
However, under the supernatural powers of the leaders of the god of calamity, these elite disciples were immediately turned into scum.

"You bastards! Hurry up!" The arm at the broken arm, blood poured out like mercury, the emperor of the Heaven Mending Sect gritted his teeth and rushed out again.

In that direction, there are two powerhouses of the God of Disaster who want to enter the crowd of elite disciples.

These two powerhouses of the god of calamity are not emperors, but they have also reached the immortal realm, which is enough to easily kill these disciples of the Heaven Repairing Sect at this time.


The Broken Arm Great Emperor, with a punch, rushed in front of the two immortal gods of calamity.

This punch directly turned the two Immortal Realms into scum.


Immediately, the Great Emperor Broken Arm spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his figure began to falter.

"Let's go..."

The voice is no longer roaring, the broken arm emperor of the Heaven Patching Sect has no strength, and the last strength is used to kill these two immortal gods of calamity.

The death of the broken arm, on the verge of death, this one of the Heaven Patching Sect still beheaded two immortal gods of calamity, which is enough to be worthy of the elder's last entrustment.

The vitality quickly dissipated, until death, the body with the broken arm still stood upright.

"Come on, I can still support for a while!" The remaining great emperor shouted to the crowd for the last time, and rushed into the crowd of gods of misfortune.

"Big sister, please, save them, just save them and let's go, okay!" Zi Yan pleaded again.

The ruthless man is still thinking about it, even the high priest is also thinking about it, because once he makes a move, there will be no holding back.The Eighth Library


Just when Zi Yan was about to lose her temper, the ruthless man smiled and looked at the third sister in front of him, and then nodded with a smile.

Zi Yan almost cried, seeing the ruthless man nodding, she burst into laughter.


A dragon roar resounded through the nine days. Since he wanted to save people, he naturally wouldn't hold back, and directly transformed into the body of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor.

The Immortal Realm Emperor, Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, Zi Yan's strength is terrifying.

Such a breath, the emperor is absolutely invincible, even the emperor can fight!

At the same time, a more terrifying aura rose from the ground. Although the ruthless man was only in the Great Holy Land, his strength was extremely terrifying, and he was able to fight against the powerful emperor early.

Immediately after that, the high priest, and a powerhouse of the Three Gods religion all burst out with the strongest aura in their bodies.

At this moment, in the dilapidated Kunlun Ruins, the Heaven Repairing Sect.

The Three Gods Sect finally decided to take action and save this group of elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

In the distance, the remaining Emperor of the Heaven-Mending Sect was still struggling under the four gods of calamity, and the elite disciples of the Heaven-Mending Sect had not yet escaped, and their hearts were already ashes.

Suddenly, he felt the terrifying aura rising from the flat ground in the distance, and when he saw it again, it was a member of the Three Gods Religion. The emperor raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile from his heart.



The god of calamity's supernatural powers kept pounding on his body. The emperor of the Heaven-Mending Sect did not fight back, nor did he resist, but let the supernatural powers smash his internal organs into pieces.

Finally, with a relieved smile on his face, the Great Emperor closed his eyes and fell from the sky.


The god of calamity and the strong man once again killed a great emperor of the Heaven-Mending Sect. Before the ironic smile on his face could unfold, a dragon roar hit his ear, followed by a huge figure with four claws growing gold and two wings on his back. The Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor attacked.

The dragon roared, thunder and fire intermingled, and the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor spit out a dragon fire directly.

The dragon fire mixed with the scorching high temperature came, and a powerful god of calamity, the emperor, did not pay attention, and his arm was burned.

"Bastard!" The God of Misfortune Emperor was furious, raised his arm and blasted the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor backhand with a magical power.

However, before the magical powers were released, a big hand suddenly slammed down from the sky. This big hand was like a prison of heaven and earth, rushing straight towards the God of Calamity, and the surrounding terrifying atmosphere filled the air, giving people no chance to escape from this area at all. Prisoner!

At the same time, accompanied by a sharp sword slash, it was the Shuiyun Emperor Sword!


Just when the powerful god of calamity was just about to attack Zi Yan, the ruthless man had already attacked with his sword.

Chapter 958 The Eternal Sword of the Moment, Killing the Great Emperor with One Sword!

The Shuiyun Emperor's sword has a sharp edge and a cold glow.

The delicate face was expressionless, like a goddess of frost, the ruthless man flicked his wrist, and several swordsmen slashed out.

"Go away!" When did the powerful God of Calamity suffer such humiliation, he cursed angrily, raised his arm, and wanted to push back the ruthless people with the strength of the Great Holy Realm.

Stab it!

Bright red blood swept across the sky, and the god of calamity apparently paid for it carelessly, and let out a cry of pain.

Looking at the arm again, it has already begun to slowly slip.

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