Come to think of it, the price of this secret method should not be small, otherwise the evil man would not hate the Great Elder so much.

As for the reinforcements mentioned by the golden-armored man, this made everyone extremely puzzled. The powerful sects of the Middle Ages were all here, so which force would come to rescue the Heaven-Mending Sect.

All the forces have thought about it, it seems that there is no such a force.

"Do you think it will be the Three Gods Religion?" A strong man of the Lingling Religion said with a doubtful tone.

As soon as this person opened his mouth, everyone was thinking. If there is really a force to rescue the Heavenly Sect from the fire and water, and it has this ability, I am afraid that only the Three Gods Sect are left.

In other words, will the one from the Three Gods Cult come today?

Thinking about Liu Shen's special care for the Star God Envoys of the Three Gods Religion, and even using the source to give the Star God Envoys a wonderful way to evolve the Great Way, all this is possible.

Everyone guessed right, it was indeed the people of the Three Gods who came.

But there was no Zhang Tian, ​​because Zhang Tian was still enjoying the battle of the Hundred Races on the Taikoo Super Battlefield. This time, it was the team led by Ruthless and the High Priest.

In the chaotic Kunlun Ruins, with the fall of the great elder of the Heaven-Mending Sect, the other three elders started to attack the leader of the god of misfortune like a madman, and the terrifying supernatural powers were continuously smashed.

Farther away, under the protection of the two emperors of the Heaven-Mending Sect, Zi Yan can be said to have completely left this chaotic battlefield.

"Big sister!" In the distance, he saw a group of people plundering in a mighty way, and Zi Yan couldn't help but excitedly said as the ruthless man took the lead.

"Yeah." The ruthless man responded.

Immediately, Liu Mei frowned slightly, because the fighting in Kunlun Ruins was too intense at the moment, watching the blood flow into the river in the distance, and the continuous screams of killing, the ruthless looked at Zi Yan carefully, and was sure that Zi Yan was not killed. Injuries are involved, so I can relax.

"Thank you for protecting the third sister." Since Zi Yan is all right, there is no need for the ruthless person to stay, thanking the two great emperors of the Heaven-Mending Sect with a smile.

As for saving the Heaven-repairing Sect, the ruthless man thinks that he does not have this ability yet, after all, the strength of the God of Calamity is too strong.

And Zhang Tian didn't ask the ruthless people to help Tianmen Sect, he just said to bring Zi Yan back safely.

"Don't take offense, the two of you. I am limited in strength and want to help your sect, but I can't do anything." The high priest said something pertinent. 360 Literature Network

"We know, but the leader entrusted us to escort the Star God to safety."

"Now that the mission is completed, we should go back and fight with our companions. After all, some disciples can escape, some are."

After one of the emperors of the Heaven Repairing Sect finished speaking, the other said with a wry smile.

"It's hard work." The high priest nodded slightly, and then greeted the people of the Three Gods Sect to close the team.

"Big sister." At this time, Zi Yan, who had never spoken, spoke.

Ruthless Man didn't answer, but looked at Zi Yan. In fact, Ruthless Man knew what Zi Yan was going to say, but the god of calamity on the opposite side was too strong, and the Heaven Patching Sect was definitely doomed this time.

Zi Yan actually saw the embarrassment in the eyes of the ruthless man, she turned her eyes wide, and changed her words: "Actually, I also know that the Heaven Repairing Teaching can't save it, what I want to say is that we can save as many people as we can. It would be a pity if these elite disciples all died."

"Star God Envoy..." The high priest hurriedly said, if this is mixed in, let alone the Heaven Mending Religion, just say that he is the Three God Religion, I am afraid that it will not be easy to leave today.

The ruthless man did not answer immediately, but looked into the distance, looking at the blood-red battlefield over there, thinking about something.

"Come on, there's no one here, go from here!" Not far away, there were bursts of hurried footsteps, mixed with urging, a team of elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

"Look, there are our people there, hurry up!" These elite disciples who fought their way through blood were covered in blood, and some even lost their arms. When they saw that there were still two members of the church Great Emperor, everyone looked surprised and quickened their pace.

Suddenly, a black wind blew, and several figures suddenly stopped in front of them.

"Jie Jie, you still want to run, have you run?" A powerful emperor with a calamity force smiled gloomily, raising his hand and blasting out a magical power.


When this magical power was released, several of the elite disciples of the Heaven Patching Sect who escaped let out miserable screams.

Looking at the crowd, there was already a pool of blood. In that pool of blood, there were several elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect who had escaped with difficulty. Their bodies were a blur of flesh and blood!

"Go! Hurry up and save them!" On the Ruthless side, the two emperors of the Heaven-Mending Sect looked at each other with anxiety in each other's eyes, as well as the kind of people who wanted to save the disciples in the sect.


The voice of one of the Heaven-Mending Sect emperors fell, and the two of them hurriedly swept over there.

"Jie Jie, there are still a lot of strong emperors in the Heaven-Mending Sect. There are actually two here." The emperor of the God of Calamity force smiled again and greeted him directly.

Torturing and killing the elite disciples of the Butian Sect is fun, and killing the emperor of the Butian Sect will make these gods of calamity feel extremely exciting pleasure.

Chapter 957 The Three Gods Religion Takes Action, The Great Emperor Anxin Dies

The god of calamity forces plundered four powerful emperors at once, while there were only two of them on the side of the Heaven Patching Sect. With the blasting of their respective magical powers, the two powerful emperors of the Heaven Patching Sect soon began to lose.

Ruthless Man, Zi Yan, High Priest, and the powerhouses of the Three Gods Sect were all watching this scene, and everyone had helplessness in their eyes, because it was believed that it would not take long for the two great emperors and powerhouses of the Butian Sect to be defeated.

And the result after defeat is to be brutally murdered by the forces of the god of calamity!


"Jie Jie, go to hell, rubbish!" Divine Ability, mixed with the ironic laughter of the powerful emperor of the God of Calamity, one of the powerful emperors couldn't hold it anymore, and his arm was smashed directly.

"Let's go! What are you still doing stupidly!" Enduring the pain of his broken arm, the emperor of the Heaven Patching Sect did not forget to remind the disciples in the sect.

Sacrifice, yes!

But to die properly, that is, these disciples have to run out.

"Hurry up, you won't have a chance if you don't leave!" Another emperor of the Heaven-Mending Sect came to protect him and shouted loudly at the disciples in the sect.

"But..." Some disciples shed tears, and some disciples looked like death with anger, and even several elite disciples of the Heaven Mending Sect suddenly appeared.

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