun Ruins, the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect is still at the peak of the strongest combat power of the Burning Origin. In addition, after sacrificing the third elder, there are two elders with full combat power.

On the side of the god of calamity, because Mo Sa was not calm, not only did he fall, but he also seriously injured three gods of calamity. In addition, the evil spirit who was beaten up by the elders before he didn't know how to live or die, the god of calamity forces this There are only three calamity leaders with full combat power left.

Three to three, it should have been the God of Disaster's absolute advantage, but there is a great elder who burns the source forces and gathers terror.

This made the powerhouses of various religions not far away to change their previous views.

"Should we go and help the Heaven-Mending Sect?" a strong man from the Ling-Sect Sect suggested.

Following the suggestion of the strong man of the Kuling Sect, some people began to nod their heads in agreement. After all, this time helping the Heaven-Mending Sect escape from disaster, it is considered that the Heaven-Mending Sect owes him a favor. In addition, the sects should stand on the side of the gods of calamity. on the same front.

"Continue to wait and see, there are still two people on the side of the God of Disaster who have not shot, and the Heaven Patching Sect is already at the end of the shot."

Immediately after the strong man of the Spiritual Sect opened his mouth, it was a strong woman from the phantom sound sect.

Everyone saw that at the end of the sky, the terrifying and strange black mist body, and the man with two golden swords on his back were still there, and looking at their expressions, even if the culprit leader had fallen, one was seriously injured. , Even if the grand elders of the Heaven-Mending Sect remained imposing, they were still relaxed and comfortable.Fantasy Novel Network

The two gods of calamity who have not yet shot are definitely stronger than the other gods of calamity, and it is estimated that it is not a little bit.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect this guy Mosa to die!"

Just when everyone was once again shocked by the power of the god of calamity, a figure climbed out of a ruin in the distance.

The man had long black hair, a wicked appearance, and was dressed in black with a cloak.

It's him!

The evil man who is one of the nine gods of calamity.

That is, one of the gods of calamity who killed the silver spear Wei Ji before, and was later blown away by the great elder who burned the source.

"The old immortal thing! It's so heavy!" The evil man stepped out, and with a vacant hand, the blood-colored sickle was broken out of the ruins.

Stab it!

With the sickle in his hand, the evil man plundered directly and attacked the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

The Great Elder is very imposing, how can he avoid it, and when he waved his fist, he punched it out.


The fight between the two broke out with extremely terrifying energy fluctuations. This is not important. What surprised countless people is that the old warlord of the Heaven Mending Sect, who should have an advantage in strength, was actually blasted out under this blow!

"Jie Jie, do you know the true strength of this king?" With a smug smile, the figure of the evil man has disappeared.

When it reappeared, a smear of blood streaked across the sky, dyeing half of the sky blood red.

A wicked smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and the blood-colored man wiped the blood on the blade of the sharp sickle with his hand and licked it.

Behind him, a plop.

The Great Elder of the Heaven Patching Sect slammed to the ground and never got up again.

The evil man killed the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect with one blow, or the Great Elder of the Burning Source, which made everyone's eyes widen. How did this happen?

It's impossible. The first elder was still so strong before. Why did the picture suddenly change like this?

"You two haven't shot yet?" The evil man killed the Great Elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect with one blow, raised his head again, and looked at the sky with impatient eyes.

There, a mass of black fog was still invisible to everyone.

When it came to the man in the golden armor, he smiled slightly and responded to the evil man, "There are reinforcements coming from the Heaven Patching Sect, so don't worry."


As soon as these words came out, not only the evil man was puzzled, but everyone was surprised.

Chapter 956 The Ruins of Kunlun, Ruthless People Come With Swords!

"What did you say? There are still reinforcements from the Heaven Patching Sect?" The evil man looked disbelieving, and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth again, "Damn old man, force me to use a secret technique! It's not too much to kill you ten million times!"

Secret law?

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked. It turned out that the evil man used an unknown secret method. Even if he was seriously injured by the elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, he still showed his terrifying strength and killed the elder in seconds. .

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